Прича о новинарима који су својим радом показали шта је истраживачко новинарсто, упуштајући се у чувену аферу Вотергејт, због које ће тадашњи председнк Никсон притиснут доказима поднети оставку.

A weekend at a marquis’ country château lays bare some ugly truths about a group of haut bourgeois acquaintances.

Дубоко у неиспитаној америчкој дивљини, легендарног трапера Хју Гласа су тешко повређеног након напада медведа, оставили да умре чланови његове ловачке дружине. Док се бори за живот, Глас планира освету над Џоном Фитцџералдом. Вођен јаком вољом као јединим оружјем и љубављу према породици, Глас мора да се избори са суровом зимом и жељом за осветом.

When an ex-soldier who discovers gold in the Lapland wilderness tries to take the loot into the city, German soldiers led by a brutal SS officer battle him.

Herbert Stempel's transformation into an unexpected television personality unfolds as he secures victory on the cherished American game show, 'Twenty-One.' However, when the show introduces the highly skilled contestant Charles Van Doren to replace Stempel, it compels Stempel to let out his frustrations and call out the show as rigged. Lawyer Richard Goodwin steps in and attempts to uncover the orchestrated deception behind the scenes.

An American bartender and his prostitute girlfriend go on a road trip through the Mexican underworld to collect a $1 million bounty on the head of a dead gigolo.

Свадбена ноћ младе иде по злу када је њена нова ексцентрична фамилија присили да учествује у застрашујућој игри.

Нови психолошки трилер редитеља Јоргоса Лантимоса, мајстора црне комедије, под називом "Убиство светог јелена", доноси нам причу о покушају тинејџера да бриљантног хирурга уведе у своју дисфункционалну породицу.

An unknown middle-aged batter named Roy Hobbs with a mysterious past appears out of nowhere to take a losing 1930s baseball team to the top of the league.

During a solo voyage in the Indian Ocean, a veteran mariner awakes to find his vessel taking on water after a collision with a stray shipping container. With his radio and navigation equipment disabled, he sails unknowingly into a violent storm and barely escapes with his life. With any luck, the ocean currents may carry him into a shipping lane -- but, with supplies dwindling and the sharks circling, the sailor is forced to face his own mortality.

Forced to trade his valuable furs for a well-educated escaped slave, a rugged trapper vows to recover the pelts from the Indians and later the renegades that killed them.

Прослављени припадници жандармерије у Саинт-Тропеу тугују. Након толико година преданог рада одлазе у пензију, па коњички подофицир Лудовиц Крушо, његов помоћник Џером Гербер, и још четворица жандара, Берликот, Трикард, Мерлот и Фоугас, морају што пре да смисле како да живе без униформе. Пензија најтеже пада енергичном Крушоу који се досађује у дворцу своје богате супруге Џозеф. Ствари се промене кад Крушоов колега Фоугас почне да пати од губитка памћења, па се његови бивше колеге досете да поновно обуку униформе и крену у патролирање улицама Саинт-Тропеа како би се несретни Фоугас на тај начин присетио прошлости...

Owen Legate, a railroad official, comes to Dodson, Mississippi to shut down the local railway - the town's main income. But Owen unexpectedly finds love with Dodson's flirt and main attraction, Alva Starr.

A logger defends his family from a group of dangerous drug runners.

Valerie is in love with a brooding outsider, Peter, but her parents have arranged for her to marry another man. Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter plan to run away together when Valerie's older sister is killed by a werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. Panic grips the town as Valerie discovers that she has a unique connection to the beast--one that inexorably draws them together, making her both suspect ... and bait.

During the revolution, a high-stakes gambler arrives in Cuba seeking to win big in poker games. Along the way, he meets and falls in love with the wife of a Communist revolutionary.

A newlywed couple on their honeymoon visit friends who are having marital problems of their own.

A woman inherits a rent-controlled apartment and is terrorized by a neighbor.

The story of this film is based on actual facts, the murder of actress Maria Alves, and the investigation that ensued, covered by Reinaldo Ferreira himself. Ferreira also wrote a novel based on the same facts.

When Russell picks up an enigmatic young woman through a ride-share app, his boring evening perks up. But all bets are off after they hit a guy with the car in this charming comedy of errors.