Samantha Caine, suburban homemaker, is the ideal mom to her 8 year old daughter Caitlin. She lives in Honesdale, PA, is a school teacher and makes the best Rice Krispie treats in town. But when she receives a bump on her head, she begins to remember small parts of her previous life as a lethal, top-secret agent.

O tânără suferindă de orbire primește un transplant de cornee care, dacă operația decurge fără probleme, îi va reda vederea. Deși tânăra începe să vadă, ea realizează curând că a primit mai mult decât și-ar fi dorit: acum poate vedea și spiritele oamenilor morți. Și pentru că nu era deajuns, unele dintre fantome nu se arată deloc prietenoase. Misiunea tinerei devine deodată foarte clară: aflarea originii corneei pe care a primit-o și descifrarea vieții fostului proprietar.

Viața lui Howard e complet dată peste cap după ce unul dintre foștii lui elevi, care acum e star de cinema, spune la televizor că acesta e gay. Acum, profesorul trebuie să convingă întregul oraș, pe logodnica sa și mai ales pe el însuși că nu e adevărat.

Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence of a past misdeed. Sir Robert turns for help to his friend Lord Goring, an apparently idle philanderer and the despair of his father. Goring knows the lady of old, and, for him, takes the whole thing pretty seriously.

The story of a group of friends in turn of the century New York, from their early days as street hoods to their rise in the world of organized crime...

When a prostitute is found dead in a Los Angeles skyscraper occupied by a large Japanese corporation, detectives John Connor and Web Smith are called in to investigate. Although Connor has previous experience working in Japan, cultural differences make their progress difficult until a security disc showing the murder turns up. Close scrutiny proves the disc has been doctored, and the detectives realize they're dealing with a cover-up as well.

An LA detective is murdered because she has microfilm with the recipe to make cocaine cookies. Two cops partner to find and stop the fiends before they can dope the nation by distributing their wares via the 'Wilderness Girls' cookie drive.

Marika și tânărul Erol îl conduc pe Gabriel la aeroportul din Toronto pentru o călătorie de afaceri la Princeton, dar niciodată nu se va întoarce, dispărând fără urmă. 12 ani mai târziu, Marika nu poate uita și trece peste pierderea soțului ei. Erol e acum adult, a ajuns fizician si locuiește cu iubita sa din copilărie. El se confrunta cu o mare dilemă atunci când bunicul Sal, om de știință, spune că el crede că Gabriel a inventat o mașină a timpului. Erol se trezește șfâșiat de posibilitatea de a-l ajuta pe Sal sa gaseasca o modalitate de a merge înapoi în timp pentru a își salva tatăl, conștient de faptul că tot ce fac ei ar putea avea serioase consecințe asupra vieții pe care o trăiesc acum.

După ce s-a întors acasă, soția căpitanului de marină americană Brad Paxton, decorată, Kate, este răpită de un grup terorist în timp ce lucra în Maroc. El este forțat să revină în acțiune pentru o operație îndrăzneață și mortală pentru a salva femeia pe care o iubește.

The seeds of love are planted when Lisa, a high-powered investment banker, receives flowers from a secret admirer. But when his fairy-tale fantasies clash with her workaholic ways, they soon find out that sometimes, it's harder than it seems for love to conquer all.

When a vengeful New York transit cop decides to steal a trainload of subway fares, his foster brother—a fellow cop—tries to protect him.

George Kuffs didn't finish high-school, just lost his job, and his college-age girlfriend is pregnant. To top it off, George's brother Brad is killed and George inherits Brad's "patrol special" privatized police district and all the problems that come with it.

At the University of Chicago, a research team that includes brilliant student machinist Eddie Kasalivich experiences a breakthrough: a stable form of fusion that may lead to a waste-free energy source. However, a private company wants to exploit the technology, so Kasalivich and physicist Dr. Lily Sinclair are framed for murder, and the fusion device is stolen. On the run from the FBI, they must recover the technology and exonerate themselves.

When his partner is killed in the line of duty, Artie Lewis becomes the legal guardian of his three orphaned girls. But during his investigation of the case, Lewis finds his life – and that of his newfound family – on the line. That's when the guilty crime-lord comes face to face with one man's rage, one man's fury, one man's justice.

Reims, France, 1969. Paul Coutard is a 30-year-old sports journalist at daily newspaper Le Champenois. Charming, childish and a womanizer, he does exactly what he pleases. Then one day, his boss forces him to plan the newspaper’s annual fair together with Emmanuelle Bruno, the discreet and beautiful executive assistant. Paul has the crazy idea to organize a women’s football match for the first time. With Emmanuelle’s help, the project grows to unexpected proportions, as does their romance.

The shooting of a U.S. senator's wife raises the stakes for kidnappers seeking a hefty ransom for a computer magnate.

During a routine prison work detail, convict Piper is chained to Dodge, a cyberhacker, when gunfire breaks out. Apparently, the attack is related to stolen money that the Mafia is after, and some computer files that somebody wants desperately to bury. The pair, who don't exactly enjoy each other's company, escape and must work together if they are to reach Atlanta alive. Luckily, they meet a woman who may be willing to help them.

A man's family brought back from the verge of death, he then discovers he can identify people who are about to die.

A Russian woman travels to America with her daughter to marry a reclusive billionaire offering them a better life, but soon begins to suspect her new husband might have a far more sinister plan for their arrangement.

When a clergyman is accused for the murder of a social worker, the parish priest recruits a reporter (and his ex-girlfriend) to clear his name.