A pampered cat takes for granted the lucky hand he has been dealt after he is rescued and loved by Rose, a kind-hearted and passionate student. When he loses his ninth life, fate steps in to set him on a transformative journey.




加菲猫(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 配音),这只全球闻名、厌恶星期一、对千层面情有独钟的宅猫,正准备开启一段疯狂的户外奇遇!在与他失散多年的亲生猫爸——不羁的流浪猫维克(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 配音)意外重聚后,加菲猫和他的狗狗伙伴欧迪被迫告别了安逸舒适的生活,卷入了一场搞笑又充满刺激的大冒险,而一直娇生惯养的加菲猫,将在这次冒险之旅中蜕变成为上天入地的“猫猫特工”,带着家族直面挑战、化解危机。





《潜伏》、《海王》男星帕特里克·威尔森要升级做导演了!在主演了多部《潜伏》系列影片后,帕特里克·威尔森确定执导该系列第五部。这将是他的导演处女作,而他还会继续出演Josh Lambert一角。这次故事发生在上一部的10年后,小男孩Dalton Lambert(泰·辛普金斯 饰)已经长大,要上大学了。 目前,《潜伏》系列4部影片在全球收获5.42亿美元票房。温子仁此次依旧会担任制片人。

A young man determined to become a powerful warrior joins an elite army, encountering the wrath of a maniacal warlord and the love of a fierce woman.


14-year-old Lucie is a resourceful teenager who takes care of her loving yet unreliable father, William, who has multiple sclerosis. Whilst William hangs out in his wardrobe and devises pranks and jokes to make his daughter smile, Lucie tries her best at school while juggling a job in a sandwich shop and all the chores at home. Her vividly imaginative mind and the novel she is writing are her only distractions. But when a social worker is appointed to visit them, Lucie and William elaborate a complex plan to make social services believe they live a perfectly normal life.

Pietro and Eleonora, both avid gardeners, are strangers who only meet because their two terraces are close to each other. The relationship that grows between them helps them to alleviate the pain each feels over something secret and very serious, a pain both try to hide from themselves and those around them. In this limbo they inhabit, the two make a stab at finding happiness together, until their paths diverge once more.




Talented chef, Courtney Preston’s life has been turned upside down ever since the passing of her father, who was the master chef of her family’s famous restaurant. Now her family business is failing, her love life is in shambles, her passion for cooking has died and her childhood best friend and fellow chef Jake Turner has left town to find work in the big city.

An unlikely marriage between two worlds that would like to unite, but their diversity will inexorably make them incompatible. And the more they try, the more they move away, with the hand of fate. Or maybe not...
