The remarkable story of Brazilian racing driver Ayrton Senna, charting his physical and spiritual achievements on the track and off, his quest for perfection, and the mythical status he has since attained, is the subject of Senna, a documentary feature that spans the racing legend's years as an F1 driver, from his opening season in 1984 to his untimely death a decade later.

Самсара је санскритска реч која означава „точак живота који се непрестано окреће“. Сниман током пет година у 25 земаља, Самсара нас води по светим областима, опустошеним пределима, индустријским зонама и чудима природе. Самсара превазилази наша очекивања од обичног документарца и подстиче нашу сопствену интерпретацију инспирисану сликама и музиком који спајају древно и модерно.

A documentary about the making of the controversial Life of Brian and the surrounding accusations of blasphemy.

While investigating the furtive world of illegal doping in sports, director Bryan Fogel connects with renegade Russian scientist Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov—a pillar of his country’s “anti-doping” program. Over dozens of Skype calls, urine samples, and badly administered hormone injections, Fogel and Rodchenkov grow closer despite shocking allegations that place Rodchenkov at the center of Russia’s state-sponsored Olympic doping program.

Цело јато птичица постепено слеће на телефонски кабл. Већ је довољно што се међусобно гурају, али онда наиђе велика незграпна птица која жели да им се придружи. Птичице из јата не могу да одоле и почну да исмевају велику птицу...

Bella Vita is an intimate and powerful journey of self-discovery, seeped in culture, tradition, and passion- where family comes first.

Two cops portrayed by Michelin Men chase an armed Ronald McDonald through the streets of a fictionalized, stylized city.

In 1970s Rome, a casual encounter between Enea and Pietro at a movie theater turns into an unforgettable romance — until destiny pulls them apart.

„Тони Ердман“ је неотесан, комични лик разбарушене косе, а заправо је алтер его Винфрида, наставника музичког који воли да збија шале и у својим шездесетим, разведен је, носи срчани монитор, вештачке зубе и живи са својим болесним псом. Али оно што је најважније, Винфрид је заљубљен у живот и верује да се у животу треба више играти. Његова јединица Инес ретко када успева да проводи време са оцем због своје пословне каријере у Букурешту којој се потпуно посветила. Изненада, Винфред одлучује да је посети глумећи њеног лајф коуча, што се потпуно коси са њеним плановима, с обзиром да ради на важном стратешком пројекту…

At the royal court, a prince is presenting the princess whom he is pledged to marry when a witch suddenly appears. Though driven off, the witch soon returns, summons some of her servants, and carries off the princess. A rescue party is quickly organized, but the unfortunate captive has been taken to a strange, forbidding realm, from where it will be impossible to rescue her without some special help.

The atomic bomb, the specter of a global nuclear holocaust, and disasters like Fukushima have made nuclear energy synonymous with the darkest nightmares of the modern world. But what if everyone has nuclear power wrong? What if people knew that there are reactors that are self-sustaining and fully controllable and ones that require no waste disposal? What if nuclear power is the only energy source that has the ability to stop climate change?

Sly and dry intelligence agent Harry Palmer is tasked with investigating British Intelligence security, and is soon enmeshed in a world of double-dealing, kidnap and murder when he finds a traitor operating at the heart of the secret service.

A young man decides one day to start killing yakuza. After he kills his first two he gets roped into helping a wannabe gangster and his bumbling underlings to perform a hit. While things work out in the beginning, this young psychopath quickly becomes more trouble than the gang expected. Will they be able to rid themselves of him, or will they be his next victims?

Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend. Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage.

An aimless man is sent to prison for a crime he did not commit, an ex-con targets the same bank he was sent away for robbing.

Cooper is an actor who sees life as one big party, while Ed is in advertising and takes life too seriously. When Ed gets stressed over a deadline he has to meet, his brother Cooper works hard in trying to get his brother hooked up with a girl, thus a long weekend of stress and beautiful women, culminating in Ed meeting, and making love to, the woman of his dreams.

Shot over a period of three years. Marie Menken photographed New York window displays during the Christmas holiday. In order to avoid foot and street traffic interrupting the shots, Menken filmed from midnight to 1:00 in the morning, but had to keep the camera under her coat to keep it from freezing.

The baron's grandson rents the family castle to a TV crew to fund his atomic revival of the family monster.

A former porn director, who once elevated the genre with 1960s counter-culture ideals, returns to filmmaking after 20 years, clashing with his producer's hard-core vision. Estranged from his son over the family business, they begin reconnecting as the son embraces political activism, while the director seeks personal renewal.

A playwright encounters a mysterious woman when he takes shelter in a chalet during a violent snowstorm and becomes obsessed with her.