Príbeh rímskeho generála Maxima sa začína v zime roku 180, keď sa na čele rímskych légií postará o konečné víťazstvo nad germánskymi kmeňmi. Po bitke sa objaví starý a chorý cisár Marcus Aurelius so svojimi deťmi, slabošským synom Commodom a dcérou Lucillou, ktorá bola kedysi Maximovou milenkou. Večnými bojmi unavený cisár požiada Maxima, aby sa po jeho smrti stal protektorom Ríma. Generál to však odmietne. Jediné, po čom túži, je pokojný život na vidieku po boku manželky a syna. Keď sa Commodus dozvie, že ho otec nehodlá menovať svojim nástupcom, zákerne ho zabije a zmocní sa vlády. Maximus sa novému vladárovi odmietne podrobiť a je zatknutý. Zo zajatia sa mu síce podarí uniknúť, ale svoj dom nájde vypálený a oboch ľudí, ktorých tak miloval, zavraždených. Vyčerpaný žiaľom a zranením stratí vedomie a preberie sa v zajatí otrokárskej karavány. Ako otrok je predaný kočovnej gladiátorskej skupine patriacej bývalému gladiátorovi Proximovi.

In the year following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, young journalist Claude Baechtold finds himself in the war zone of Afghanistan. Not entirely voluntarily, the avowed anti-militarist is dragged by two fearless reporters on a round trip through the entire country.

Two musicians witness a mob hit and struggle to find a way out of the city before they are found by the gangsters. Their only opportunity is to join an all-girl band as they leave on a tour. To make their getaway they must first disguise themselves as women, then keep their identities secret and deal with the problems this brings - such as an attractive bandmate and a very determined suitor.

Iranian female judokas Leila and her coach Maryam, travel to the Judo World Championship, intent on bringing home Iran’s first gold medal. Midway through the Judo World Championships, they receive an ultimatum from the Islamic Republic ordering Leila to fake an injury and lose, or she will be branded a traitor of the state. With her own and her family’s freedom at stake, Leila is faced with an impossible choice: comply with the Iranian regime as her coach Maryam implores her to do, or fight on, for the gold.

Keď slávneho autora detektívok Harlana Thrombeyho nájdu mŕtveho v jeho sídle tesne po oslave 85. narodenín, na mieste činu sa záhadne objaví svojrázny a šarmantne neodbytný detektív Benoit Blanc. Postupne sa zoznamuje s členmi rozhádanej excentrickej rodiny aj s oddaným služobníctvom, aby rozmotal sieť dômyselne utkanú zo lží a poloprávd a vylovil z nej pravdu o smrti starého pána.

Fanny, a shy and lonely teenager, goes on a language exchange to Germany. In Leipzig, she meets her pen pal, Lena, a teenager eager to become politically active. Fanny is troubled. To win over Lena, she invents a life for herself, to the extent of becoming trapped in her lies.

A game designer on the run from assassins must play her latest virtual reality creation with a marketing trainee to determine if the game has been damaged.

One morning, Louise, 45, is suddenly unable to step out of her car. Sweats, anxieties, palpitations... she is having an inexplicable panic attack. She is tetanized and simply cannot set foot outside.

Antoine is about to start his first year of medical school… for the third time. Benjamin, just out of high school, will make his first try. He soon realizes it's not exactly a walk in the park. In a fiercely competitive environment, with nights dedicated to hard studying rather than hard partying, the two freshmen will have to adapt and find a middle ground between despair for the present and hope for the future.

Sophie and Vincent’s small butcher shop is on the brink of bankruptcy and their marriage is falling apart. Their lives are turned upside down when Vincent accidentally kills a vegan activist who vandalized their shop. Overwhelmed and terrified of being accused of murder, their only solution is to get rid of the body by turning it into ham. To their surprise the ham is so popular that it may save their business… that is if they’re ready to keep “hunting"!

S titulom majstra sveta v acappella speve v normálnom živote neuspejete. Túto drsnú lekciu pochopia hrdinky úspešnej série Ladíme hneď na začiatku tretieho dielu. Dievčatá sú natoľko otrávené realitou všedného dňa a márnou snahou preraziť inak ako spevom, že túžia po akejkoľvek príležitosti, ktorá by im pomohla aspoň k jednému spoločnému vystúpeniu. Tým sa nakoniec stane turné po amerických vojenských základniach rozmiestnených v Európe, kde budú prvýkrát spievať v konkurencii kapiel s hudobnými nástrojmi. Spevodajky z Barden Bellas sú našťastie dosť veľké exotky na to, aby im takáto konkurencia vadila, zvlášť keď majú pred sebou vidinu urastených chalanov v sexi uniformách v rôznych európskych destináciách. Neboli by to ale oni, keby ich európske turné nesprevádzala séria zmätkov a šialeností, vďaka ktorým zanechajú ešte väčší dojem, ako svojím spevom.

Three British teenage girls go on a rites-of-passage holiday—drinking, clubbing and hooking up, in what should be the best summer of their lives.

A tormented father witnesses his young son die when caught in a gang's crossfire on Christmas Eve. While recovering from a wound that costs him his voice, he makes vengeance his life's mission and embarks on a punishing training regimen in order to avenge his son's death.

Florence wants to introduce David, the man she’s madly in love with, to her father Guillaume. But David isn’t attracted to Florence and wants to throw her into the arms of his friend Willy. The four characters meet in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

The municipality of a small Breton village has decided to welcome a family of Ukrainian refugees. To their surprise, they receive Fayad family – coming from Syria. They thwart all the clichés that the French expected: they are friendly, refined, educated… So much so that, in this small, humming village, it is no longer clear which side the barbarians are on…

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

A new couple and their families reckon with modern love amid culture clashes, societal expectations and generational differences.

A dysfunctional family awake on Christmas morning to discover they’re sealed inside their house by a mysterious black substance. On television, a single line of text reads: “Stay Indoors and Await Further Instructions.”

A former DEA agent and a former undercover operative revisit their romance during a fateful weekend in Taipei, unaware of the dangerous consequences of their past.