A mild-mannered doctor is trained in the art of ass-kicking commando vengeance by a no-nonsense ghetto kid in an effort to regain a family heirloom from Uganda’s toughest gang.

A successful Indian scientist returns home to his village to take his nanny back to America with him, and in the process rediscovers his roots.

Imaginați-vă o lume cum nu ați mai văzut, în care fiecare zi este o aventură, în care nu trebuie să crești sau să îmbătrânești. Aceasta este lumea lui Peter Pan - răsunetul săbiilor rivalilor furioși, scândura tremurătoare a lui Jolly Roger, emoția transcedentală a zborului... și puterea magică a unui sărut pe furiș.

Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about their faith. Traveling around the world, Maher examines the tenets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and raises questions about homosexuality, proof of Christ's existence, Jewish Sabbath laws, violent Muslim extremists.

It's Christmas Eve, 1938, when Madge Arwell comes to the aid of an injured Spaceman Angel as she cycles home. He promises to repay her kindness - all she has to do is make a wish.

At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.

A popular high school athlete and an academically gifted girl get roles in the school musical and develop a friendship that threatens East High's social order.

Timpul a trecut si, odata cu el, si prima si a doua tinerete a inspectorului Cruchot. Toata gasca sa de la cea mai faimoasa si stangace sectie de politie de pe cuprinsul Frantei a fost scoasa la pensie. Asa ca nervosul Cruchot (Louis de Funes) se plictiseste la palatul sotiei sale putred de bogate, jinduind la ceva actiune, ca in vremurile bune. Dorinta ii va fi curand indeplinita cand Cruchot se va reuni cu fostii sai camarazi si o vor lua pe urmele trecutului. Imbracandu-se in vechile uniforme, ei vor lua cu asalt St. Tropez unde se vor confrunta din nou cu o problema obsedanta pentru Cruchot, plaja de nudisti.

Clare și Aidan fac un pact să se despartă înainte de facultate, fără regrete și inimi frânte. Le va oferi întâlnirea memorabilă de adio o ultimă șansă de a găsi iubirea?

Will Keane este un bărbat care are totul, dar nu este dispus să dea. În calitate de proprietar al unui restaurant, înalta societate din New York este la picioarele lui. Inimile femeilor zboară către el, dar el nu este capabil de nicio relație reală. Atunci o întâlnește pe Charlotte Fielding, fiica unui vechi prieten, și dintr-o dată totul este diferit. Cu toate acestea, Charlotte dorește doar momentul de la el, nu viitorul - pentru că este bolnavă în stadiu terminal și are doar puțin timp de trăit. Acum Will începe să iubească și să lupte - nu vrea să o piardă pe Charlotte...

Legends claim that Saurus Rock keeps bad luck out of the Great Valley. Is it really true? Could the mysterious Longneck named Doc be the famous Lone Dinosaur, who can defeat a Sharptooth with his lasso-like tail To find out, Littlefoot and company must cross the great Valley and face a dangerous Sharptooth themselves!

Printr-o serie de neînțelegeri, Alvin, Simon și Theodore ajung să creadă că Dave o va cere în căsătorie pe noua sa iubită în New York City - și va scăpa de ei. Au trei zile la dispoziție să ajungă la el și să oprească crererea în căsătorie.

Pinhead is set loose on the sinful streets of New York City to create chaos with a fresh cadre of Cenobitic kin.

As single mom Grace juggles work, bills, and her affair with a married doctor, her daughter, Ansiedad, plots a shortcut to adulthood after finding inspiration in the coming-of-age stories she's reading for school.

Urbain Donnadieu's first love is money. It's also his second, third and fourth love. The only reason he married - a tax inspector named Fleurette - was to avoid a fine for tax evasion. For several years, he has been stealing money from his construction company and buying gold bars with his ill-gotten gains. His plan is to deposit all this wealth in a Swiss Bank, where neither his wife - whom he is about to divorce - nor the French State can get at it. Accompanied by his money-grabbing Granny Zézette, Urbain heads off for Switzerland, with his gold concealed in the walls of a model house on the back of a trailer. Unfortunately, his scheme is threatened by his wife and his embittered ex-chauffeur, who are determined to get his money at any cost...

Orphan Mary Katherine Gallagher, an ugly duckling at St. Monica High School, has a dream: to be kissed soulfully. She decides she can realize this dream if she becomes a superstar, so her prayers, her fantasies and her conversations with her only friend focus on achieving super-stardom.

Determined to learn about her boyfriend's past relationships, Stacy -- who works for a talk show -- becomes a bona fide snoop. With her colleague, Barb, Stacy gets the names of Derek's ex-lovers and interviews them, supposedly for an upcoming show. But what she learns only adds to her confusion, and her plans begin to unravel when she befriends one of the women.

Our favourite police men are called together to deal with a gang who rob banks and jewelers. Using their various talents as well as their extraordinary luck, the crooks stand no chance against our men and women in blue.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.