Film about an unemployed, socially handicapped bachelor who lives in a very small world. For his birthday, his mother gives him a young dog. The touching pup brings about a pleasant change in his lonely life. But the growing up of the small dog forces him to make a radical choice.

Sparta Academy is the nation's top prep school, where students with poor grades undergo frightening torture under the school headmaster's direction. Kekko Kamen makes her appearance at the school in outrageous attire, completely naked except for her red mask, boots and gloves, and attacks the torturing teacher.

A daughter seeks to restore the reputation of her disgraced father, a wronged college professor. With help of a professional student, she must overcome an ambitious sorority bitch and corrupt college dean.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he once thought.

A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.

19-годишният Басет е вратар на Сирийския национален отбор по футбол. Когато избухва революцията, харизматичният млад мъж става икона на протеста, като лидер и певец. Неговите песни отразяват мечтата му за мирно освобождение от бруталния режим на Асад. Осама е 24-годишен медиен активист и пацифист, който заснема с камерата си всички събития от революцията. Но когато армията е разбита, техният любим град Хомс става бомбардирано призрачно място, двамата мирни протестиращи грабват оръжието и е трансформират в ренегати - бунтовници, които постигат разрушителни резултати с мисията си. Филмът е емоционално наситен с противоположностите на трансформацията, които само една война може да причини на човешките същества.

The Return is a 2016 documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Erich Joiner chronicling Ford GT's return to 24 Hours of Le Mans after their 1966 1-2-3 victory.

The inspirational rise of SpaceX as well as Elon Musk's two-decade effort to resurrect America’s space travel ambitions.

Младата Ним и баща й Джак Русо (в ролята Матю Лилърд) получават съобщение, че красивия остров на който живеят ще бъде закупен от мистериозна група мъже, които планират да го превърнат в туристическа атракция. Освен това има слухове, че животните на острова ще бъдат откраднати и пренесени в друга държава. С помощта на градско момче на име Едмънд Ним изготвя план с който се надява да прогони както потенциалните купувачи, така и групата бракониери, които искат да се доберат до животните на острова. "Завръщане на острова на Ним" е приключенски филм за цялото семейство, изпълнен с красиви гледки, забавни моменти и много екзотика.

Shortly after the defeat of Majin Buu a mysterious Saiyan arrives on Earth warning Goku and his friends about a new, powerful enemy.

To save the world, Super Furball has to save the bees. In order to do so, the heroic guinea pig has to redeem the biggest bully in school.

After being away for awhile, Andy Taylor returns home to Mayberry to visit Opie, now an expectant father. While there he ends up helping Barney Fife mount a campaign for sheriff.

Rowe McDonald is a headstrong missionary who has life after his mission all figured out. When a fatal car crash interrupts his plans, he is given sixty days to return to life and finish his work. Now he must choose whether to lead the life he planned, or reach beyond himself to change the lives of others. What will he do? Who will he touch? How will he prepare to leave it all behind?

World traveler and adventurer Gulliver is invited to return to Lilliput, the town he previously saved from the enemy fleet of the neighboring Blefuscu.

In this third entry in the Superfly films, Priest returns to New York from Paris to find who is responsible for his friend's murder. With a couple of new friends, he attempts to bring the killers to justice while trying not to get into criminal activity like he did years ago.

A customs agent follows a jewel smuggler's trail of corpses from Paris to New York.