Diana Golden and Martha Ortiz are the stars of this shocking video in which Juan Carlos; one of the characters learned that being a true macho is imposing your will on others regardless of whether it destroys dignity or feelings. He himself witnessed the mistreatment and outrageous life that his mother suffered as a wife and woman because of his father's machismo. This chain of machismo almost destroyed her life and that of her family. But God has mercy on his life and Juan Carlos finds Jesus and a new life: that of a man transformed into the image of the true man of Christ Jesus.

Elettiin mitä julmimpia aikoja. Kuningas Herodeksen verisellä valtakaudella perheet kamppailivat selvitäkseen hengissä. Sekasorron keskellä erään nuoren naisen usko pantiin koetukselle.

A love connection clicks for Lila when she moves back to Berlin and meets Christopher -- never realizing that she's fallen for a rock star who's signed a contract to remain single for life.

After being shipwrecked, the Robinson family is marooned on an island inhabited only by an impressive array of wildlife. In true pioneer spirit, they quickly make themselves at home but soon face a danger even greater than nature: dastardly pirates.

Orlando on päät kääntävä, kaunis nuori mies kuningatar Elisabeth I:n aikakaudella. Elisabeth ihastuu androgyyniseen ja vapaata seksuaalisuutta huokuvaan Orlandoon, ja käskee tämän olemaan vanhenematta ja menettämättä taianomaista vetovoimaansa. Uskomatonta kyllä, Orlando pystyy Elisabethin pyyntöön eikä vanhene enää päivääkään. Pitkän elämänsä aikana Orlando kiertää maailmaa, nähden ja kokien elämän ihanat ja synkät puolet - rakkauden, vihan, intohimot ja menetykset…

Although he's now eighty years old, Claude Lherminier is still as imposing as he ever was. But his bouts of forgetfulness and confusion are becoming increasingly frequent. Even so, he stubbornly refuses to admit that anything is wrong. Carole, his oldest daughter, wages a daily and taxing battle to ensure that he's not left on his own. Claude suddenly decides on a whim to go to Florida. What lies behind this sudden trip?

The Oscar-winning cat-and-mouse twosome--Tom and Jerry--returns with another adventure. When Tom and Jerry's irrepressible curiosity gets the best of them, the mysterious magic ring that Tom guards with his life ends up stuck over Jerry's head. Now, Jerry must find a way to free himself of the ring while fleeing Tom, who wants to remove the ring any way he can! Find out if the pair can conjure up a solution in this fur-raising, madcap escapade.

Rutiinitehtävällä oleva Agentti J saa vihiä Serleena-nimisen avaruushirviön pirullisesta suunnitelmasta. Seksikkääksi alusvaatemalliksi naamioitunut Serleena on uhka koko maailmankaikkeudelle. Serleenan laittaessa mustanpuhuvan turvallisuusorganisaation kuulat sekaisin, Agentti J tietää, että nyt tarvitaan parhaat mahdolliset voimat kehiin. Agentti J päättää hakea eläkkeelle siirtyneen vanhan oppi-isänsä Agentti K:n jälleen mukaan remmiin. Agentti K ei vaan ole enää mikään agentti, vaikka valtion hommissa onkin. K on töissä postissa, eikä muista tuon taivaallista vanhoista seikkailuistaan. Mutta kun täytyy jälleen pelastaa maapallo, galaksi ja saman tien koko universumi, vanhalle ketulle löytyy taas käyttöä.

Yli kymmenen vuotta sisällissodan päättymisen jälkeen Yhdysvallat kamppailee yhä maan jälleenrakentamisen kanssa, samalla kun laittomuus leviää lännessä. Maan ensimmäinen afrikkalais-amerikkalainen senaattori on palkkaa Matthias Breecherin jäljittämään ja tappamaan kolme rikollista. Ei mene kauan ennen kuin hän saa odottamatonta apua kauniilta uudisraivaajalta Sarahilta...

Adventurous flight attendant Sydney’s plans for a tropical Christmas get delayed when she helps an unaccompanied minor get home to Chicago to her dad Jonathan, a handsome widower and investigative reporter. Faced with a shortage of out-going flights, Sydney is marooned for several days in the Windy City – once her home as a small girl — and tags along with Jonathan, his daughter, and their exuberantly festive family until she can find a connecting flight. Jonathan makes her a deal: he helps her chase down the story of how her late parents met, and she helps him to write the perfect Christmas story and keep his job, and along the way, sparks form between them.

In 1977 France, tightfisted factory owner Robert Pujol is so shocked when his workers strike for higher wages that he suffers a heart attack. His acquiescent wife, Suzanne, whose father had founded the factory, takes over management duties during Robert's convalescence.

Entre lobos (Among Wolves) tells the remarkable story of a poor country boy named Marcos, who at the age of 7 is handed over to his father's employer, a rich landowner, who in turn delivers him to a life of labor with a hermetic goatherd in an isolated valley. The old man, who lives in a cave, is unused to human company and at first seems not very interested in having a live-in apprentice. The boy, who was abused by his parents, is frightened and equally aloof initially. Despite this, the shepherd begins teaching Marcos how to herd the goats, as well as how to care for himself and how to survive in the wilderness by trapping and fishing.

Brittany Aarons is one of the many girls who has a crush on popular singer and boy-toy Jordan Cahill. However, she is bored of living a suburban existence and seeks a little something more.

Jimmy Neutron is a boy genius and way ahead of his friends, but when it comes to being cool, he's a little behind. All until one day when his parents, and parents all over Earth are kidnapped by aliens, it's up to him to lead all the children of the world to rescue their parents.

Harry, Dawg ja Mordechai Adams ovat merirosvoveljiksiä, joilla on kullakin pala aarrekarttaa. Veljeksistä kieroimpaan, Dawgiin, iskee ahneus ja hän haluaa koko aarrekartan itselleen. Pian Dawg yrittää saada Harryn kartan ja haavoittaa tätä kuolettavasti. Ennen kuolemaansa Harry ehtii kertoa tyttärelleen Morganille oman kartan palasensa kätkön. Morgan lähtee kostamaan isänsä kuoleman ja etsimään kartan palaa sekä itse aarretta apunaan kourallinen merirosvoja ja veijarimainen onnenonkija Shaw. Kun aarteella on muitakin tavoittelijoita, retki on täynnä taisteluita ja toimintaa.

Bill Murray lainaa ääntään lihavalle, oranssille kissalle, jonka maailma romahtaa, koska hänen omistajansa adoptoi suloisen koiran. Koko perheen elokuva, jossa elävät ja animoidut hahmot seikkailevat samoissa kohtauksissa. Onko Osku niin tyhmä, kuin Karvinen luulee? Onko itse Karvinen ihmistäkin fiksumpi? Perustuu Jim Davisin sarjakuviin.

Carmen ja Jonny Cortez ovat OSS:n paras junnupari. Mutta yllättäen he joutuvat OSS-pomon omien lapsien syrjäyttämiksi. Gerti ja Gary Gigglestä tulee uusia tähtiä.

A little girl wittness the death of her mother- expressly killed through negligence by the woman supposedly nursing the invalid mother back to health. The coniving nurse in turn marries the child's father thereby taking the dead woman's place and becoming the little girl's stepmother. After unwisely revealing to the stepmother that she knows the reason for her mother's death; Arore is abused by her stepmother who hopes that in torturing the child she can keep her silent. The father, who is absent during the day farming the land, closes his eyes or refuses to believe his new wife is abusive when confronted by the sight of his miserable burnt and beaten child.

Broadcast of a live performance of the Roundabout Theater Company's 2000 New York revival of the classic Kaufman-Hart comedy, about a famous (and famously acid-tongued) theater critic who is forced to stay in a Midwestern couple's home and the havoc that ensues.