Družinska športna drama po resničnih dogodkih, pripoveduje o štirih ameriških bratih, ki so si v 80. letih preteklega stoletja ustvarili kariero kot profesionalni rokoborci. Film predstavi zgodbo enega od bratov, Kevina Von Ericha, ki je skupaj z drugimi člani družine obeležil ero wrestlinga iz osemdesetih.

Kitajska vohunka pripravnica svoj terenski stik zamenja za napačnega zasebnega detektiva. Zdaj sta primorana, da skupaj skušata odkriti južnokorejsko verigo tihotapljenja orožja, prežeto s korupcijo, ki sega v sam družbeno politični vrh.

Demons that once almost destroyed the world, are revived by someone. To prevent the world from being destroyed, the demon has to be sealed and the only one who can do it is the shrine maiden Shion from the country of demons, who has two powers; one is sealing demons and the other is predicting the deaths of humans. This time Naruto's mission is to guard Shion, but she predicts Naruto's death. The only way to escape it, is to get away from Shion, which would leave her unguarded, then the demon, whose only goal is to kill Shion will do so, thus meaning the end of the world. Naruto decides to challenge this "prediction of death."

A Russian teenager living in London dies during childbirth but leaves clues in her diary that could tie her child to a rape involving a violent Russian mob family.

Neposredni prenos nočne pogovorne oddaje v letu 1977 gre hudo narobe in prinese zlo v dnevne sobe gledalcev.

When innocent civilians begin committing unthinkable crimes across Metropolis, Gotham City and beyond, Batman must call upon mystical counterparts to eradicate this demonic threat to the planet; enter Justice League Dark. This team of Dark Arts specialists must unravel the mystery of Earth's supernatural plague and contend with the rising, powerful villainous forces behind the siege—before it's too late for all of mankind.

A real-time account of the events on United Flight 93, one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania when passengers foiled the terrorist plot.

U.S. soldier Frank Dux has come to Hong Kong to be accepted into the Kumite, a highly secret and extremely violent martial arts competition. While trying to gain access into the underground world of clandestine fighters, he also has to avoid military officers who consider him to be AWOL. After enduring a difficult training and beginning a romance with journalist Janice Kent, Frank is given the opportunity to fight. But can he survive?

V mračni prihodnosti briljantna analitičarka za boj proti terorizmu z velikim nezaupanjem do umetne inteligence ugotovi, da je le-ta morda njeno edino upanje, ko se misija v lovu na odpadniškega robota izjalovi.

Paulie, a talking parrot, recounts his travels looking for his original owner to a Russian janitor who helps him to the end of his journey.

Mojster mešanih borilnih veščin si obupno želi obdržati skrbništvo nad svojo hčerko. Zato si ustvari nevarne sovražnike, ko se odreče pomembni borbi, da bi se lahko udeležil njene rojstnodnevne zabave.

John Matrix, the former leader of a special commando strike force that always got the toughest jobs done, is forced back into action when his young daughter is kidnapped. To find her, Matrix has to fight his way through an array of punks, killers, one of his former commandos, and a fully equipped private army. With the help of a feisty stewardess and an old friend, Matrix has only a few hours to overcome his greatest challenge: finding his daughter before she's killed.

Ean ima ključno nalogo: vrniti se mora v prihodnost in rešiti vse. Vendar pa se ujame v daljni preteklosti, ko poskuša preprečiti pobeg nezemeljskih zapornikov, zaprtih v človeških telesih. Medtem je Muruk, ki Eani pomaga pri različnih težavnih situacijah, vznemirjen, ko začne v svojem telesu čutiti prisotnost nenavadnega bitja. Na potovanju skozi stoletja skušata preprečiti, da bi haava eksplodirala.

Mlada umetnica obtiči v obsežnem, neokrnjenem gozdu na zahodu Irske, kjer potem, ko najde zavetje, ostane ujeta skupaj s tremi tujci, ki jih vsako noč zalezujejo skrivnostna bitja.

An attorney with a military past hunts down the gang who killed his wife and took his daughter.

A doctor desperately tries to save his wife and their 5 year old son after their vacation in the Bahamas takes an unexpected turn.

Jean Claude Van Damme plays a dual role as Alex and Chad, twins separated at the death of their parents. Chad is raised by a family retainer in Paris, Alex becomes a petty crook in Hong Kong. Seeing a picture of Alex, Chad rejoins him and convinces him that his rival in Hong Kong is also the man who killed their parents. Alex is suspicious of Chad, especially when it comes to his girlfriend.

Nedolžna ženska se je prisiljena soočiti z nevarnim kraljem, ki je ugrabil njeno hčerko za katero zahteva odkupnino. V sodelovanju s pokvarjenim Interpolovim agentom, čigar sin je prav tako talec, okradeta različne kriminalce, da bi zbrala odkupnino in tako rešila svoje otroke. Skupaj imata le eno uro časa, da rešita družini pred jezo mogotca.

Dan Lawson, detektiv iz Chicaga, odpotuje na Škotsko, kjer se poveže s škotskim detektivom Boydom, ki sledi ponovnemu pojavu serijskega morilca, katerega zločini se ujemajo z nerešenim primerom, ki ga je pred petimi leti obravnaval v Chicagu, ko je bilo umorjeno njegovo dekle.

Potem ko pandemija brez primere spremeni večino človeštva v nasilna okužena bitja, Morgan, človek obdarjen s sposobnostjo govoriti nov jezik okuženih, vodi zadnje preživele na lov za nultim bolnikom in zdravilom.