Shooom, a baby owl, hatches just as a storm turns the bayou surrounding her tree upside down. No sooner has she fallen from her nest, then the little fledgling totters off into the mangrove, pushing a second egg from the brood along with her. Come hell or high water, she’s determined to find a mother… even if that mom turns out to be an alligator or a raccoon!

Noah Holiday lives his life being constantly reminded of a tragic event that occurred while he was a baby in 2004. During his rough times alone, Noah rediscovers his long lost childhood teddy bear; however, what once brought him great joy now has a mind of his own and has sinister plans in store for him.

2. del raziskuje Paulovo mistično potovanje, po tem, ko se je pridružil Chani in domorodnim Fremenom na svoji bojni poti maščevanja proti zarotnikom, ki so uničili njegovo družino. Paul si prizadeva preprečiti strašno prihodnost, ki jo lahko vidi le on, pri tem pa mora izbirati med ljubeznijo svojega življenja in usodo celotnega znanega vesolja.

In 1879, Kenshin and his allies face their strongest enemy yet: his former brother-in-law Enishi Yukishiro and his minions, who've vowed their revenge.

Morbius Jr, now an OId Man, is nearing the end of life, when he finds the last hope for all Morbkind. However, as he fights to protect the future of Morbheads, he finds himself facing off against an unlikely of enemy... HIMSELF.

Nekdanji detektiv za umore Roy Freeman se podvrže zdravljenju Alzheimerjeve bolezni, ko ga prosijo, da ponovno preuči brutalen primer iz svoje preteklosti - grozljiv umor priznanega univerzitetnega profesorja. Obsojenec na smrt, ki ga je Roy aretiral deset let prej, razglaša svojo nedolžnost. V borbi za povrnitev spomina Roy najame svojega nekdanjega partnerja, da mu pomaga oživiti preiskavo. Tokrat se stvari odvijajo precej drugače, saj sledi vodijo do skrivnostne ženske Laure...

A group of teenagers must face a zombie apocalypse, and help reestablish order.

One cold winter night in Afghanistan is about to get a whole lot worse for Rana Rae, a Gurkha soldier left to guard a British military outpost, when Captain Noah Brandt arrives looking for refuge from a group of rogue special ops and a cell of heavily armed Taliban. The two soldiers must fight for their lives as they attempt to call for backup before the rogue squad, led by the backstabbing Sergeant Bartlett, can hunt them down to retrieve a case of missile guidance chips that Noah intercepted. But Bartlett and his men do not count on Rana, whose ferocious Gurkha training makes him a force to be reckoned with.

DCP Aditya, a celebrated cop, faces his most unsettling case yet involving a mysterious serial killer who has been brutally killing his targets and leaving behind notes challenging Aditya to nab him. Teaming with Apoorva, an aspiring crime novelist, and the police force, Aditya finds himself walking on thin ice upon discovering the killer has another challenge for him: to prevent four more murders from happening or give up his medals and resign. What he is yet to find out is the killer's past and his desperation to carry out the killing spree without fail.

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.

Ko je znani zasebni preiskovalec umorjen, primer prevzame njegova varovanka. Med preiskavo je prisiljena skleniti nevarno zavezništvo z njegovim morilcem, da bi razkrila grozljivo kriminalno podzemlje mirnega mesta in oprala ime svojega mentorja in vpletenost v zločine.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 55–56, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro undergoes rigorous training with the Stone Hashira, Himejima, in his quest to become a Hashira. Meanwhile, Muzan continues to search for Nezuko and Ubuyashiki.

Zgodba je postavljena na ameriški zahod leta 1876 in je »spiritualno« nadaljevanje fima R.I.P.D. iz leta 2013. Šerif Roy Pulsipher ni preveč navdušen nad tem, da je po streljanju z zloglasno tolpo izobčencev mrtev. Vendar dobi drugo priložnost, da se vrne na Zemljo potem, ko ga je rekrutiral R.I.P.D. (Oddelek za počivanje v miru).

A young Viking must come to terms with the realization that he may be the King's son, who was switched at birth, but not before others try to take his rightful place.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

A solo trip aboard a yacht takes a terrifying turn when a woman encounters three drug traffickers clinging to the shattered remains of a boat. They soon force her to dive into shark-infested waters to retrieve kilos of cocaine from the sunken wreck.

When something horrible happens to the only survivor of a bloody massacre, an insecure rookie cop must overcome his fears to stop further carnage.