Delves deep into the anxiety, thrill and uncertainty of six aspiring animation artists as they are plunged into the twelve-week trial-by-fire that is the NFB's Hothouse for animation filmmakers.

A seemingly unremarkable man spends a day taking a bizarre test at a mysterious facility. Through his day he interacts with the odd, detached employees of the facility, guiding him from section to section, obscuring the intentions or duration of the test.

On a random night, Marco and Laura meet at a karaoke bar and sing the song "Evidências" together. Since then, they fell in love and formed a couple that seemed perfect, until the moment they said “yes”. Without understanding what happened, now, every time this song plays, Marco will travel through his memories with Laura.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.



Third Jerry Cotton Adaption. A big shipment of Nitroglycerine, enough to make a shambles of New York, mysteriously vanishes! It's a race between agent Jerry Cotton and the underworld to see who can find the deadly explosive first. To complicate things further, the nitro must be found before a torrid heat wave causes it to blow much of the city sky high.



A band of vikings are on the run from a blood thirsty group of Berserkers who want to fight to the death.

雷神之锤惊现世间。辽阔蛮荒的美国沙漠地带,神盾局特工卡尔森(克拉克·格雷格 Clark Gregg 饰)独自驾车前往雷神之锤的所在地。夜幕降临,他把车停在一家加油站内。加油的同时,他走进便利店挑选商品。就在他为选择而烦恼时,一声怒吼突然传来。两名持枪歹徒闯进便利店,用枪指着美丽的女店员,命令他将钱交出,并质问外面的车是谁的。卡尔森从容露面,他把车钥匙扔了过去,还貌似大脑短路一般交出手枪。卡尔森按照歹徒指示把手枪滑了过去,而就在此时,意想不到的事情发生了……


本片记录了从“格兰披治大奖赛”到“一级方程式汽车赛”的过程,记录了众多前任车手、现任车手、大赛组织者、车队老板、甚至他们的家人、女友等的生活 ······

  年轻女子格温·泰勒(Gwen Taylor)开始在一家偏僻的汽车旅馆值里夜班,随着夜幕降临她慢慢察觉到那个曾经纠缠过他的危险人物正在悄悄接近她,而同时在黑夜中的旅馆却同时发生了诡异可怕的事情,这让格温意识到她正遭受着双重的危险,而每一个危险都是致命的。



On vacation at a remote lake house, a mother and her two young daughters must fight for survival after falling into a terrifying and bizarre nightmare conceived by a psychopath.

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy, and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of six masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.

有一户人家,他们世代隐居在由高墙和篱笆围起的一方天地里。与世隔绝的他们不论外界的时代如何更替,文明怎样进展,仍然固守着古老的生活方式,简朴、素雅、纯真。有时候,丰沛的阳光会穿过茂密的守护森林,毫无保留地照耀着每一棵古树、每 一寸厚土,也照耀着光影里两个精灵般嬉戏时而消失又突然显现的 少年。   成长的路总不是一片坦途,正如叛逆的阵痛永远会如期而至。眼看着新鲜力量就要冲破这亘古的高墙和藩篱,然而母亲的离奇暴毙,妹妹的突然失踪,父亲愈发的心事重重,都令少年更加坚信自己身处在一个古老而危险的秘密之中,而这个秘密的答案,也许就能解开羁绊在自己和妹妹身上的神秘力量的终极谜题......
