De um lado está um exército de pistoleiros de aluguel espreitando a cadeia na tentativa de libertar um assassino. Do outro, está o xerife John T. Chance e seus dois assistentes: um ex-beberrão em recuperação e o outro, um velho manco e reclamão. Ao lado deles estão um jovem rápido no gatilho e uma mulher com um passado sombrio, mas cujo coração palpita por Chance.

A Polish priest arrives at a convent hoping to save the Mother Superior, who is supposedly possessed by eight demons.

A stunningly-photographed, thought-provoking road trip into the heart of the poor white American South. Singer Jim White takes his 1970 Chevy Impala through a gritty terrain of churches, prisons, truckstops, biker bars and coalmines. Along the way are roadside encounters with present-day musical mavericks the Handsome Family, David Johansen, David Eugene Edwards of 16 Horsepower and old-time banjo player Lee Sexton, and grisly stories from the cult Southern novelist Harry Crews.

O filme "A conquista do Oeste" é um western panorâmico, técnica e tematicamente, que segue o itenerário de uma família de pioneiros do Oeste, a família Prescott. É, na verdade, um belo e grandioso fresco épico e heróico que descreve a génese da América na sua expansão até às últimas fronteiras.

Na Pequim de 1900, durante a rebelião dos Boxers (revolta de uma facção do povo chinês contra a presença ocidental na China), é organizada uma comissão que reúne diplomatas, ministros do exército e outros representantes de dezenas de nações. A idéia é encontrar uma solução amigável e diplomática, mas há o evidente conflito de interesses entre os países presentes e o Império Chinês.

O Capitão Cutter é um Texas Ranger determinado a encontrar e destruir um grupo de bandidos que vende armas para os índios e são chamados de Comancheros. Aprisiona um jogador que acaba sendo seu aliado.

Jake Wade breaks Clint Hollister out of jail to pay off an old debt, though it's clear there is some pretty deep hostility between them. They part, and Jake returns to his small-town marshal's job and his fiancée only to find he has been tracked there by Hollister. It seems they were once in a gang together and Jake knows where the proceeds of a bank hold-up are hidden. Hollister and his sidekicks make off into the hills, taking along the trussed-up marshal and his kidnapped bride-to-be to force the lawman to show them where the loot is.

A naval officer reprimanded after Pearl Harbor is later promoted to rear admiral and gets a second chance to prove himself against the Japanese.

Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to agree to a treaty. However, what they didn't realize was that the handsome Persian was in fact a sexual sadist. So, it is up to the King's half- brother, some Hungarian prince, to save Angélique from the evil troll's clutches.

Victor e Hillary estão com muita pouco sorte, a ponto de permitirem que turistas façam passeios guiados em seu castelo. Mas Charles Delacro, um magnata do petróleo bilionário, visita o castelo e gosta de algo mais do que a casa. Logo, Hattie Durant se envolve e eles têm um bom e velho "triângulo" amoroso formado. Neste caso um triângulo de quatro lados.

After the Civil War, ex-Union Colonel John Henry Thomas and ex-Confederate Colonel James Langdon are leading two disparate groups of people through strife-torn Mexico. John Henry and company are bringing horses to the unpopular Mexican government for $35 a head while Langdon is leading a contingent of displaced southerners, who are looking for a new life in Mexico after losing their property to carpetbaggers. The two men are eventually forced to mend their differences in order to fight off both bandits and revolutionaries, as they try to lead their friends and kin to safety.

A Palestinian seeks Israeli permission to waive curfew to give his son a fine wedding. The military governor's condition is that he and his officers attend. The groom berates his father for agreeing. Women ritually prepare the bride; men prepare the groom. Guests gather. The Arab youths plot violence. One Israeli officer swoons in the heat and Arab women take her into the cool house. A thoroughbred gets loose and runs to a mined field; soldiers and Arabs must cooperate to rescue it. As darkness falls, tensions between army and villagers rise, and the groom's wedding-night anger and impotence threaten family dignity and honor. Can cool heads prevail?

Após a queda das Filipinas para os japoneses na Segunda Guerra Mundial, o coronel Joseph Madden do Exército dos EUA permanece para organizar guerrilheiros contra os conquistadores.

Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Duke E. Gifford é o segundo no comando da USS Thunderfish, um submarino que está disparando torpedos que ou explodem muito cedo ou nunca explodem. É um problema que ele vai finalmente assumir pessoalmente. Ainda mais pessoal é sua missão de reconquistar sua ex-mulher, uma enfermeira; mas ele vai ter que reconquistá-la de um aviador da marinha, que também vem a ser o irmão mais novo de seu comandante.

April 5, 1943: a battalion of the Foreign Legion arrives in El Ksour, Tunisia, to escort a fortune in gold bars to the home front. A German ambush awaits, and all but four die. Thanks to the street smarts of Sergeant Augagneur, the Legionnaires successfully counter attack. The bank manager and his seductive wife arrive, and so does a German lieutenant, whom the French arrest. Augagneur wants to steal the gold; warrant officer Mahuzard wants to do his duty. A series of alliances form and break apart, the group dwindles in number, and the gold heads south toward Betahoua. But in whose possession?

Primavera de 1836. Mesmo com poucas chances de vitória, cerca de 200 homens de várias raças se unem na defesa de um pequeno forte no Texas. Durante 13 dias eles enfrentam as tropas do general mexicano Santa Anna (Emilio Echevarria).

After a brief courtship, Julianne marries her handsome boyfriend, Mitch. To celebrate their honeymoon, the couple travel to a remote cabin on a small island. When they arrive, however, Mitch becomes aggressive and physically abusive, and Julianne soon realizes he's not the ideal husband she once thought he was. Knowing that Mitch doesn't plan on ever letting her leave the island, Julianne, who is afraid of water, must find a way to escape.

An American occult novelist battles to save the soul of a young girl from a group of Satanists, led by an excommunicated priest, who plan on using her as the representative of the Devil on Earth.

A young painter stumbles upon an assortment of odd characters at an English estate where he has been hired to give art lessons to beautiful Laura Fairlie. Among them are Anne Catherick, a strange young woman dressed in white whom he meets in the forest and who bears a striking resemblance to Laura; cunning Count Fosco, who hopes to obtain an inheritance for nobleman Sir Percival Glyde, whom he plans to have Laura marry; Mr. Fairlie, a hypochondriac who can't stand to have anyone make the slightest noise; and eccentric Countess Fosco who has her own dark secret. The artist also finds himself drawn to Marion Halcomb, a distant relation to Laura for whom the Count also has plans.

Middle-class suburbanites Larry and Kitty grow bored with their lives and respective marriages. Although each always found the other's manner grating, they fall in love when thrown together--without their spouses--on vacation. On returning home they try to break things off, only to grow closer. A holiday together will finally settle whether they should end their marriages.