Spanish scientist Tomeo L'Amo bought a painting in 1989 that he believed to be an original Dalí. After 25 years of searching for the truth, an art expert in Paris changes his life.

A documentary celebrating the men whose vocal stylings have carried the torch for soul across six decades.. Featuring footage of Brenton Wood performing Gimme Little Sign and Curtis Mayfield singing Keep On Keeping On, as well as appearances by Billy Preston, Bill Withers, Billy Ocean, Alexander O'Neal, Barry White, Bobby Womack and many more.

In this hilarious one hour comedy special, Kanan Gill squints at a variety of subjects ranging from the difficulty in talking to your parents to The Constitution of India. It's easy to keep it funny. Kanan keeps it real.

This is a story about the elderly and caregiving, about the life of a 98-year-old father and 90-year-old mother (*at the time of filming) who suffered from dementia. With the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, the cheerful mother, who had always been a whiz at housework, gradually lost her abilities to do everyday things. Meanwhile, their daughter chronicled the heartbreaking reality of their lives with as much love and humor as possible.

"Revival of Evangelion" combines the movies, "Evangelion: Death (True)²" (a re-edit of "Death" segment from "Death and Rebirth") and "The End of Evangelion," into one long production. It is a "complete" ending.

Two guys against globalization want to plant a virus in the network of a finance corporation. On the day of the attack Alex has an accident and cannot remember anything. Visions and reality are thrown together in a confusing maze. Alex tries to escape from this muddle but what he discovers turns out to be rather frightening…

Re-re-repeat A rhythmic dialogue between sound and image: exploring space, corporeal phenomenology and chance outcomes, which alter perceptions of time and memory.

Though most people knew her as Vampira, a late-night, creature-feature host in Los Angeles, Maila Nurmi was so much more. From her relationships with James Dean and other Hollywood luminaries to her significant contributions to the eventual Goth craze, Nurmi was a multifaceted woman, with more than a few amazing stories to share. Having befriended Nurmi while she was still alive, Greene finds himself perfectly situated to give us the complete story on this fascinating individual, blending extensive interviews with remarkable found footage of Nurmi's long and varied career. Whether being groomed by a major Hollywood director or making a surprising foray into music, Nurmi proves herself to be so much more than a scream queen. Still, when it comes to snappy one-liners cracked at the stroke of midnight, it's certainly safe to say that no one did it better than Vampira.

Sushmita is paralysed below her neck while escaping a rape attempt. She is admitted to a private nursing home for neurological handicapped patients run by Dr. Mitra, himself a paraplegic. Here she meets a wide variety of patients. Her case is handled by a young physiotherapist Santu, who works hard and soon she can move her fingers. During the process. Santu and Sushmita fall in love but she won't hear of marriage till Santu tells her that they can live a normal married life and have children. Santu very dramatically convinces her that she can even work in an office.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

An upper grade school class with its inter-relations, scheming and sniffing around for the scent of adult pleasures, all caught in near-cinema verité style.

Anton and Erika started out as friends for five years and got into a romantic relationship for seven years. Anton is a commercial director while Erika is a former band member and becomes his stay-at-home partner. The day finally comes when he asks her to marry him.

During a racially motivated rampage in Hanau, Hesse, Tobias R. kills nine citizens on February 19, 2020, his mother and then himself. The words of his manifesto indicate severe psychological problems. This psychogram of a mass murderer shows how withdrawn Tobias R. radicalized himself through fake news and delusion for years before it came to a catastrophe.

In 1953, Jacqueline Auriol, a French pilot, is about to go down in history along with her jet aircraft.

Saayad is the story of two generations living together, but experiencing the world in very different ways.

In every universe there are slight changes in our everyday lives, whether it’s what mug we use/what’s in the fridge. However, one thing remains the same, the people that change our lives.