Dua Lipa's kaleidoscopic rocket fuelled journey through time, space, mirrorballs, roller discos, bucket hats, belting beats, throbbing basslines and an absolute slam dunk of the best of times in global club culture throughout the decades.

The second "visual album" (a collection of short films) by Beyoncé, this time around she takes a piercing look at racial issues and feminist concepts through a sexualized, satirical, and solemn tone.

This incredibly disturbing story follows the exploitation of an apprentice butcher, Hermógenes, and his trial after he murders his boss in broad daylight. Hermógenes, a farmhand from northern Argentina, relocates to Buenos Aires in search of a better life for himself and his young wife, but soon finds himself at the mercy of a corrupt boss. The film is based on a thorough investigation of a real event that happened in Buenos Aires 10 years ago. Almost every scene in the film is inspired by real facts or based on well documented daily practices of the “meat business” and its environment. Both a shocking exposé of unscrupulous practices in the meat industry and a heart-wrenching personal story, El Patrón became one of the most successful Argentine films of 2014.

An intimate look into the life of icon Quincy Jones. A unique force in music and popular culture for 70 years, Jones has transcended racial and cultural boundaries; his story is inextricably woven into the fabric of America. Jones came to prominence in the 1950s as a jazz arranger and conductor before working on pop music and film scores. He moved easily between musical genres, producing major pop hits of the early 1960s and serving as an arranger and conductor for several collaborations in the same time period.

In the early 1960s, a quintet of hopeful, young African-American men form an amateur vocal group called The Five Heartbeats. After an initially rocky start, the group improves, turns pro, and rises to become a top flight music sensation. Along the way, however, the guys learn many hard lessons about the reality of the music industry.

After enjoying a holiday romance, high school students Danny and Sandy are unexpectedly reunited when she transfers to Rydell High, where she must contend with cynical Rizzo and the Pink Ladies.

A vida do jornalista Steve Lopez (Downey) chegou a um beco sem saída. O seu casamento desabou e já nem se lembra daquilo que gostava na sua profissão. Até que, um dia, encontra na rua Nathaniel Ayers (Foxx) a tocar de forma sentida o seu violino de duas cordas. De início, Lopez vê em Ayers uma forma de conseguir uma boa história. Mas à medida que Lopez fica a conhecer o percurso do misterioso músico, embarca numa demanda para o tirar das ruas e colocá-lo de novo no mundo da música. E, nesse processo, a vida de Lopez também não voltará a ser a mesma...

Em 1948, Albert Kinsey abalou a conservadora sociedade americana ao lançar o seu novo livro, "Comportamento Sexual do Macho Humano". O livro trazia uma ampla pesquisa, na qual Kinsey levantou dados sobre o comportamento sexual de milhares de homens. O assunto, até então pouquíssimo abordado, passa a ser tema de debates e provoca polémica na sociedade, o que irá aumentar com a publicação de um novo estudo, dedicado à sexualidade feminina.

Nona, uma avó, planeia passar o dia de folga desligada do mundo e a ver E.W.W. Smashdown Wrestling, o seu programa preferido. No entanto, quando Renee, a sua neta de cinco anos, é deixada consigo inesperadamente, Nona fica dividida entre as duas coisas de que mais gosta.

Sarah Barlow and Linda Wells are two mothers who give birth on the same day in the same hospital. Eighteen months later, a DNA test proves the infants were switched at birth by the hospital.

"GORDOS" is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires, hopes, challenges, concessions, goals, relationships, love, sex, health, family... about survival in the widest and "largest" sense of the word. The movie is pizza, ice-cream, chocolate, sweets, calories, lot of calories. It is also guilt, desire, fear, hope, dreams, sex, family, love. But it is happy, optimistic, painful, tender, harsh, light, profound. A comedy. A drama. A collection of contradictions. It's life, the life of a gay actor presenting weight loss products who lose his job because he get fat and who starts dating a ... woman.

Depois de levar um fora da noiva. Um jovem escritor lança um livro sobre relacionamentos e junto com seu primo, cria uma armadilha para vencer a guerra dos sexos. Porém, A bela namorada do seu parceiro decobre tudo e prepara um hilariante desfecho para a história.

A hard-nosed Chicago journalist has an unlikely love affair with an eagle researcher.

Three summers ago, Buffalo, New York native Addison Henderson went to Ghana with one question: what is identity? He brought with a film crew, his father and three friends to approach topics of identity, belonging and heritage in the West African nation where centuries before the Transatlantic Slave Trade had thrived. Their journey is inspiration for “The Experience”.

During the 1980s the US is hit by a wave of nuclear attacks, and after the fallout those who remain pretend like everything is normal even though they are all experiencing radiation poisoning. A young girl named Mayday tries to make contact on a series of ham radios with her father who is in space on a shuttle mission.

Simon acorda na cama de um hospital sofrendo de amnésia, após uma experiência de quase morte. Uma série de vagas recordações aumentam o seu estado de confusão mental. Na busca pela sua identidade, ele descobre que possui o incrível poder de viajar na sua memória temporal, o que lhe poderá conseguir evitar o assassínio do seu irmão.

One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.

The true story of the rise and fall of Creation Records and its infamous founder Alan McGee; the man responsible for supplying the “Brit Pop” soundtrack to the ‘90s, a decade of cultural renaissance known as Cool Britannia. From humble beginnings to Downing Street soirées, from dodging bailiffs to releasing multi-platinum albums, Creation had it all. Breakdowns, bankruptcy, fights and friendships… and not forgetting the music. Featuring some of the greatest records you have ever heard, we follow Alan through a drug-fuelled haze of music and mayhem, as his rock’n’roll dream brings the world Oasis, Primal Scream, and other generation-defining bands.

Darren Hill (Cuba Gooding Jr.) é um produtor de hip hop que acaba de perder o emprego. Cheio de dívidas a pagar, sua salvação surge quando descobre que sua tia Sally (Ann Nesby) faleceu e lhe deixou uma herança milionária. Porém, para receber o dinheiro, há uma condição: Darren precisa se tornar o líder do coro da igreja e concorrer ao Prêmio Gospel.

A German comedy from 1972 directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb. Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft reminisces about his own time as a student.