On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

Un poeta ve que se acerca la hora de su muerte y decide hacer balance de su vida y de su obra. Entre sueños de inmortalidad y ansias de renacimiento, irá desfilando una serie de surrealistas personajes que darán lugar a un preciso análisis de la inspiración, las fobias y las obsesiones del artista. Parte final de la trilogía órfica de Jean Cocteau: La sangre de un poeta (1932), Orfeo (1950) y El testamento de Orfeo (1960).

La película tiene como personaje principal a Luna quién vive una extraña aventura y se enamora de un humano. La llegada de un cometa trae consigo a una ancestral enemiga del milenio de plata. La cual causo la anterior era glacial. Vencida hace mucho por el cristal de plata vuelve para conquistar la tierra y cubrirla de hielo una vez más, su llegada esta ligada a un joven astronomo obsesionado con la leyenda de la princesa Kaguya (princesa de la luna) lo que lo a llevado a ser una persona solitaria ya que muchas personas creen el se basa en en una fantasia al decir que realmente hay una princesa en la luna.

The characters receive an email from Ovan requesting them to go to Δ Hidden Forbidden Festival where a mysterious summer festival is set up. There they encounter an AIDA Chim Chim who wishes to peacefully co-exist with the players of The World. It then transforms into the word "Returner", which Haseo assumes it to mean that Ovan will return to The World.

Harry ha descubierto que Peter es Spiderman. Ahora el Duende Verde empieza a perseguirlo .

Tercer especial de la serie Robot Chicken que rinde un homenaje (mediante la parodia mordaz) a la saga Star Wars y sus responsables.

A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.

Johan is a two-fisted Gothenburg cop who finds himself in a shoot-out with jewel robbers. After the smoke has cleared, one robber, shot by his accomplice, and an innocent bystander, are dead. Three witnesses, including Helen, identify thug extraordinaire Leo Gaut as being the dead crook's trigger-happy colleague. Gaut soon threatens the three witnesses, and only Johan, the badge-wearing hero, can save them.

Jenn buys an old reel-to-reel recorder at a garage sale only to find that it includes the sound of a man pleading for his life. When the former owner of the recorder, a retired therapist, is found murdered in a patient’s apartment, Jenn’s investigation leads to other patients whose love lives are more entangled than she was first led to believe.

Inspector Srivastav is framed by a wily and cunning gangster, J.K., and unable to prove his innocence, hangs himself, leaving behind his wife, and son, Vijay. Years later, Vijay has grown up and has joined the police force as an Inspector. Unlike his dad, he is corrupt and does accept bribes to turn a nelson's eye to crime. The City Police are assigned the task of apprehending a customed man called "Shahenshah", who operates at night and targets, tries and kills gangsters in a "Judge and Executioner "style. No one knows the real identity of Shahenshah, as he is feared by the police department, and respected by the poor and middle-class.

In the reading room of the library everything is peaceful and quiet. Until a happy young man comes in. He has had a great experience in the cinema, and he insists on telling the plot of the western he has seen in every hard-hitting detail to a visitor who becomes unintentionally one of the actors of the film.

En el anárquico Oeste, The Cowboys, una notoria hermandad de asesinos y ladrones, reinaba sobre la tierra con puños brutales y armas rápidas. El destino finalmente los alcanzó y ahora la pandilla despiadada solo tiene un miembro sobreviviente. Cuando un pistolero delegado acepta la llamada para cazar al último vaquero, la persecución comienza y las balas vuelan, y solo uno de estos hombres endurecidos puede sobrevivir.

Sakurano plays a girl named Kimika who wakes up chained up in a dark boiler room, unsure of how she got there. She’s soon approached by a strange large man wearing a mask and using a creepy voice changer. The girl is the daughter of Daisuke (Kenji Ezure), the shrewd president of a general contracting company. Daisuke was too occupied with an ongoing sexual fling with his secretary (Asami) to notice that his daughter was missing at first, and his relationship with her was already strained due to a certain incident in the past, but when he receives a threatening phone call he eventually recognizes the gravity of the situation. Eventually, Kimika begins to calm down as her fear slowly turns into a perverse attraction to this strange person holding her captive. What is the kidnapper’s motive? And what is his true form? In the basement of a certain building, insanity merges with obscenity as the plot unfolds.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

Independent writer-director Leigh Slawner helms this chilling dramatization of the findings laid out in the best-selling 9/11 Commission Report, a document that sought to analyze the circumstances surrounding coordinated terrorist attacks against American civilians on Sept 11 2001.

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

Documentary following a troop of dancing dogs and their human handlers as they prepare to put on a unique one-night show.

Yu-jin suddenly appears at a surf shop run by Dong-min after three years of separation. Yu-jin boldly asks 15 million won from Dong-min. She wants to get paid for the branding "Killer Swell". Dong-min is confused by Yu-jin's sudden visit after thinking he already forgot all about her. Yu-jin who visited Dong-min is also confused. She left him first because she was unhappy with their relationship, but now, she doesn't know what she wants. After their parting, can their romance begin again?