Režiser temačnih miselnih izzivov Memento, Insomnia in Vitez teme se poglobi v najbolj srhljive dele človeškega uma, kamor s pomočjo futuristične tehnologije kuka pretkani Dom. Preko sanj vdira v misli drugih ljudi in krade dragocene podatke, zato postane najbolj iskan zločinec na planetu. Da bi zaživel normalno življenje, se odloči za zadnjo akcijo, kjer spominov ne namerava ukrasti, temveč želi namestiti nove in tako izvesti popoln zločin. Toda v nepredvidljivem svetu človeških misli ni pravil in omejitev, zato nepričakovani sovražnik nalogo spremeni v smrtonosno past, polno prevar in preobratov.

Poslovnež Oh Dae-su se neke noči leta 1988 znajde zaprt v majhni hotelski sobi brez oken in tam ostane petnajst let. Ne ve, kdo ali zakaj mu je naprtil kruto kazen. Kriv je brez krivde. Izdeluje sezname ljudi, ki jih je v življenju prizadel, da bi našel razlog. Njegovi neusmiljeni ugrabitelji ga preživljajo in hranijo s pomirjevali. Družbo mu dela le televizija. Po petnajstih letih samotne agonije je Oh Dae-su vržen v prostost. V žepu ima denar in mobilni telefon, na sebi drago obleko, v sebi pa sovraštvo in en sam cilj: maščevati se neznancu, ki mu je, dozdevno brez razloga, odvzel življenje.

Dramski triler režiserja Todda Phillipsa spremlja legendarnega stripovskega zlikovca v izvirni samostojni zgodbi o izvoru, kakšne še nismo videli na velikih platnih. Mučna in tragična pripoved se vrti okrog umsko trpinčenega komika Arthurja Flecka, v fantastični predstavi Joaquina Phoenixa, ki si prizadeva, da bi se uveljavil v razdeljeni družbi velemesta Gotham, ki ga zapostavlja in odriva na socialni rob. Živi sam z duševno bolno materjo, podnevi dela kot najeti klovn za oglaševanje lokalov in si želi postati zvezda komičnih stand-up predstav, vendar so vse šale ponavadi le na njegov račun. Ujet v krogu životarjenja med apatijo in krutostjo Arthur sprejme slabo odločitev, ki povzroči verižno reakcijo nasilja in smrti. Bolečina ga naposled pahne v soočenje s svojim drugim jazom, poznejšim Batmanovim največjim sovražnikom: Jokerjem.

Film Christopherja Nolana raziskuje začetke legende o Batmanu, ki se kasneje v mestu Gotham bori proti silam zla. Po smrti svojih staršev se razočarani Bruce Wayne (CHRISTIAN BALE) poda v svet, kjer išče načine, kako bi se boril proti krivicam in nagnal strah v kosti tistim, ki prežijo na nemočne. Naposled se vrne v Gotham in razkrije svoj drugi jaz: Batmana, zamaskiranega križarja, ki se s svojo močjo, razumom in vrsto modernih naprav bori proti zloveščim silam, ki ogrožajo mesto.

Pravičniški vojak iz 2. svetovne vojne Steve Rogers skuša miselnost in simbolni pomen svojega herojskega lika Stotnika Amerike prilagoditi sodobnemu svetu, vendar vedno znova naleti na moralne dileme ameriškega vojaškega posredovanja po svetu. S pomočjo neustrašne Črne vdove in novega prijatelja Sokola skuša Stotnik Amerika razkriti srhljivo zaroto, ki ogrozi prihodnost celotnega sveta. Ob tem se mora v osupljivih dvobojih soočiti z nekdanjim prijateljem, ki so mu v sovjetskih laboratorijih oprali možgane in spremenili v zloveščega Zimskega vojaka.

A Louisiana con man enters his steamboat into a winner-take-all race with a rival while trying to find a witness to free his nephew, about to be hanged for murder.

A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he attempts to persuade a girl to run away to Italy with him.

'Toon star Roger is worried that his wife Jessica is playing pattycake with someone else, so the studio hires detective Eddie Valiant to snoop on her. But the stakes are quickly raised when Marvin Acme is found dead and Roger is the prime suspect.

Resničnostni boj na življenje ali smrt, v katerem sta za tekmovanja naključno izbrana dva najstnika iz vsakega od dvanajstih okrožij države Panem.

The Bellas are back, and they are better than ever. After being humiliated in front of none other than the President of the United States of America, the Bellas are taken out of the Aca-Circuit. In order to clear their name, and regain their status, the Bellas take on a seemingly impossible task: winning an international competition no American team has ever won. In order to accomplish this monumental task, they need to strengthen the bonds of friendship and sisterhood and blow away the competition with their amazing aca-magic! With all new friends and old rivals tagging along for the trip, the Bellas can hopefully accomplish their dreams.

When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise.

Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a diet based only on McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days without exercising to try to prove why so many Americans are fat or obese. He submits himself to a complete check-up by three doctors, comparing his weight along the way, resulting in a scary conclusion.

Nadebudni mladenič Flint sanja, da bo s svojimi nenavadnimi izumi izboljšal življenje someščanov, a kot zakleto se vsi poskusi izjalovijo. Ker ne želi končati v očetovi prodajalni sardin, izumi napravo, ki vodo spreminja v hrano, toda ko jo skuša vključiti, jo odnese v nebo. Kmalu iz oblakov prične deževati najrazličnejša hrana in Flintova priljubljenost hitro naraste. Na žalost se okusni vremenski pojavi spremenijo v naravno katastrofo, popolno uničenje pa lahko prepreči le Flintova iznajdljivost.

A group of teens journey to a remote cabin in the woods where their fate is unknowingly controlled by technicians as part of a worldwide conspiracy where all horror movie clichés are revealed to be part of an elaborate sacrifice ritual.

Raised by her father, an ex-CIA agent, in the wilds of Finland, Hanna's upbringing has been geared to making her the perfect assassin. Sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys across Europe, eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative. As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

Že davno pred nastankom ljudi so Minioni iskali največjega zlobneža na Zemlji, da bi mu služili. Vendar so s svojimi simpatičnimi nerodnostmi vedno poskrbeli za gospodarjev propad. Večina Minionov je naposled obupala, toda odločni Kevin se s prijateljema Stuartom in Bobom poda na potovanje v ZDA na srečanje največjih barab.

Hancock is a down-and-out superhero who's forced to employ a PR expert to help repair his image when the public grows weary of all the damage he's inflicted during his lifesaving heroics. The agent's idea of imprisoning the antihero to make the world miss him proves successful, but will Hancock stick to his new sense of purpose or slip back into old habits?

A lowly pencil pusher working for MI7, Johnny English is suddenly promoted to super spy after Agent One is assassinated and every other agent is blown up at his funeral. When a billionaire entrepreneur sponsors the exhibition of the Crown Jewels—and the valuable gems disappear on the opening night and on English's watch—the newly-designated agent must jump into action to find the thief and recover the missing gems.

Cheyenne Harry, owner of the biggest cattle ranch in his corner of the west, is having trouble with John Merritt, a land-grabbing Chicago meat-packer. By some artifice of shrewd legal aid, Merritt manages to seize Harry's ranch under a bogus writ of foreclosure. Failing to get justice by his many letters to Merritt, Cheyenne Harry goes east and calls at the millionaire's mansion. At first, Merritt refuses to see him. Then, to cause amusement for his daughter, Helen, and her guests, he invites the "uncouth" westerner into his dining hall. He is sure that he will make some grave error in table deportment and afford them all a laugh. To the amazement of Merrit and the guests Harry's table manners are faultless. Then, to trick him into an embarrassing position, Merritt eats with his knife. Harry, realizing that it is proper for the guest to follow the example of the host, does likewise. He leaves the house chagrined but more determined than ever to get justice from Merritt.