Following the release of The Godfather Part III in 1990, Coppola, Barry Malkin, and Walter Murch edited the three Godfather movies into chronological order. As had the earlier compilations, this film incorporated scenes that are not part of the theatrical releases.

At an elite, old-fashioned boarding school in New England, a passionate English teacher inspires his students to rebel against convention and seize the potential of every day, courting the disdain of the stern headmaster.

En New York-aksjemegler nekter å samarbeide i en sak om verdipapirforfalskning som involverer korrupsjon på Wall Street, bedriftsbanker og mafia infiltrasjon. Basert på Jordan Belforts selvbiografi.

A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.

Billy Hayes is caught attempting to smuggle drugs out of Turkey. The Turkish courts decide to make an example of him, sentencing him to more than 30 years in prison. Hayes has two opportunities for release: the appeals made by his lawyer, his family, and the American government, or the "Midnight Express".

The true story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates' disastrous and nearly-fatal mountain climb of 6,344m Siula Grande in the Cordillera Huayhuash in the Peruvian Andes in 1985.

Brashear verver seg som dykker i marinen og får den lite imøtekommende Billy Sunday som offiser. Etter å ha forsøkt å knuse Brashear på alle måter må han til slutt godta mannens evner, styrke og mot.

The true story of Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams, who in the 1970s found that humor is the best medicine, and was willing to do just anything to make his patients laugh—even if it meant risking his own career.

Kledd i en helt ulovlig uniform og med en oppførsel som kan gi enhver innbarket rekruttplager hjerteinfarkt, ankommer diskjockeyen Adrian Cronauer til Saigon. Allerede morgenen etter vræler han ut sitt "GOOD MORNING, Vietnam" etterfulgt av den mest voldsomme rockemusikk som noen gang har glødet i den militære radiostasjonens ledninger. Han er flere dagsmarsjer bortenfor grensen som er satt opp for programinnholdet. Adrian Cronauer blir soldatenes helt, befalets mareritt og den merkeligste mann fra vesten sivilbefolkningen noen gang har opplevd.

Frank Drebin, snubler over en plan om å ta livet av Dronning Elisabeth. En utstoppet bever, to baseballag og et utvalg andre raringer er med i dette sinnsyke levenet, og blåser latterbarometeret i filler…

In 1964, a Catholic school nun questions a priest's ambiguous relationship with a troubled young student, suspecting him of abuse.

Mick O'Brien is a young Chicago street thug torn between a life of petty crime and the love of his girlfriend. But when the heist of a local drug dealer goes tragically wrong Mick is sentenced to a brutal juvenile prison where violence is a rite of passage and respect is measured in vengeance.

An account of Baron Munchausen's supposed travels and fantastical experiences with his band of misfits.

De sier at flammer kan ta liv...og å skjule en hemmelighet. Brannmenn-brødrene Brian og Stephen McCaffrey kjemper mot hverandre på grunn av tidligere uoverensstemmelser, forsøker de å stoppe en brannstifter med en dyster plan om å sette fyr på Chicago.

Sophie is snatched from her orphanage early one morning by the BFG (Big Friendly Giant), whom she witnesses engaged in mysterious activities. She is soon put at ease, as she learns that BFG's job is to collect, catalog and deliver pleasant dreams to children. She joins him that night, but a mean giants follow them, planning to eat the children of the world.

Rise of the Footsoldier follows the inexorable rise of Carlton Leach from one of the most feared generals of the football terraces to becoming a member of a notorious gang of criminals who rampaged their way through London and Essex in the late eighties and early nineties.

Molly står i med sjefen som lover at han skal gifte seg med henne så snart han får ordnet med skilsmisse fra kona. Den dagen Molly forteller at hun er gravid får pipa til ekteskapskandidaten en annen lyd. Han har nemlig funnet en ny flamme. Fødselen kommer brått på og en panisk drosjesjåfør kjører så fort han kan til sykehuset. I løpet av den korte turen rekker han likevel å fatte interesse for Molly. Taxisjåføren James viser seg å være perfekt, men når Mikeys biologiske far plutselig dukker opp igjen, står Mollie foran et vanskelig valg. Hvem av de to vil være den beste faren?

Hard-edged cop John Kimble gets more than he bargained for when he goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher to get the goods on a brutal drug lord while at the same time protecting the man's young son. Pitted against a class of boisterous moppets whose antics try his patience and test his mettle, Kimble may have met his match … in more ways than one.

Sully is desperate to give his unborn son the chance he never had. Jasper wants to escape the mobsters that have infiltrated his life and business. Parmie, a local mob boss, dreams of crushing the competition. All three men live in Staten Island, and once their lives intersect, nothing will ever be the same.

Leslie Zevo is a fun-loving inventor who must save his late father's toy factory from his evil uncle, Leland, a war-mongering general who rules the operation with an iron fist and builds weapons disguised as toys.