Dokumentika pasakojanti Diko Prenakio istoriją, kuris 1960-tais, dabartinio Klarko Ežero nacionalinio parko teritorijoje, pasistatė rąstinį namelį. Viską fiksavo savo užrašuose ir kameros su trikoju pagalba. Juostoje užfiksuoti pirmieji jo gyvenimo visiškai žmogaus nepaliestoje laukinėje gamtoje metai. Namelio statybos ir kasdienė buitis.

Nesitikėkite pamatyti vaikiškos pasakos apie Pelenę, nes šįkart režisierius Endis Tenantas kuria nepaprastą jaudinančią meilės istoriją. Driu Berimor vaidina Danielę. Po tėvo mirties pamotė jai skiria tik sunkiausius ir juodžiausius darbus, o jos įseserės nuolat tyčiojasi ir daro kiaulystes. Tačiau vieną gražią dieną Danielės gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojom – ji sutinka žavų princą. O jos netikėtą laimę gali sugriauti nekaltas melas – Danielė pasisako esanti kunigaikštytė. Ar princas jai atleis?..

Fourteen years after the events of the first film, a series of encounters between people in Britain reminds us that in these different times Love, actually exists.

Aisha, a young Nigerian woman seeking asylum in Ireland, is floundering in a maze of social services and bureaucracy. As her situation becomes increasingly dire, Aisha struggles to maintain hope and dignity against the looming threat of deportation.

Takizawa prevented Japan's destruction - and then he vanished. Six months later, clues lead Saki to the Big Apple in search of her missing friend. Meanwhile, the remaining Selecao are plotting their final move. Some of them would prefer Takizawa dead and out of the way. Some might even be willing to help him achieve his goals. Unfortunately, some are prepared to destroy everything if it means claiming checkmate in Mr. Outside's puzzling game.

It's Halloween in the 100 Acre Wood, and Roo's best new friend, Lumpy, is looking forward to his first time trick-or-treating. That is, until Tigger warns them about the scary Gobloon, who'll turn them into jack-o'-lanterns if he catches them. But if Roo and Lumpy turn the tables on the Gobloon, they get to make a wish! Lumpy and Roo decide to be "brave together, brave forever" and catch the Gobloon so they can make their wishes come true.

Kalėdų išvakarėse 8-metis berniukas iš Sietlo paskambina į nacionalinio radijo laidą palinkėti, kad našlys jo tėvelis susirastų naują žmoną. Rytinėje šalies pakrantėje šiuos jo žodžius per automobilio radiją išgirsta jauna moteris Enė (Annie). Sujaudinta nesavanaudiško vaiko noro Enė įsitikinusi, kad jo tėvas – jai skirtas žmogus. Tačiau Enė jau yra susižadėjusi su vyru, kurį myli…

Geidžiamiausias Didžiosios Britanijos viengungis Hju Grantas vaidina plevėsą londonietį Vilą. Jis gyvena prabangiai, naudodamas tėvo palikimą. Tačiau Vilas nesiekia jokios atsakomybės ar ilgalaikių santykių su moterimis, kol vieną dieną jis susitinka su vieniša mama Siuze. Vilas pradeda meluoti, sakydamas, kad turi sūnų, kad įtikintų Siuzę. Taip jie sudaro netikrą šeimą, kad apsaugotų Siuzės sūnų Markusą nuo vienišumo. Vilas ir Markusas, susitarę, pradeda vaidinti tėvą ir sūnų. Tačiau kyla klausimas, ar šis melas ir vaidinimas gali ilgai tęstis.

While escaping from Nazis during the WWII, a Jewish man dug suitcases full of things dear to his heart in the ground two. The war deprived him of his family, and afterwards he endlessly turns over the soil of Antwerp to find the suitcases, which makes him look obsessed. He keeps checking old maps and keeps digging, trying to find, in fact, those he lost. His daughter Chaya is a beautiful modern girl looking for a part-time job. She finds a place as a nanny in the strictly observant Chassidic family with many children, although her secular manners clearly fly in the face of many commandments. One of the reasons she is accepted is that mother of the family is absolutely overburdened by the household, so she stays despite the resistance of the father, normally - an indisputable authority in the family. She develops a special bond with the youngest of the boys, four-year old Simcha, so far incapable of speaking.

Liusi dirba advokate. Jai sekasi puikiai, ji garsėja savo nuostabiu ir aštriu protu. Tačiau ne viskas Liusi gyvenime taip nuostabu – naktimis jai vis dažniau nepavyksta užmigti. Ir tai ne darbas jai neduoda ramybės, o jos milijonierius bosas Džordž. Jis patrauklus, žavus ir jo neįmanoma atstumti, tačiau su Liusi jis elgiasi greičiau kaip su aukle (be jos jis ir kaklaraiščio nenusipirktų), o ne kaip su visų gerbiama advokate. Ir staiga dabar, kai jau praėjo penkeri jų glaudaus bendradarbiavimo metai – kartu pirkdavo drabužius, tvarkė jo skyrybų reikalus, Liusi pareiškia, kad išeina iš darbo!

When Ben Wrightman, a young teacher, begins dating pretty businesswoman Lindsey Meeks, the two don't seem to have a lot of the same interests, but they fall in love, regardless. Their romance goes well until baseball season begins, and Lindsey soon realizes that Ben is completely obsessed with the Boston Red Sox. Though she tries to understand Ben's passionate team loyalty, eventually it threatens to end their otherwise happy relationship.

When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well.

In this sparkling romance, Ruby, a Chinese American toy designer from LA, visits Hong Kong for the first time on business. Finding herself stranded, she meets Josh, an American expat who shows her the city.

Loosely based on "4.50 from Paddington" by Agatha Christie.

Styvas Barkeris jau daugelį metų dirba prie rašomojo stalo su poperiais. Galų gale jam nusibosta ir jis paprašo viršininko paaukštinti jam pareigas. Pirmoji Styvo užduotis – atleisti ilgai firmoje dirbusį valytoją Stavį. Pasirodo, ir ši užduotis vaikinui per sunki. Atleidęs penkis vaikus turintį Stavį, pasamdo jį dirbti jo kieme ir pjauti žolę už šiek tiek didesnį atlyginimą. Viskas, atrodo, susitvarkė, visi laimingi, tačiau per nelaimingą atsitikimą Stavis netenka kelių pirštų. Nuvežus į ligoninę paaiškėja, kad už operaciją reikės sumokėti 29 000 dolerių. Styvui tai didžiulis galvos skausmas, jam pačiam labai reikia pinigų. Ir tada lyg iš dangaus nukrenta pasiūlymas dalyvauti parolimpinėse žaidynėse. Taigi Styvas apsimeta neįgaliuoju...

Music From Another Room is a romantic comedy that follows the exploits of Danny, a young man who grew up believing he was destined to marry the girl he helped deliver as a five year old boy when his neighbor went into emergency labor. Twenty-five years later, Danny returns to his hometown and finds the irresistible Anna Swann but she finds it easy to resist him since she is already engaged to dreamboat Eric, a very practical match. In pursuit of Anna, Danny finds himself entangled with each of the eccentric Swanns including blind, sheltered Nina, cynical sister Karen, big brother Bill and dramatic mother Grace as he fights to prove that fate should never be messed with and passion should never be practical.

In this sequel, Scott Wylde, an American kickboxer, must go to Cambodia to rescue his Vietnamese girlfriend from Russian and Vietnamese troops.

New Yorkers Paul and Meryl Morgan seem to have it all -- except that their marriage is crumbling around them. But their romantic woes are small compared to the trouble they find themselves in after witnessing a murder. To protect them from an assassin, federal agents whisk away Paul and Meryl to a small town in Wyoming, where their marriage will crash and burn, or their passion will reignite.

Bored with Bollywood movies but fascinated with their Hollywood counterparts from his youth, Ram dreams to become a singer and actor in America, the country where dreams are made. He is encouraged when his American-based close friend, Vijay Rao, comes for visit, and brags about driving a Mercedes and living in a penthouse.

The new season of "American Dreamz," the wildly popular television singing contest, has captured the country's attention, as the competition looks to be between a young Midwestern gal and a showtunes-loving young man from Orange County. Recently awakened President Staton even wants in on the craze, as he signs up for the potential explosive season finale.