Delia je žena in mati treh otrok v povojnem Rimu. Ko ne gospodinji nasilnemu možu in ne skrbi za sitnega tasta, hiti med priložnostnimi deli. Edino uteho ji prinašata klepet s prijateljico in hčerina zaroka s prijetnim mladeničem iz premožne družine. Svojo usodo sprejema brez pritoževanja – dokler nekega dne ne prispe skrivnostno pismo...

Told in his own words using interviews spanning from the 1980s through now, father and tennis coach Richard Williams retraces his family's journey from the courts in Compton to the grass at Wimbledon, defying every custom of the lily-white tennis establishment and fighting back against a system of oppression to raise two of the greatest champions in history - Venus and Serena Williams.

The story of Edgardo Mortara, a young Jewish boy living in Bologna, Italy, who in 1858, after being secretly baptized, was forcibly taken from his family to be raised as a Christian. His parents’ struggle to free their son became part of a larger political battle that pitted the papacy against forces of democracy and Italian unification.

Nekdanji študent arheologije Arthur, ki je pravkar prišel iz zapora in še vedno objokuje svojo pokojno dekle Beniamino, se ponovno poveže s svojo ekipo tombarolijev – razposajeno druščino roparjev grobov. Arthurja pa dragoceni artefakti ne zanimajo; išče legendarna vrata v podzemlje, da bi se znova združil s svojo ljubljeno Beniamine.

The story of a small, simple and happy family in which a boy, a manipulator, violently enters, which distorts the life of this wonderful fifteen-year-old and makes her a nightmare.

It's 1943 and World War II is raging in Europe. In New York, Arturo and Flora the daughter of a restaurant owner are in love, but she is promised in marriage to the son of a Mafia boss. There is a way around this, but to be able to marry Flora, Arturo needs to get permission from her father, who lives in a village in Sicily. Arturo doesn't have any money, so the only way he can get to Sicily is to enlist in the U.S. Army, which is preparing for a landing on the island.

A pub landlord in a previously thriving mining community struggles to hold onto his pub. Meanwhile, tensions rise in the town when Syrian refugees are placed in the empty houses in the community.

Giovanni je uveljavljen italijanski filmski režiser, ki se pripravlja na snemanje novega filma o madžarskem potujočem cirkusu na gostovanju v Rimu leta 1956 v dneh, ko je Sovjetska zveza vdrla v Budimpešto. Projekt je že na začetku ogrožen, saj se Giovanni sooča z vrsto kriznih okoliščin, poleg tega pa ga po štiridesetih letih zakona zapusti še žena.

Flower petals in the background create different shapes while actress Mary Cleo Tarlarini salutes the audience.

A French widower and WWI veteran returns home after the war to raise his newborn daughter.

Improbable encounters bring tenderness, laughter and compassion to a world of urban alienation.

Preiskava umorov bega FBI agenta Joeja in Katherine zaradi morilčeve nenavadne metode neboleče smrti. Joe pokliče na pomoč starega prijatelja, upokojenega zdravnika in vidca Johna. Z Johnovo pomočjo se agenta vse bolj približujeta morilcu, ko postaja vse bolj jasno, da je tudi zločinec videc ter da je vedno korak pred oblastmi.

When a group of tourists stumble into the remote Australian river territory of an enormous crocodile, the deadly creature traps them on a tiny mud island with the tide quickly rising and darkness descending. As the hungry predator closes in, they must fight for survival against all odds.

A man wakes up from a coma that has lasted since 1984.

Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.

V tej napeti kriminalki igra Anna Kendrick žensko, ki jo njen psihično nasilni fant Simon pripelje do zloma. Med dopustom s prijateljicama Alice znova odkrije svoje bistvo in dobi potrebni vpogled. Počasi začne trgati vezi in svojo odvisnost od fanta. Toda Simonovo maščevanje je neizbežno in prav tako uničujoče. Ko se sproži, preverja Aliceino moč, pogum ter dolgoletna prijateljstva.

Diana, a high-class prostitute trying to escape from a serial killer, suffers a car accident that leaves her blind and kills the family of Chin, a ten-year-old boy.

A voice from a distant future tells of a vanished city that was once among the most famous in the world, Venice. Amidst legends, rituals and hearsay, the narrator describes its daily life made of boats and its profound relationship with the lagoon surrounding it. Did that city ever exist? Was it ever inhabited, or was it a tourist park? Did it survive the floods and the plagues? Have its inhabitants managed to find a new way of living together?