Lost cinema. Lost culture. Lost country. Lost people. How to recreate the past with nothing? Cinema of the impossible. The silent past is a horror film. The smell of nitrate in the morning. How many ghosts can the cinema contain? 75 films. 22 years. What is the numerological significance? Too late. Never too late.

A day in the life of a gentleman resident of Happy Valley retirement home. Bad food, conniving women and an unexpected Doctor's visit.

How to paint your life and choose colors to match your mood? What to make a palette and what brushes to use? How to deal with problems thanks to art therapy? When to reach for solvent? All this will show you Polish Bob Ross in his program.

Ghanshyam (Mithun Chakraborty) lives in a small coastal town of Raipur, where he makes a living as a fisherman. He sells his sells his catch to a man named Mahesh Manna who gives him half the price which he has to bear as there is no other buyer in the village. Mahesh is greedy, lecherous, and crooked and has been swindling money from Ghanshyam. In the midst of sorrows, a sweet romance blossoms between Ghanshyam and the village beauty, Kadam(Rozina). But Mahesh cannot stand their love as he wants to make Kadam his own. He tries his best to impress Kadam but Kadam pays no heed as she is lost in the love of Ghanshyam. A jealous Mahesh takes a vow to finish Ghanshyam and plots a lethal plan to do so. Can Ghanshyam escape the odds stacked against him?

Adam Sandler, David Spade, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider and Chris Farley put together this hilarious Saturday Night Live sketch celebration! With each one of their memorable characters: Sandler's Opera Man, Spade's sarcastic news commenator, Rock's Nat X, Schneider's Richard the Copy Guy, and Farley's host of the Chris Farley Show. - Written by Dylan Self

Pierre Chenal's adaptation of Dostoyevsky's novel, starring Pierre Blanchar and Harry Baur. Bears the influence of German Expressionism and serves as an early forerunner of poetic realism.

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

Scratt, se svou vášní pro žaludy a jejich ukrýváním totiž způsobí katastrofu nevídaných rozměrů. Podaří se mu zasadit svůj žalud takovým způsobem, že pradávná Pangea začne praskat a lámat se na jednotlivé kontinenty a díky pohybu litosférických desek dojde i k rozdělení naší prehistorické party. Ellie a Broskvička zůstanou na jednom kontinentu a Many, Sid a Diego jsou unášeni proudem na ledové kře hluboko do širého oceánu. Ať to stojí, co to stojí, naši tři odvážní přátelé se musí dostat zpátky domů a při tom na ně čeká nejedno velké dobrodružství. Při cestě zpět jim dají zabrat nejenom mořské bouře, přílivové vlny a mořské příšery, ale musejí zvládnout i první společné soužití na jedné malé kře a tak se můžeme těšit na řadu komických scén plných vzájemného špičkování. Shodou okolností a náhod se na jejich provizorní loď, kterou si vytvořili z ledovce, dostane i Sidova babička, kterou skupinka zachrání v příboji mořských vln.

An impoverished widow fights scandal for the sake of her four children.

Same-sex couple Eun-soo and Ye-won are living together happily. One day, a terrible traffic accident occurs and Eun-soo is seriously injured and her sister Eunhae dies. Eun-soo is disabled and Eunhae's daughter Soo-min became an orphan. Now Eun-soo and Ye-won are in a position to take charge of Soo-min.

V nedaleké budoucnosti je Zemí kontrolovaná organizací jménem Men-Tel. John Brennick právě uprchl ze supertajného vězení s maximální ostrahou, známého jako Fortress. Zanedlouho je ale opět zatčen a deportován na místo zvané Skycell . Nejdokonalejší vězení budoucnosti. Pevnost krouží 26000 mil od Země a je domovem nejhrůznějších kriminálních živlů, na nichž jsou prováděny děsivé pokusy a výzkumy. Brennick je držen v žaláři s nejmodernější technikou, obklopen promyšleným počítačovým systémem, včetně kamery, kterou má zabudovanou sám ve svém těle. Za těchto podmínek je prakticky nemožné z vězení uniknout, ale i přesto se pokouší o útěk. Myšlenka, která by doposud nikoho ani nenapadla...

Felipe Crespo, because of their anarchist ideology, Barcelona fleeing persecution for justice. Starving, he reaches the manor house and asks for protection Villares pretending repentance. He soon won the confidence of the wealthy owner of the land, a man of high moral and religious training, blind for years, who lives with his beautiful young wife. This, to know the true story of Philip, treats him with disgust, but over time, created in her a strong passion.

Eva lives cut off from the outside world in het sterile blue apartment. She's allergic to just about everything. Are her allergies caused by a polluting multinational corporation, or is she so sensitive and vulnerable she's making herself ill?

A journey into the world of contemporary online social interaction.