فيـلم يحكي قصة شاب بلا اسم أي ناناشي يلتقـي بالصدفة بطفل يدعى كوتارو مع كلبه توبيمارو الملاحَق من طرف جنود صينيين و آخرون يابانيين ، حيث و بعد حماية الساموراي ناناشي للصبي، يتعرض الكلب المسكين لإصابة ، الشيء الدي دفع الطفل كوتارو لعقد اتفاق مع ناناشي : يوصلهم إلى شيراتو مقابل حجر كريم ، لتبدأ رحلة أبطالنـا من هنا … لكن ، ما لا يعرفه ناناشي ، هو أن الجنود المطاردين للصبي هم تحت إمرة الإمبراطور الدي يود قتل كوتارو من أجل إكمال صنع مخدر يكسبـك حياة أبديـة ، لكن ناناشـي اعتاد على كوتارو ، و لا يمكنه التخلي عنه ، فما مصير الصبي كوتارو ؟ و هل سيفلح الإمبراطور في عمليته ؟

In this little Provencal village, a new baker, Aimable, settles down. His wife Aurelie is beautiful and much younger than he. She departs with a shepherd the night after Aimable produces his first breads. Aimable is so afflicted that he can not work anymore. Therefore, the villagers, who initially laughed at his cuckoldry, take the matter very seriously (they want the bread) and organize a plan to find Aurelie and to bring her back to the bakery.

Terry Jones presents Boom Bust Boom. The result of a meeting between writer, director, historian and Python Terry Jones and economics professor and entrepreneur Theo Kocken. Co-written by Jones and Kocken and featuring John Cusack, Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman, Robert J Shiller and Paul Krugman, the film is part of a global movement to change the economic system through education to protect the world from boom and bust. A unique look at why economic crashes happen, Boom Bust Boom is a multimedia documentary combining live action with animation and puppetry to explain economics to everyone.

Teenager Susan Turner, with a severe crush on playboy artist Richard Nugent, sneaks into his apartment to model for him and is found there by her sister Judge Margaret Turner. Threatened with jail, Nugent agrees to date Susan until the crush abates.

جوناثان سويتشر ، فنان عاطل عن العمل ، يجد وظيفة كمساعد تزيين نوافذ لمتجر متعدد الأقسام. عندما تصادف جوناثان عارضة أزياء جميلة صممها سابقًا ، تنبض بالحياة وتقدم نفسها على أنها إيمي ، مصرية تحت تأثير تعويذة قديمة. على الرغم من تدخل مدير المتجر المخادع ، يقع جوناثان وعارضته في الحب أثناء إنشاء شاشات نافذة لافتة للنظر لإبقاء المتجر المتعثر في العمل.

In this short subject (which mostly represents a departure from Disney's traditional approach to animation), a stuffy owl teacher lectures his feathered flock on the origins of Western musical instruments. Starting with cavepeople, whose crude implements could only "toot, whistle, plunk and boom," the owl explains how these beginnings led to the development of the four basic types of Western musical instruments: brass, woodwinds, strings, and percussion.

The story 11-year-old Luis who makes friends with three loveable little aliens, who crash their UFO into his house. In return for Luis' help in finding the home-shopping channel stuff they came for, they save Luis from boarding school - and an exciting adventure follows.

Dragon Hunters is a fantastic tale telling the adventures of two dragon hunters: the world has become a vast conglomerate of islands of varying size and shape. This babbling universe is mainly peopled with ruthless rogues, surly peasants and illiterate, petty lords Their main concerns revolve around two fundamental rules : Eat and don't get eaten.

Celeste and Jesse met in high school and got married young. They laugh at the same jokes and finish each other’s sentences. They are forever linked in their friends’ minds as the perfect couple – she, a high-powered businesswoman and budding novelist; he, a free spirit who keeps things from getting boring. Their only problem is that they have decided to get divorced. Can their perfect relationship withstand this minor setback?

A native-American lacrosse team makes its way through a prep school league tournament.

A high school biology teacher moonlights as a mixed-martial arts fighter in an effort to raise money to save the school's music program.

Erstwhile C.I.A. assassin Richard Malone hopes for a tranquil retirement in the placid Pacific Northwest, but what he gets is a rumble with a right-wing extremist plotting a secret revolution.

تم تعيين المدعي العام للمقاطعة توم لوغان لمنصب أعلى ، على الأقل حتى يتورط مع محامية الدفاع لورا كيلي وعميلها الذي لا يمكن التنبؤ به تشيلسي ديردون. يبدو أن أقل جرائم تشيلسي هي سرقة لوحة ثمينة للغاية ، ولكن مع إقناع النساء لوجان بإجراء مزيد من التحقيق وقطع بعض الزوايا الرسمية ، يبدأ سيناريو أكثر خطورة في الظهور.

A successful, single businesswoman who dreams of having a baby discovers she is infertile and hires a working class woman to be her unlikely surrogate.

Modern day adaptation of Shakespeare's immortal story about Hamlet's plight to avenge his father's murder in New York City.

After everyone's favorite St. Bernard gets fired from a movie, Beethoven begins the long journey home with his trainer, Eddie. On their way, they become stranded in a small coastal town where the beloved canine befriends a young boy who is searching for buried treasure.

French filmmaker Eric Lartigau directs the anarchic buddy comedy Bullit and Riper, originally released as Mais qui a tue Pamela Rose? French comedic television stars Kad Merad and Olivier Barroux are both the protagonists and the screenwriters. As a parody of Hollywood cop films, the story is set somewhere in the American Midwest as fabricated by the French. After losing his regular partner, FBI agent Richard Bullit (Merad) gets assigned to the book-learned cop Riper (Barroux) to investigate the death of a stripper. American movie stereotypes abound, such as shock jock Phil Canon (Gérard Darmon) and sheriff Steve Marley (Jean-Paul Rouve).

Anthony and Dolores Montelli, along with their four children, move into their dream house in Amityville and are immediately plagued by a string of paranormal experiences. When the abusive Anthony wrongly places the blame on their children, Dolores recruits a local Catholic priest to exorcise the house.

The story focuses on a group of thirtysomething guys who head up to the Hamptons to a buddy's bungalow to throw a bachelor party for another friend. Once there, a group of middle-aged, overweight hookers (who look nothing, NOTHING like the girl on the cover. . . not even a little bit!) stop by randomly and give the boys a show. Unfortunately, they're possessed by some type of evil/demonic force and they started to kill the guys off (mostly during sex) one by one.