Following the release of The Godfather Part III in 1990, Coppola, Barry Malkin, and Walter Murch edited the three Godfather movies into chronological order. As had the earlier compilations, this film incorporated scenes that are not part of the theatrical releases.

At an elite, old-fashioned boarding school in New England, a passionate English teacher inspires his students to rebel against convention and seize the potential of every day, courting the disdain of the stern headmaster.

Temeljen na istinitoj priči, film predstavlja život Jordana Belforta, od njegova uspona na burzi, velikih zarada i života na visokoj nozi, do pada povezanog s kriminalom i korupcijom.

Razmažena i neurotična, južnjakinja Blanche DuBois, pokušavajući pobjeći od svoje prošlosti koja uključuje tešku ovisnost o alkoholu, gubitak naslijeđene plantaže i zavođenje maloljetnika, odlazi svojoj sestri Stelli Kowalski. Ubrzo će se naći u sukobu s Stellinim mužem, Stanleyem Kowalskim, vulgarnim i prljavim pripadnikom nove industrijsko-imigrantske generacije. Drugim riječima, sirovim čovjekom koji neumjereno pije i puši te se ponaša kao gospodar kuće. Stanely, koji je u svojoj nutrini zapravo senzualan, na nasilan će način suočiti Blanche s njenim problemima iz prošlosti, što će rezultirati njenim živčanim slomom.

Billy Hayes is caught attempting to smuggle drugs out of Turkey. The Turkish courts decide to make an example of him, sentencing him to more than 30 years in prison. Hayes has two opportunities for release: the appeals made by his lawyer, his family, and the American government, or the "Midnight Express".

The true story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates' disastrous and nearly-fatal mountain climb of 6,344m Siula Grande in the Cordillera Huayhuash in the Peruvian Andes in 1985.

Against formidable odds -- and an old-school diving instructor embittered by the U.S. Navy's new, less prejudicial policies -- Carl Brashear sets his sights on becoming the Navy's first African-American master diver in this uplifting true story. Their relationship starts out on the rocks, but fate ultimately conspires to bring the men together into a setting of mutual respect, triumph and honor.

Hunter 'Patch' Adams nekonvencionalan je student medicine, čiji neortodoksan pristup izluđuje liječnike. On je zaprepašten hladnoćom i distanciranošću u odnosu liječenika prema pacijentima. Nakon što sam iskusi kako je to biti pacijent, vjeruje kako humor i dobra volja mogu donijeti više dobra od lijekova i krutih liječnika. Spreman učiniti sve za pacijente, Hunter uz pomoć prijatelja i djevojke koju voli, Carin (M. Potter), otvara besplatnu ilegalnu kliniku. Iako se sve čini idiličnim, nevolje uskoro kucaju na Hunterova vrata.

A disk jockey goes to Vietnam to work for the Armed Forces Radio Service. While he becomes popular among the troops, his superiors disapprove of his humour.

Nakon što je njegov partner Nordberg (O. J. Simpson) teško ozlijeđen na zadatku, poručnik Frank Drebin (L. Nielsen) odluči pod svaku cijenu pronaći čovjeka odgovornog za taj napad. Sumnja na velikog brodskog magnata Vinecta Ludwiga (R. Montalban), ali nema dovoljno dokaza. U istrazi mu pomaže Ludwigova atraktivna tajnica Jane Spencer (P. Presley). Zbog svoje nespretnosti koja ljudima oko njega pruzročuje brojne nevolje, Drebin je suspendiran s posla. Tajno nastavlja svoju istragu, a slučaj zakomplicira dolazak engleske kraljice.

In 1964, a Catholic school nun questions a priest's ambiguous relationship with a troubled young student, suspecting him of abuse.

Mick O'Brien is a young Chicago street thug torn between a life of petty crime and the love of his girlfriend. But when the heist of a local drug dealer goes tragically wrong Mick is sentenced to a brutal juvenile prison where violence is a rite of passage and respect is measured in vengeance.

An account of Baron Munchausen's supposed travels and fantastical experiences with his band of misfits.

Dok istražuju niz smrtonosnih požara s pojavom plamenog udara, dva brata vatrogasca suočavaju se sa svojim rivalstvom. U glavnim ulogama Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Robert De Niro

Sophie is snatched from her orphanage early one morning by the BFG (Big Friendly Giant), whom she witnesses engaged in mysterious activities. She is soon put at ease, as she learns that BFG's job is to collect, catalog and deliver pleasant dreams to children. She joins him that night, but a mean giants follow them, planning to eat the children of the world.

Rise of the Footsoldier follows the inexorable rise of Carlton Leach from one of the most feared generals of the football terraces to becoming a member of a notorious gang of criminals who rampaged their way through London and Essex in the late eighties and early nineties.

Mollie is a single working mother who's out to find the perfect father for her child. Her baby, Mikey, prefers James, a cab driver turned babysitter who has what it takes to make them both happy. But Mollie won't even consider James. It's going to take all the tricks a baby can think of to bring them together before it's too late.

John Kimble je beskompromisni policajac, koji je već duže vrijeme na tragu dileru droge Cullenu Crispu. Konačno ga uspije pronaći, ali jedino svjedočenje Crispove žene kriminalca može dovesti pred sud pravde. Problem je u tome što je ona nestala, a jedino što Kimble zna jest vrtić u koji ide njezin sin. Kreće na tajni zadatak i postaje „teta“ u vrtiću.

Sully is desperate to give his unborn son the chance he never had. Jasper wants to escape the mobsters that have infiltrated his life and business. Parmie, a local mob boss, dreams of crushing the competition. All three men live in Staten Island, and once their lives intersect, nothing will ever be the same.

Leslie Zevo is a fun-loving inventor who must save his late father's toy factory from his evil uncle, Leland, a war-mongering general who rules the operation with an iron fist and builds weapons disguised as toys.