Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earthlings chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.
Diagnosed with leukemia, a vibrant, soccer-loving teenager enters the hospital, where she finds purpose in friendship and her example influences others.
An unhappy young woman from an abusive family is married off to a fearsome and chilly army commander. But the two learn more about each other, love may have a chance.
After an affair with a queen leads to his demise, an eager traveler encounters a mystical bird with the power to give him another life.
Chang, a 16-year-old, Asian American, bets the high school basketball star that he can dunk by Homecoming. The bet leads 5' 8" Chang on a quest to learn to dunk—not only to impress his crush, Kristy, but to gain the respect of his high school peers too. But before he can rise up and truly throw one down, he'll have to reexamine everything he knows about himself, his friendships and his family.
Romantiškas pasakojimas apie jauną moterį, kuri tapo nematoma, tad turi rasti kelią atgal į pasaulį. Daugiau nei dešimtmetį gyvenusi vienatvėje ir pragyvenimui užsidirbdavusi šešėlyje kaip įžymybių fotografė, Holė sutinka vienintelį vyrą, kuris ją mato, - Šeiną Blekvelą, abejotinos reputacijos MMA kovotoją, dirbantį apsaugininku. Holė sužino, kad būtent viena iš jos darytų bulvarinių nuotraukų lėmė jo nuopuolį, ir ryžtasi padėti jam susigrąžinti buvusį čempiono statusą. Tarp Šeino ir Holės įsižiebia meilė, bet Holę užklumpa tikrovė ir ji supranta, kad pati yra atsakinga už savo likimą. Labiau nei kada nors įsivaizdavo.
Frankfurtas, 1943-ieji. Pagrindinis veikėjas Filipas – tipiškas kosmopolitas ir gilesnių jausmų vengiantis suvedžiotojas. Lenkijoje žuvo visa jo šeima. Pačioje nacistinės Vokietijos širdyje Filipas žaidžia su mirtimi: slepia esąs žydas, dirba padavėju prabangaus viešbučio restorane ir mėgaujasi nerūpestingo gyvenimo malonumais, apsuptas prabangos, gražių moterų ir draugų iš visos Europos. Tačiau karui pradėjus retinti artimiausių draugų gretas, meistriškai sukonstruotas Filipo pasaulis subyra it kortų namelis.
Alessandro teaches musicology at the university of Strasbourg. He is also a volunteer reader in hospitals. He shares his apartment with his daughter, 15-year-old Irina, and his anarchist brother Luigi. Life is not always rosy at Alessandro's for three main reasons : he is a widower and has never really recovered from the death of his young wife ; his brother is some kind of parasite who refuses to sell his paintings to capitalist speculators and so to contribute to the cost of the household ; Irina, whom he has raised alone since she was five months old and always felt close to, is rapidly changing from little girl to teenager and wishes to be treated as such. One day, Florence, a beautiful young woman, gets into Alessandro's life. Will he eventually take his chances with her? And will he manage to stop stifling Irina? And will he finally get on with Luigi?
A girl, Carola, whose vacation in Kenya takes an interesting turn when she becomes infatuated with a Masai. Carola decides to leave her boyfriend to stay with her lover. There, she has to adapt to the Masai's way of life and get used to their food which includes milk mixed with blood. She also has to face her husband's attitude towards women and what he expects from a wife. Nonetheless, Carola is welcomed warmly into the tribe she has chosen to join.
Deshu, a mechanic from Dubai, comes home to Mumbai, and gets embroiled in a crime by accident. The film shows his meteoric rise from common, law-abiding man to underworld kingpin.
Dona Lurdes is a mother and housewife who is suffering from empty nest syndrome when her last child leaves home. To escape her loneliness, she goes in search of new ways to fill her days and her life. Due to her thirst for new things, Dona Lurdes will live new experiences, build friendships and new love.
DIE WOLKE (The Cloud) is about a breakdown of a nuclear power station in Germany and the story of two teenager-lovers Hannah and Elmar who take refuge. 38.000 people die and Hannah unfortunately becomes contaminated.
A debt-ridden father takes advantage of an unforeseen situation to disappear and live off the grid under a false identity. But a chance event occurs and the temptation to want to know his family resurfaces.
After losing her job as a computer programmer, Lucía decides to become a cab driver.
Christopher and Cathy Dollanganger live together as man and wife with Cathy's two sons who are unaware of the incestuous nature of their parents' relationship. But when a mysterious woman moves in next door and befriends the younger boy, Bart, he begins a strange transformation and displays accusatory behavior towards Cathy and Christopher. When Christopher discovers their mysterious neighbor is, in fact, his mother Corrine Dollanganger, all of the family's long-hidden secrets are revealed in a tragic climax.
Paslaptingas vyras, vardu Džėjus (akt. Dev Patel), iš Didžiosios Britanijos vyksta į Pakistaną. Jo kelionės tikslas – vestuvės, o pagrindiniai jo daiktai – lipni juosta ir ginklas. Pasižymintis šaltu protu ir iš anksto apskaičiuotais sprendimais, Džėjus pakliūna į visiškai nekontroliuojamų įvykių virtinę, o jo kruopščiai suplanuotą kelionę keičia įtampos kupinas bėgimas per pavojingiausias Pakistano ir Indijos vietas.
A robotics engineer searching for his perfect partner finds himself falling in love with a human-like android.
Buvęs kariškis seniai paliko tarnybą ir apsigyveno toli nuo civilizacijos. Vienądien jis susiruošė į eilinę medžioklę. Leisdamasis per nesibaigiančius Meino miškus, randa negyvą moters kūną, šalia kurio krepšys su didžiule pinigų suma. Kaip jie čia atsidūrė – težino tik Dievas, bet nuo to momento prasideda veterano medžioklė. Jam ant kulnų lipa sunkiai ginkluoti banditai, norintys bet kokia kaina atgauti pinigus. Galima tik spėlioti, kas iš šios kovos išeis su pergale.
Diego has just been voted best young player in Europe and at the age of 20 he is on his way to making his team, Atlético de Madrid, champions of La Liga. But his impulsive and conflictive character makes the club, fed up with his excesses, hire Álex, a withdrawn and lonely psychology professor, to improve his behaviour. The two will have no choice but to learn to understand each other.
A single woman who decides to take a chance on love again by catapulting her life from Paris to Los Angeles. From awkward dates to touching surprise encounters, she understands the journey to love is a journey towards herself.