High school girl Madoka may look pretty and cute, but there is another side to her. She can exact revenge, land a good punch or a kick and not care about limits. She opts to inflict pain, coerce and blackmail a virgin when she is sensually touched on the train. She begins making his life hell.

Five oddball criminals planning a bank robbery rent rooms on a cul-de-sac from an octogenarian widow under the pretext that they are classical musicians.

Librarian and real crime buff Aurora “Roe” Teagarden never liked Detective Sergeant Jack Burns, but she also never wanted to see him dead. When his body is found outside of Aurora’s home, she then becomes the main suspect. Determined to find the killer and clear her name, Aurora can't help but to get involved once again.

Inspired by true events from the 1970s, the story revolves around a young detective who becomes the head of a police unit focused on catching a rampant serial killer of women, nicknamed 'The Silesian Vampire'.

A plane bearing biohazardous material crashes into a town, and a deaf women has to navigate her way through the aftermath.

Five friends arrive at a party, fully unaware that the special night is just a cover for an evening of torture and murder.

While on a fishing trip, Harry Baldwin and his family hear an explosion and realize that Los Angeles has been leveled by a nuclear attack. Looters and killers are everywhere. Escaping to the hills with his family, he sets about the business of surviving in a world where, he knows, the old ideals of humanity will be the first casualties.

Dobrodruha a majiteľa nákladného člnu Johna Finnegana a jeho priateľa Joeya Pantucciho si najme gangster Hanover na cestu do Juhočínskeho mora. Do rovnakých miest sa plaví ja luxusná loď Argonautica. Na jej palube nie je len majiteľ Simon Canton, ale aj zlodejka Trillian, ktorá sa pokúsi vylúpiť lodný trezor, ale prichytia ju a uväznia do skladu potravín. Joey zistí, že v debnách, ktoré dal gangster naložiť sú torpéda. V tom istom čase Hanoverov komplic na Argonautike vyradí navigačné a komunikačné prístroje. Pod loďou sa objaví gigantický predmet, ktorý rýchlo stúpa k hladine. Čoskoro sa otrasie mohutným nárazom. Keď sa na loď dostane Hannover, nájde tam len krvavé škvrny a žiadnych pasažierov.

Hlavní postavou drsného a krvavého thrilleru je detektiv John Prudhomme, který přeložen z New Orleansu do Chicaga, kde je pověřen vyšetřováním brutální vraždy muže, který vykrvácel poté, kdy mu někdo uřízl ruku. Jedinou stopou po pachateli nápis "On přichází!" napsaný na okně krví oběti, a to se ukáže jako stopa nepříliš postačující. Zcela nový směr vyšetřování nabere v okamžiku, kdy jsou objevena další dvě mrtvá těla s odřezanými končetinami. Je jasné, že ve městě začal řádit psychopatický masový vrah, který používá uřezané části těl k tomu, aby sestavil poněkud morbidní tělo a v bizarním náboženském obřadu se o blížících se Velikonocích pokusil o znovuvzkříšení Krista. Prudhomme se pouští do boje s časem, který mu zbývá, aby se pokusil odhalit vraha a zachránit další oběti před jeho brutální zbožností. Nemá to jednoduché, kromě toho, že je vrah stále o krok kupředu, pronásledují ho vzpomínky na smrt syna a nedokáže si poradit s narůstající odcizeností mezi ním a jeho manželkou.

A struggling vampire romance novelist must defend herself against real-life vampires during Christmas in Lake Tahoe.

V newyorských kanáloch sa rozmnožili šváby, ktoré šíria smrteľnú infekciu. Doktor Tyler však naklonuje iný druh chrobáka, ktorý šváby zneškodní a sám vymrie... zdanlivo. O tri roky neskôr sa v chodbách metra objaví 20-centimetrový mladý chrobák neznámeho pôvodu. Pri jeho skúmaní Tyler zistí, že kedysi život zachraňujúci klon nevymrel, naopak, jeho mutácia zašla tak ďaleko, že sa prispôsobil ľuďom. Navyše, keď sa začnú množiť správy o záhadnom miznutí ľudí v podzemí, musí sa začať brániť.

A story of a Soviet spy working in France during WWII.

Mláďa aligátora spláchne nahnevaný otec Marisy Kendall do kanalizácie Chicaga. To však prežije a pod vplyvom odpadu z nelegálneho výskumu hormónov narastie do obrovských rozmerov. Keď sa minie potrava v kanalizácii, rozhodne sa vyraziť do ulíc veľkomesta...

A few days before Christmas, traveling entertainer Marc Stevens is stuck at nightfall in a remote wood in the swampy Hautes Fagnes region of Liège when his van breaks down. An odd chap who's looking for a lost dog then leads Marc to a shuttered inn.

With Prom only hours away, the usual suspects of Cosa High (Cheerleaders, geeks, bad boys and the happy-go-lucky student council alike) are preoccupied with the annual rituals of teendom. On the night of the big dance when the dead unexpectedly rise to eat the living, polar opposite groups will be forced to unite in their final chance to save the town from the zombies.

After eight months of hyper-sleep, when Christopher 'Chris' McNiel (Jason London) and Theta Kaplan (Missy Crider) of a Mars cargo transport ship the Solar System Shipping Vessel No.17 (Triple S-17) awaken, they find out something has gone terribly wrong. They've woken up from hyper-sleep almost ten months past their scheduled time, find the ship's internals badly damaged, off course and almost no fuel. What's more, it's discovered the first shift killed each other. As the plot unfolds, something truly evil is discovered on board - an alien biological life form which can psychologically manipulate humans.

Bernardo is an undertaker. He runs his mortuary business in the same house where he resides. In the front, he has his clients. And in the back, his dysfunctional family lives amongst coffins, wreaths, and the mischievous but nonviolent ghosts that visit on a daily basis. But when a malevolent entity enters the scene, it wreaks havoc on the already fractured household.

When a renegade Russian general sends a nuclear bomb hurtling toward the Middle East aboard a hijacked train, special agents are dispatched to disarm the deadly device. Ten tons of steel and one ounce of hot plutonium are now riding roughshod through Europe. With time running out, the agents launch a desperate, bullet-packed assault on a deadly moving target piloted by a cold-blooded mercenary.

During a fun-filled getaway at a remote lake, teenager Kim (Dominique Swain) and her friends unwittingly unleash a murderous spirit when they make the mistake of playing the game 'Dead Mary' in this horror story. The body count rises as good friends are forced to hack each other to death, or face death themselves. Marie-Josee Colburn, Jefferson Brown, Steve McCarthy, Reagan Pasternak and Maggie Castle co-star.

Ked bol Edward Carnby male dieta, tak na nom doktor Lionel Hudgens robil, podobne ako na dalsich 19 detoch z maleho sirotinca, svoje pokusy, pri ktorych chcel spojit cloveka z pradavnym netvorom, ktory mal na svedomi vyhubenie vtedajsej civilizacie - Abkaniu. Carnbymu sa vsak podarilo utiect, takze pokus nebol dokonceny. Pracoval vo vladnej jednotke 713, ktora mala na starosti vyskum paranormalnych javov. Jednotka vsak bola zrusena a Carnby dostal vyhadzov. Teraz sa vsak na svete zacinaju objavovat pradavne artefakty, ktore vyrobila abkanska civilizacia a ktore dokazu pritahovat pozornost netvorov. Carnby tusi nebezpecenstvo a zacina, za pomoci odbornicky na artefakty Aline Cedrac, konat. Proti nim sa vsak postavia ako netvory, ktore dokaze Hudgens ciastocne ovladat, tak aj jednotka 713, ktora teraz pracuje pod vedenim samolubeho kapitana Richardsa. Bitka o prezitie nasej civilizacie zacina.