آوريل سال ۱۸۶۱، عمارت عظيم تارا در آتلانتا. « اسكارت اوهارا » ( لى ) در مى‏يابد كه مرد رؤيايى‏اش، « اشلى ويلكس » ( هوارد ) به او علاقه‏ اى ندارد و در صدد است با « ملانى هميلتن » ( د هاويلند ) ازدواج كند. اما از طرف ديگر « رت باتلر » ( گيبل ) عضو بدنام يك خانواده‏ ى ثروتمند ساكن چارلستن دل‏باخته‏ ى « اسكارلت » سرزنده مى‏‌شود و در او ويژگى‏‌هايى شبيه به خود پيدا مى‏‌كند.

Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.

ندیمه‏ ى جوانى ( فونتین ) در تعطیلات با «ماکسیم د وینتر» ( اولیویر ) صاحب قصر باشکوه ماندرلى آشنا می‏شود که همسر اولش، « ربکا »، را از دست داده است و با قبول پیشنهاد ازدواج او، بانوى تازه ى ماندرلى می‏شود؛ اما یاد و خاطره‏ ى « ربکا » روى زندگیشان سایه انداخته است...

This romantic drama by Michelangelo Antonioni follows the love life of Vittoria, a beautiful literary translator living in Rome. After splitting from her writer boyfriend, Riccardo, Vittoria meets Piero, a lively stockbroker, on the hectic floor of the Roman stock exchange. Though Vittoria and Piero begin a relationship, it is not one without difficulties, and their commitment to one another is tested during an eclipse.

Jeff Bailey seems to be a mundane gas station owner in remote Bridgeport, California. He is dating local girl Ann Miller and lives a quiet life. But Jeff has a secret past, and when a mysterious stranger arrives in town, Jeff is forced to return to the dark world he had tried to escape.

بر مبنای رمانی استثنایی از «ریموند چندلر» استاد داستان های پر پیچ و خم. ـ داستان: فیلیپ مارلو کاراگاه خصوص، مامور می شود تا درباره حق السکوت بگیری که عکس های نامناسبی از دختر یک ژنرال بازنشسته و ثروتمند در اختیار دارد، تحقیق کند....

Dr. Génessier is riddled with guilt after an accident that he caused disfigures the face of his daughter, the once beautiful Christiane, who outsiders believe is dead. Dr. Génessier, along with accomplice and laboratory assistant Louise, kidnaps young women and brings them to the Génessier mansion. After rendering his victims unconscious, Dr. Génessier removes their faces and attempts to graft them on to Christiane's.

« دكتر بن مكنا » ( استوارت ) و همسرش ، « جو » ( دى ) كه همراه پسر كوچك‏شان براى گذراندن تعطیلات به مراكش رفته‏اند ، شاهد قتل یك مأمور مخفى فرانسوى مى‏شوند كه پیش از مرگش به « بن » مى‏گوید جاسوسان مى‏خواهند یك سیاستمدار خارجى را در آلبرت هال بكشند . جاسوسان براى ساكت نگه داشتن آنان پسرشان را مى‏ربایند و زن و شوهر در تعقیب‏شان به لندن مى‏روند .

A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.

A drop-out from upper-class America picks up work along the way on oil-rigs when his life isn't spent in a squalid succession of bars, motels, and other points of interest.

A mathematical genius discovers a link between numbers and reality, and thus believes he can predict the future.

A con man comes to an Iowa town with a scam using a boy's marching band program, but things don't go according to plan.

Returning by train to the French port of Le Havre, Jacques Lantier, a tormented railwayman, meets by chance the impulsive stationmaster Roubard and Séverine, his wife.

سرگذشت خانواده ای طی چندین دهه از گسترش غرب در قرن نوزدهم که شامل کشف طلا،جنگ داخلی و ساخت راه آهن می شود...

Five shorts reveal a fictional Hong Kong in 2025, depicting a dystopian city where residents and activists face crackdowns under iron-fisted rule.

In 1930s Italy, a wealthy Jewish family tries to maintain their privileged lifestyle, hosting friends for tennis and parties at their villa. As anti-Semitism intensifies under Fascism, they must ultimately face the horrors of the Holocaust.

An ambitious Hollywood hustler becomes involved with a reclusive female star, whom he tries to lure out of retirement.

وقتی یک نیویورکی توسط دوست دختر خود رها می شود،به کشور کوچکی در آمریکای لاتین سفر کرده و در آخرین شورش آنجا شرکت می کند...

An American couple drift toward emptiness in postwar North Africa.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.