L'Autre c'est moi est le troisième spectacle de l'humoriste Gad Elmaleh, en 2005.

Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang become involved in a supernatural mystery in Egypt.

Cele mai bune intenții se întorc uneori împotriva ta, să te bântuie... Misiune: Imposibilă. Declinul îi găsește pe Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) și echipa sa (Alec Baldwin, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames), alături de câțiva aliați familiari (Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan) într-o cursă contracronometru după ce o misiune a dat greș. Alături de aceștia îi vom mai vedea pe Henry Cavill, Angela Bassett și Vanessa Kirby. Regizorul Christopher McQuarrie se întoarce la cârma acestui nou capitol din franciză.

Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?

While the gang travel to Scotland to visit Daphne's cousin and witness the annual Highland Games, they find themselves terrorized by the legendary Loch Ness Monster.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

Un student la medicină veterinară este aruncat de șocul morții părinților săi într-o călătorie care îi va schimba viața pentru totdeauna: Jacob o întâlnește pe și se îndrăgostește de Marlena, starul unui circ din vremuri apuse. Ei descoperă frumusețea și bogăția sentimentelor în mijlocul marelui crah financiar american, grație compasiunii pe care o au pentru un elefant special. În ciuda tuturor piedicilor – inclusiv soțul carismatic, dar și foarte periculos – Jacob o salvează pe Marlena de la o viață nefericită și, împreună, găsesc dragostea eternă.

Lola is a striking teenaged girl who is on the cusp of adulthood and longs to rush into the adult world of independence, freedom and sexual exploits, but is tenaciously held back by her mother.

Set several years after the first film, Ariel and Prince Eric are happily married with a daughter, Melody. In order to protect Melody from the Sea Witch, Morgana, they have not told her about her mermaid heritage. Melody is curious and ventures into the sea, where she meets new friends. But will she become a pawn in Morgana's quest to take control of the ocean from King Triton?

La întoarcerea în Italia, o arhitectă de succes supracalificată se confruntă cu perspective de angajare limitate, fiind femeie, și vine cu un plan complex de a se angaja.

Jean Claude Van Damme isi croieste drum cu pumnii si picioarele catre inima unei vaduve, interpretata de frumoasa Rossanna Arquette, aflata in primejdie in acest film plin de actiune. El interpreteaza rolul unui detinut evadat care renunta la planurile proprii de a-si continua fuga cu avionul pentru a impiedica un latifundiar avar sa-i fure ferma tinerei femei.

Henry is a playboy who has no idea that he is the father of a beautiful, cute girl out of a One-night-Stand. Her mother left the daughter in front of Henry door after her husband realized after 8 years of marriage that he is not the father so their relationship now is breaking up... By the way: Kokowääh, is how a German (in this case an 8 Year old child) that has never heard the dish before - would pronounce "Coq Au Vin" (chicken in a wine sauce).

When marauding Romans capture - and catapult - their pal Getafix into lands unknown, the shrewd and cunning Asterix and his able sidekick Obelix spring into action! But their journey leads them to a strange and dangerous new world, where they must face a tribe of Indians, a stampeding herd of buffalo and a medicine man with designs on their magic potion!

The sequel to The Visitors reunites us with those lovable ruffians from the French Medieval ages who - through magic - are transported into the present, with often drastic consequences. Godefroy de Montmirail travels to today to recover the missing family jewels and a sacred relic, guarantor of his wife-to-be's fertility. The confrontation between Godefroy's repellent servant Jack the Crack and his descendent, the effete Jacquart, present-day owner of the chateau, further complicates the matter.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Bazat pe romanul best-seller de Zane, Addicted este un thriller sexy și provocator despre dorința și pericolele imprudenței. Femeia de succes Zoe Reynard pare să aibă totul - soțul visurilor pe care îl iubește, doi copii minunați și o carieră înfloritoare. Perfect ca tot ceea ce este văzut din exterior, Zoe începe să fie atrasă de ispite ce nu le poate rezista sau scăpa. În timp ce urmărește o viață cât mai prosperă, Zoe se trezește că riscă totul, atunci când intră într-o afacere cu un pictor talentat și pierde încet controlul asupra vieții ei.

Fabio is in love with his colleague Linda, but she has never even seen him until he's mistaken for her boyfriend. Paolo and Mario leave for a luxurious vacation in Rio de Janeiro for Christmas, without knowing that their sons have booked a trip for the same low-cost destination and, for a problem of homonymy between fathers and sons, the two holidays are exchanged.

After the Club Med and skiing, what happened to the Bronzés 27 years later? Early response: the same, and worse.

Scooby-Doo and the mystery inc gang battle fiends and gobs of eerie monsters.