V roce 2014 v neoznačené bojové technice a neoznačených uniformách vstupují Rusové na Ukrajinu. Jejich cílem je Krym a Donbas. Učiteli fyziky Mykolovi okupanti zastřelí těhotnou manželku a zapálí dům. Ve zprvu pacifisticky založeném Mykolovi se vznítí nenávist k okupantům a přihlásí se do armádního kurzu pro snipery. Ukrajinské velení má mezitím velký problém s ruským elitním ostřelovačem, kterému den co den padají za oběť ukrajinští vojáci. Právě vycvičení absolventi kurzu jsou tedy vysláni do bojové oblasti k likvidaci škodné. Mezi nimi je i Mykola, který má bojovou přezdívku Havran.

Se po více jak deseti letech znovu setkáváme s Jackem Sully, Neytiri a jejich dětmi, kteří stále bojují za to, aby se udrželi v bezpečí a naživu.

A regular day for Bans and Uzu, little did they know a series of events would bring them face to face with an alternate reality and their chance to confront Dixon, a disturbed psychopath with blood on his hands and demons in his mind.

Capturing Avatar is a feature length behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Avatar. It uses footage from the film's development, as well as stock footage from as far back as the production of Titanic in 1995. Also included are numerous interviews with cast, artists, and other crew members. The documentary was released as a bonus feature on the extended collector's edition of Avatar.

Pohled na film Avatar: The Way of Water s oscarovým režisérem Jamesem Cameronem a herci.

Každá legenda má někde svůj začátek. Stejně tak to bylo i s týmem "Excellent Era", který se vypracoval na vrchol akčního MMORPG s názvem "Glory". Je to příběh o snu několika lidí, kteří zatoužili dosáhnout vítězství v prvním oficiálním turnaji v této hře a stát se tak prvními šampióny a na velkém pódiu si sáhnout na pohár pro vítěze. Od skromných začátků a stvoření týmu přes různá herní i osobní dramata až do velkého finále a na samotný vrchol! Toto je příběh o vzniku legendárního týmu, ale také o začátcích Ye Xiu, jednoho z nejlepších hráčů Glory...

Due to a possible cholera epidemic onboard, passengers on a ship are forced to disembark at Pago Pago, a small village on a Pacific island where it incessantly rains. Among the stranded passengers are Sadie Thompson, a prostitute, and Alfred Davidson, a fanatic missionary who will try to redeem her.

A young woman lives sadly in a small garrison town with a soldier. Little by little, won over by boredom, sadness, total inaction, she develops a relationship with plants and starts talking to plants.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

Ava, 13, is spending the summer on the Atlantic coast when she learns that she will lose her sight sooner than expected. Her mother decides to act as if everything were normal so as to spend their best summer ever. Ava confronts the problem in her own way. She steals a big black dog that belongs to a young man on the run...

is a creative documentary-fiction film and a film that might expand your sense of reality. It is the story about a man who enters the virtual world Second Life to pursue his personal dreams and ambitions. His journey into cyberspace becomes a magic learning experience, which gradually opens the gates to a much larger reality.

Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order.

The retired soldier, interested in hunting, lives alone after his daughter leaves home and the death of his wife. He goes out every other day for bird hunting with his old dog. We witness the loneliness and the waiting cycle of the man who does not give the game meat to his dog and does not eat it himself.

When Bússi, Iceland's toughest cop, is forced to work with a new partner to solve a series of bank robberies, the pressure to close the case as soon as possible proves too much for him.

Divided into three acts, the first act is about the Zenkaigers dealing with a new Kashiwa Mochi World and Zocks declares himself as "Kashiwa Mochi King", the ruler of Zenkaitopia?! In the second act, it's been a year since Taro left and the five companions continue to fight as a team with Jiro as their leader. Taro later regains his memories, only for his companions to ask him to leave the Donbrothers. In the final act, an incident caused the two worlds to connect, thus a full-throttle miracle battle between the two Super Sentai begins!

Frank & Ava joins the wild ride of the tempestuous relationship between icons, Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner showing their multi-year love affair and subsequent marriage. In 1949, a downcast Frank, his career on the wane because of a faltering voice, a failing marriage, and a tarnished off-screen reputation falls in love with rising star, Ava, by consensus, the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. While their love was incandescent, they were hapless as a couple; often pursued by reporters such as Hedda Hopper who played them off against each other in the tabloids; casting Frank as an adulterer and Ava as a home wrecker while Frank!s wife, Nancy Barbato, refused to grant him a divorce. Once married in 1951 the tabloids then paraded their sorted affairs whenever their careers separated them. (Often it was Ava who went off to Europe or Africa to make a movie, leaving Frank behind). In the meantime, Frank, career hanging by a thread, is desperately trying to land the acting job that he ...

Gary chce jen natáčet domácí videa se svými nejlepšími kamarády. Jeho starší sestra Samantha se chce jenom bavit s cool dětmi. Když jejich rodiče odjedou na jeden halloweenský víkend mimo město, změní se večírek pro teenagery v hrůzu, když na ně zaútočí mimozemšťané a donutí je spojit se, aby přežili noc.

This movie, shot entirely in a perfectly circular aspect ratio, showcases one couple's morning routine in all its banality, as they get ready for work. The incredibly diverse lifestyles that are lived in our society suggest that the concept of normality is something that no longer has a place in people's minds. Nevertheless, the concept of "normality" significantly influences the lives of people - based only on different themes, actions, objects and subjects. This is not limited to conservative lifestyles. It is not the task of this film to criticize conventional forms of life, but to question the concept of convention in the unconventional. "Normal" means something quite different for very different people.