Viskas, ko Džeisonas Bornas trokšta, tai išnykti, tačiau jį persekioja žmonės, kurie Džeisoną ir pavertė tokiu, koks jis yra: kovine mašina, nežinančia, nei kas yra pralaimėjimas, nei kas yra jis pats... Praradęs žmogų, kurį mylėjo, Bornas trečioje epopėjos dalyje priverstas bėgti nuo dar geriau treniruotų žudikų, tobulesnių technologijų ir kulkų lietaus. Jis suvokia, kad išsigelbėti gali tik išsiaiškinęs, kas jis yra iš tikrųjų. O atsakymai slypi pačioje pradžioje. Bornas iškeliauja ieškoti pradžios ir atsakymų į savo klausimus, žūtbūt besistengdamas išvengti viso pasaulio, kuris rimtai pasiryžęs ištrinti Borną nuo žemės paviršiaus!

Ninjas with bloodline limits begin disappearing in all the countries and blame points toward the fire nation. By Tsunade's order, Kakashi is sacrificed to prevent an all out war. After inheriting charms left by Kakashi, Naruto fights through friends and foes to prevent his death while changing the minds of those who've inherited the will of fire.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Prispirus reikalui Peteris Parkeris visuomet apsivelka raudonai mėlyną kostiumą ir pavirsta žmogumi-voru.Kuoktelėjęs mokslininkas Otto Oktavijus sumeistravo sau mechanines kojas. Jų pagalba blogų minčių apsėstas niekšas gali skraidyti ir laipiotis pastatų sienomis.Tuo tarpu, žavioji Merė Džein vis nori išsiaiškinti tikruosius Peterio jausmus, nors jau susitikinėja su nauju vaikinu.

Auksiniai piratų laikai artėja prie pabaigos. Po kapitono Džeko Sparou išgelbėjimo Vilas, Elizabeta bei kapitonas Barbossa turi susikauti su žiauriuoju kapitonu Davy Jonesu, kuris vieną po kito naikina laisvuosius piratus. Herojai išsiruošia į tolimąjį Singapūrą, kur turi susitikti su Kinijos piratų vadeiva Sao Fengu. Kiekvienas iš jų turi pasirinkti pusę, kurioje kovos žūtbūtinio mūšio metu...

Relaxing on a cozy beach, the Straw Hat Pirates are taking a rest from their quest. Right until Luffy noticed the Going Merry has been hijacked and sailed off from the beach. This leads them to search the ship and find the thief who took it from them. They ran into a duo named the Theif Brothers, who informed them that their ship was stolen by a group of pirates called the Trump Kyoudai. When they encountered the Trump Pirates, Nami ended up getting kidnapped as well as Luffy's hat. They tracked down the pirates to their base on Clockwork Island. Now Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and the Theif Brothers must reclaim the Going Merry, Save Nami, and get back Shank's straw hat.

Someone's Looking at You features 15 promotional videos including 'She's So Modern', 'I Don't Like Mondays', 'Banana Republic' & 'Tonight' plus 'On a Night Like This'. Concert footage which includes the tracks 'Lucky', 'Neon Heart', 'Drag Me Down', 'Lookin After No. 1' and more plus extra footage of various material including ' the Music Machine' (1977), 'News Flash' (1980), 'Keep It Up' (live), and so many more performances and extras.

Mažoji Piterio Peno draugė fėja Auksarankė su savo ištikimu palydovu jonvabaliu, leidžiasi į fantastišką paslaptingų nuotykių kupiną kelionę ieškoti mėnulio akmens – stebuklingo fėjų dulkių šaltinio.

When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has disappeared without a trace - and that nobody seems too concerned about it. As Simon probes deeper into the disappearance, the inhabitants of a forbidding estate called "Summerfield" take on more and more significance.

When a mysterious girl falls into the sights of a violent stalker, she is left with only one means of survival...

Po sudėtingo gimdymo gražuolė Bela atsigauna pavirtusi į vampyrę. Pirmą kartą per 18 metų mergina pajaučia dar gaivesnę aistrą gyventi. Ji mėgaujasi nauja realybe, skuba išbandyti ypatingas galias, stulbina geriausius draugus vampyriškų gebėjimų įsisavinimu ir nuoširdžiai džiaugiasi nemirtinga santuoka. Ji tikisi būti saugi ir laiminga per amžius su dukrele Renesme ir mylimuoju vyru vampyru Edvardu. Tačiau Kalenų šeimos laimė negali tęstis ilgai. Sąmokslą surezgusi klastingoji vampyrė Irina iš Denalio būrio paskundžia jaunąją sutuoktinių porą Volturių klano lyderiui Aro. Ji savanaudiškai trokšta keršto už vilkolakių nužudytą mylimąjį Loreną ir paskleidžia gandą, kad unikaliausia pasaulyje mergaitė Renesmė buvo paversta nemirtinga vampyre jau po gimimo ir kelia nenumaldomą grėsmę.

A variety of aviation professionals such as pilots, flight attendants, the ground crew, mechanics, dispatchers, controllers, and the bird patrol crew all support a single flight. They have only one mission: to secure the safety of the passengers.

When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.

When a high school teacher is asked a question in class about Jesus, her reasoned response lands her in deep trouble and could expel God from the public square once and for all.

Paper Heart follows Nick and Charlyne on a cross-country journey to document what exactly "love" is. Interviewing ministers, happily married couples, chemists, romance novelists, divorce lawyers, a group of children and more, the determined young girl attempts to find definition and perhaps even experience the mysterious emotion.

Playing around while aboard a cruise ship, the Chipmunks and Chipettes accidentally go overboard and end up marooned in a tropical paradise. They discover their new turf is not as deserted as it seems.

After failing in his love life, Dev finds company in alcohol. In his state, he often sees an old man who gives him hints on how his day is going to turn out. One day, he accidentally bumps into a young boy from a shelter home. He realises there is an uncanny similarity between the boy and his ex-girlfriend, so he decides to get to know the boy further only to uncover something Dev didn't wish he knew in the first place.

Swinging playboy Grand Duke Nicholas Goduno, a direct descendent of the Romanov family who were overthrown in the Russian Revolution of 1917, learns that his family's crown jewels will be exhibited at a London museum and plots to steal them. To this end, he gathers a crew of beautiful but dangerous women, led by Bridget Rafferty, to assist in his plot against Popov, the Soviet functionary in charge of the exhibit.

One evening, when they come home, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux are astounded to find that a certain Patrick has moved into their place. This strange young man has returned home to his parents in order to introduce his wife.

The new installment of the Sharknado franchise takes place 5 years after Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! There have been no Sharknados in the intervening years, but now they’re appearing again in unexpected ways.