一天晚上,达尔瓦突然被从她父亲的家里带走。 起初她感到震惊和愤怒,后来她遇到了社会工作者杰登和脾气暴躁的青少年萨米亚。 达尔瓦的新生活似乎开始了,一个同龄女孩的生活。

  嘉儿(伊莎贝尔·卡雷 Isabelle Carre 饰)在森林里意外的遭到了雷击,导致了轻微的失忆,再加上她的母亲患有阿兹海默症,考虑到遗传因素带来的影响,姐姐娜塔莉(安乐妮 Anne Le Ny 饰)决定将嘉儿送进她们的母亲曾经居住过的松鼠疗养院进行修养。   在那里,嘉儿结识了名为菲利普(贝尔纳·康潘 Bernard Campan 饰)的男子。一场严重的车祸带走了菲利普的妻子和孩子,同时也带走了他的记忆。人生活到不惑之年,之前的数据突然被清空,那种滋味可想而知。幸运的是,在嘉儿的陪伴和鼓励之下,菲利普渐渐走出了低谷,并且深深的爱上了这位可爱善良的姑娘。

  曾在赛特港码头辛苦操劳大半生的工人赛门(哈比•布法莱斯 Habib Boufares 饰)被解雇了,他感到既气愤又无助,跟上司的抗争也无功而返。由于事业的不顺利,他跟家人的关系也变得紧张起来,前妻、情人、儿女都对他感到失望。正在赛门走投无路的时候,情人的女儿丽姆(阿弗西娅•埃尔奇 Hafsia Herzi 饰)挺身而出。在她的鼓励帮助下,赛门准备在废弃的船上开一家餐厅,但是投资方对于他资产的质疑,险些让这桩买卖泡了汤。但是,赛门已经重新找回生活的勇气和信心。他带领家人逐渐走出阴霾,正当一家人为餐厅筹备菜品的时候,他们却遇到了前所未有的麻烦……   本片获得第64届威尼斯电影节评审团特别奖。

Martin Scorsese and the Rolling Stones unite in "Shine A Light," a look at The Rolling Stones." Scorsese filmed the Stones over a two-day period at the intimate Beacon Theater in New York City in fall 2006. Cinematographers capture the raw energy of the legendary band.

Salvo and Valentino are two happy Sicilian friends, who do not want to work, because they know that if they find a permanent job, their girlfriends will ask them to marry them.

美国内战时期,法国大作家Victor Hugo的二女儿Adele Hugo(伊莎贝尔·阿佳妮 Isabelle Adjani饰)漂洋过海来到加拿大的Halifax寻找自己的爱人——英国军官Pinson(布鲁斯·罗宾逊 Bruce Robinson)。然而Pinson却已移情别恋,对Adele异常冷漠。Adele想尽一切方法想挽回Pinson皆告失败。而另一方面,当地高昂的生活费也让Adele难以承受,只能一次又一次要求父亲汇钱。此时的Hugo正流亡在一个小岛上,妻子病重,两人多次希望Adele能返回家中,但Adele坚持留在加拿大。恋情的失败让Adele经常想起她溺水身亡的姐姐,她的精神开始变得错乱。之后,Pinson跟着部队离开Halifax前往另一个小岛Barbados,Adele也跟随而去,在那里,她的病情日益恶化,最终被送回法国,在休养院里度过余生,最终于一战时期悄然离世……

France, 1870s. Rosalie is a young woman unlike any other. She hides a secret: she was born with a face and body covered in hair. She’s concealed her peculiarity all her life to stay safe, shaving to fit in. Until Abel, an indebted bar owner unaware of her secret, marries Rosalie for her dowry. Will Abel be able to love Rosalie and see her as the woman she is, once he finds out the truth?

Le capitan is a 1960 French-Italian swashbuckler film directed by André Hunebelle and starring Jean Marais, Bourvil, Elsa Martinelli and Lise Delamare. It is based on a novel by Michel Zévaco.


木月自杀之后,留给曾经青梅竹马的恋人直子(菊地凛子 饰)以及他们的好朋友渡边(松山健一 饰)无法弥合的伤痛。为了忘掉曾经伤痛的记忆,渡边选择了前往东京求学。在新的环境中,渡边几乎忘记过去的一切,直到某天与直子偶遇。在他们共同的记忆里,木月是不可能回避的话题,但他们却像约好了一样谁也没有提起这个人。直子20岁的生日,屋外淫雨霏霏,屋内直子与渡边温存一夜。直子搬家了,她又一次从渡边的生活中消失,渡边的生活似乎又一次恢复平静,但他的内心却满怀伤害直子的愧疚,直到渡边收到直子的信。渡边认识了开朗热情的女同学绿子(水原希子 饰),两人很快坠入爱河,但在渡边的心里,永远有一个位置属于直子…… 影片改编自村上春树的著名小说《挪威的森林》,从开拍伊始,便倍受关注。

一转眼,马莉(朱丽叶·比诺什 饰)已经是一个四十岁的女人了,某天一觉醒来,马莉竟然失去了之前十五年的全部记忆。也就是说,从记忆的角度来看,四十岁的玛丽宛如二十五岁的少女。亦二十五岁的眼光来看待自己的生活和整个世界,马莉震惊了。本来打得火热的男友保罗(马修·卡索维茨 饰),摇身一变就成了自己的丈夫;职场上默默无闻的小透明,如今成为了企业高管,住在能看得见埃菲尔铁塔的高级豪宅之中。实际上,马莉和保罗之间的感情早已经荡然无存,他们都各自有了婚外恋请。现在,当马莉再度以二十五岁时的炙热目光望向保罗之时,两人的感情能否死灰复燃呢?

In antique Rome, a simple pepboy for chars becomes involved in a coup against Cesar. Rahatlocum is a North African Roman colony where Julius Caesar came to spend an expensive holiday. The revolt rumbles among the small people who find a leader in the person of Ben-Hur Marcel.



Urbain Donnadieu's first love is money. It's also his second, third and fourth love. The only reason he married - a tax inspector named Fleurette - was to avoid a fine for tax evasion. For several years, he has been stealing money from his construction company and buying gold bars with his ill-gotten gains. His plan is to deposit all this wealth in a Swiss Bank, where neither his wife - whom he is about to divorce - nor the French State can get at it. Accompanied by his money-grabbing Granny Zézette, Urbain heads off for Switzerland, with his gold concealed in the walls of a model house on the back of a trailer. Unfortunately, his scheme is threatened by his wife and his embittered ex-chauffeur, who are determined to get his money at any cost...

Dino Fabrizzi is the number one seller of the Maserati dealership in Nice. At 42, he arrives at a turning point in his life, the position of director is openly proposed and his companion for a year, Helen, has the firm intention to marry her. For Dino, life is great, except that this perfect life was built on a lie. Dino is actually called Mourad Ben Saoud. Neither his boss nor Helen and even less his parents are aware of this false identity. In ten days begins Ramadan and Mourad who passes every year will this time assume the promise made to his sick father. Taking part in Ramadan, For Dino - the Italian - it will not be easy.

Faced with their fantasies, six couples try to explore the hidden sides of their intimate life. Six questions on access to pleasure. From role play to abstinence, via exhibition, six separate stories with the same questioning of desire today in the center.

At 9:00, Laurent receives a worrying text message. 9:01, his mobile's stolen. 9:30, his son disappears. 10:00, his house burns down. 10:15, his wife leaves him. 10:30, his company goes bankrupt. 11:00, he's in custody. The day's got off to a bad start.
