A pampered cat takes for granted the lucky hand he has been dealt after he is rescued and loved by Rose, a kind-hearted and passionate student. When he loses his ninth life, fate steps in to set him on a transformative journey.

The advent of new weight loss drugs has a huge impact on everyone in South Park. When Cartman is denied access to the life-changing medicine, the kids jump into action.

Bonded by their love of freediving, a record-setting champion and a heroic safety diver try to make history with a remarkable feat, ready to risk it all.

Ko skupina prijateljev odkrije, kako pričarati duhove z uporabo balzamirane roke, postanejo zasvojeni z novim vznemirjenjem, dokler eden od njih ne gre predaleč in sprosti grozljive nadnaravne sile.

Svetovno znanega mačka, ki sovraži ponedeljke, obožuje lazanjo in rad lenari doma, čaka divja pustolovščina zdoma. Potem ko Garfield nepričakovano sreča davno izgubljenega očeta, razcapanega uličnega mačka Vica, sta s pasjim prijateljem Odiejem prisiljena zapustiti svoje čudovito razvajeno življenje in se pridružiti Vicu v skrajno smešnem in hudo tveganem ropu.

A teenager struggles to pick up the pieces of her shattered world in this emotional and bittersweet coming-of-age drama about those who are left behind.

Družina Spengler se vrne tja, kjer se je vse začelo – v slovito gasilsko hišo v New Yorku, kjer nameravajo sodelovati s prvotnimi izganjalci duhov, ki so razvili skrivni raziskovalni laboratorij, da bi povzdignili preganjanje duhov na višjo raven. Toda ko odkritje starodavnega artefakta sprosti zlobno silo, morajo novi in stari Izganjalci duhov združiti moči, da zaščitijo svoj dom in rešijo svet pred drugo ledeno dobo.

Samuel Pierret is a nurse who saves the wrong guy – a thief whose henchmen take Samuel's pregnant wife hostage to force him to spring their boss from the hospital. A race through the subways and streets of Paris ensues, and the body count rises. Can Samuel evade the cops and the criminal underground and deliver his beloved to safety?

After a lightning bolt zaps a robot named Number 5, the lovable machine starts to think he's human and escapes the lab. Hot on his trail is his designer, Newton, who hopes to get to Number 5 before the military does. In the meantime, a spunky animal lover mistakes the robot for an alien and takes him in, teaching her new guest about life on Earth.

Da bi enkrat za vselej umirila svoje demone, morata Josh Lambert in študent Dalton Lambert iti globlje kot kdaj koli prej in se soočiti s temno preteklostjo svoje družine ter množico novih in še bolj strašljivih grozot, ki se skrivajo za rdečimi vrati.

A young man determined to become a powerful warrior joins an elite army, encountering the wrath of a maniacal warlord and the love of a fierce woman.

Two sisters go diving at a beautiful, remote location. One of the sisters is struck by a rock, leaving her trapped 28 meters below. With dangerously low levels of oxygen and cold temperatures, it is up to her sister to fight for her life.

14-year-old Lucie is a resourceful teenager who takes care of her loving yet unreliable father, William, who has multiple sclerosis. Whilst William hangs out in his wardrobe and devises pranks and jokes to make his daughter smile, Lucie tries her best at school while juggling a job in a sandwich shop and all the chores at home. Her vividly imaginative mind and the novel she is writing are her only distractions. But when a social worker is appointed to visit them, Lucie and William elaborate a complex plan to make social services believe they live a perfectly normal life.

Pietro and Eleonora, both avid gardeners, are strangers who only meet because their two terraces are close to each other. The relationship that grows between them helps them to alleviate the pain each feels over something secret and very serious, a pain both try to hide from themselves and those around them. In this limbo they inhabit, the two make a stab at finding happiness together, until their paths diverge once more.

Dvanajstletna Charlotte, ki je na skrivaj vzgojila nenavadno nadarjenega pajka, se mora soočiti z dejstvi o svojem ljubljenčku in se boriti za preživetje svoje družine, ko se nekoč očarljivo bitje hitro spremeni v velikansko mesojedo pošast.

A young husband and wife must fight to return home in a post-apocalyptic mid-western landscape ravaged by gangs.

Leta 1969 mladi Jud Crandall sanja o tem, da bi zapustil svoj rojstni kraj Ludlow v zvezni državi Maine, vendar kmalu odkrije zlovešče skrivnosti, ki so zakopane v njem, in se je prisiljen soočiti s temno družinsko zgodovino, zaradi katere bo za vedno povezan z Ludlowom.

Talented chef, Courtney Preston’s life has been turned upside down ever since the passing of her father, who was the master chef of her family’s famous restaurant. Now her family business is failing, her love life is in shambles, her passion for cooking has died and her childhood best friend and fellow chef Jake Turner has left town to find work in the big city.

An unlikely marriage between two worlds that would like to unite, but their diversity will inexorably make them incompatible. And the more they try, the more they move away, with the hand of fate. Or maybe not...

Cassandra Webb je bolničarka na Manhattnu, za katero se zdi, da ima jasnovidne sposobnosti. Ko se je prisiljena soočiti z odkritji o svoji preteklosti, se združi s tremi mladimi ženskami, ki jim je usojena mogočna prihodnost – če bodo preživele smrtonosno sedanjost.