An ambitious Colombian actress living in Buenos Aires juggles a day job with theater rehearsals and casting calls as she struggles to fulfill her dreams. An opportunity arises when she meets Lalo, a successful producer that shows her a glimpse into another life and she is suddenly willing to give up everything she has for a chance at success.

Un documentaire de 60 minutes, résultat de l'immersion d'une année complète dans le monde du graffiti français. En suivant une douzaine de graffeurs, peignant dans le métro, sur des façades ou le long des autoroutes, découvrez les raisons et les motivations qui les poussent à prendre des risques considérables.

Raskolnikov, étudiant misérable vivant à Saint-Petersbourg en 1865, tue une vieille usurière et sa fille qui l'a surpris. Le remord l'obsède et le rapproche progressivement de l'aveu et du châtiment...

Alice does not live at home but with friends in an abandoned factory. She sells drugs to enable them to fulfill their dream of a tavern. When the police are after her, she seeks Hour switch. Here she meets Berit and helps Berit mother south on vacation. But simultaneously pursues Alice of a drug kingpin but cheating him.

Kim Jeong-ho's father died due to an erroneous map. Because of this, Kim Jeong-ho has a strong desire to make his own map. He begins a complete block map of Joseon.

Young lord Krishna has fallen for demoness Maayandri’s revenge plot against him! Can Bheem rescue him and thwart Maayandri’s other destructive plans?

The director's first film begins in a Russian suana where very buff naked cadets fan birch branches on each other to stimulate their circulation (and ours as well). The story is of a seduction of a Russian Soldier that may or may not go well - but it certainly points the way for Steve Kokker's later film Komrades.

Abz and Sid are two old friends who are meeting up after not having seen one another in a while. They were childhood friends in the north of England, but now their lives have diverged. Sid has given up on his dreams of making music and now works in the shop run by his dad. But Abz went away to college, interviewing for jobs near London and generally moving up in the world. They chat and catch up, which only makes clear how much they've grown apart and how they feel about it. Those differences only become starker when they get into an altercation later in the night, and their different ways of handling it only increase the gulf between them.

A young girl who lives by the sea with her parents, is the object of one fellows affection. One day she meets a wily artist painting on the beach, he seduces the young girl and gives her a ring, with the promise of marriage. When the young admiring fellow comes to propose, she proudly announces her engagement to the artist. Shocked he leaves and her parents demand meeting her husband to be. She goes to bring him home, and finds he already has a sophisticated fiancée. Distraught she hurries home, and when her father realizes what she has done, he orders her out of the house. As she wanders despondent along the sea, the young fellow who has found out about her betrayal, immediately goes to see her. Finding she has been disowned by her father, he goes looking for her...

Photographer Barnard Jacobs is dying and Ashley, the woman he loves, won't admit her feelings for him. She's too wrapped up in her cocaine addiction and desire to find a wealthy husband. When fashionista Madeleine begs Barnard to call Ashley for drugs, a party develops. Madeline pairs off with a rich tech executive named Boccaccio. Barnard goes home, where Ashley, seeking peace and solitude, joins him. In flashback, Barnard recalls how his best friend Pickering hired him to take photos of women's eyes. He hired Ashley and the two forged a deep connection. Back in the present, Boccaccio and Madeleine do drugs and become removed from the world. As Barnard learns death is near, he reaches out to Ashley in a final attempt to save both of them.

A man searching for a stolen army payroll is joined by several men after the reward money.

A young toymaker tries to make sense of the impermanence of life that he has been forced to acknowledge through experiences of separation and death.

A documentary film about football career of Dejan Rambo Petković, who was a star of Brasileirão - Brasilian football league.

It's a green-card marriage romance. Deena, an American standup comic living in Paris, has an expired visa. So, she marries Nick Foulliet, a struggling musician with a different woman for every day of the week. First the immigration investigation, and then a series of financial disasters push Deena and Nick into spending time together, and they fall in love. But can their in-name-only marriage become real?

Prison inmate Miles Barrett is ripped awake in the middle of the night by a terrifying crash, gunfire, and the sickening screams of a man being torn apart. Something is loose in the prison - and it's coming for Miles...

Situé dans une ville minière du bassin du Donets, le film est centré sur l'affrontement entre les autorités politiques et une secte religieuse qui infiltre la communauté.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.