Americký film Powaqqatsi vznikl jako druhy díl plánované trilogie osobitých dokumentů režiséra Godfreye Reggia na hudbu skladatele Philipa Glasse, odkazujících svými názvy k jazyku indiánského kmene Hopiu ("Powaqqatsi" znamená něco jako "život na úkor někoho jiného). V roce 1983 mel ve světě premiéru film Koyaanisqatsi, pokus o komplexní pohled na současnou podobu industrializované Ameriky. Autoři filmu usilují ve svém druhem projektu na plose celovečerního filmu bez použiti komentáře podat obraz života, lidi a krajiny Třetího světa. Pozorují ničení kultu…
Jeanne looks back on her love for Jean. The melancholic young man wouldn't accept the world as it was, always wishing to depart. She doesn't know that he's dead.
In Paris, Lulu, a passionate policeman, works with the faith of a rookie, despite the sclerotic bureaucracy and the incompetence or negligence of some of his colleagues. In his new position as a narcotics inspector, he tries to keep his sanity as he witnesses the worst of the human condition.
In the fascist Italy of 1935, a painter trained as a doctor is exiled to a remote region near Eboli. Over time, he learns to appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the peasants, and to overcome his isolation.
Two friends take two prostitutes for a night of pleasure. But the night turns out to be frustrating for all involved, as much bitterness is revealed in their conversation and attitudes, uncovering their anguish and deeper feelings, and the emptiness of their lives.
‘Power’ Paandi, once a legendary stunt master who ruled the world of film stunts in his prime years is now content in living a peaceful life with his son and grandchildren. But he soon realizes that his acts that he thinks is normal and righteous, constantly irks his son who seems to taking their relationship for granted. One such overblown tiff with his son drives him to go do some soul searching, the outcome of which has many unexpected experiences.
Fotografie slavné osobnosti vyvolá soudní spor, když bulvární časopis spřádá skandální příběh o malíři a slavné zpěvačce.
West and soda is a 1965 traditionally-animated Italian feature film directed by Bruno Bozzetto. It is a parody of the traditional American Western.
Alchoholic former country singer Mac Sledge makes friends with a young widow and her son. The friendship enables him to find inspiration to resume his career.
Taira is a disaffected youth from a seaside town reveling in violence. Enamored by his strength, Yuya joins his crusade in attacking strangers. Meanwhile, Taira's brother looks for him.
Twelve-year-old Beans is on the edge: torn between innocent childhood and reckless adolescence; forced to grow up fast and become the tough Mohawk warrior she needs to be during the Oka Crisis, the turbulent Indigenous uprising that tore Quebec and Canada apart for 78 tense days in the summer of 1990.
Píše se rok 1992. Do Sarajeva míří štáby zahraničních zpravodajů, aby světu zprostředkovaly co nejucelenější obraz války v bývalé Jugoslávii. Bezmezná krutost a nesmyslnost bojů časem mění i ostřílené novináře v humanitární pracovníky. Jedním z nich je i Brit Michael Henderson, který se po návštěvě sirotčince rozhodne zachránit z válečného pekla devítiletou bosenskou dívenku Emiru.
Tento snímek je druhým z trilogie filmů natočených na motivy knih o Harrym Palmerovi z pera Lena Deightona. Stejně jako v prvním snímku ztvárnil Michael Caine Palmera – obrýleného a poněkud pochybného britského agenta. Palmer je vyslán do Berlína, aby zkontroloval vysoce podezřelého zběha: sovětského plukovníka Stoka. Ukáže se, že jeho smrt byl podvod a od Palmera se očekává, že vyřeší zmizení údajné mrtvoly. Jenže když odhalí víc, začne být hra pěkně složitá.
A documentary consisting of a series of travelogue vignettes providing glimpses into cultural practices throughout the world intended to shock or surprise, including an insect banquet and a memorable look at a practicing South Pacific cargo cult.
Two suicidal paraplegic junkies hustle their way through the city streets trying to find a reason to live.
Dálava. Dva tisíce osm set padesát dva kilometrů mezi Brnem a Divějevem, mezi Východem a Západem, mezi otcem a synem. Tak daleko, tak blízko. Vít a jeho syn Gríša se před koncem prázdnin vydávají na dlouhou cestu do Ruska. Jen co nastoupí do auta, syn si hned nasazuje sluchátka a otec se noří do vzpomínek. Ani tak ale nemůžou jeden druhému uniknout. Je tu však jedna možnost, která je může opět sblížit – společné pátrání. Jenže co skutečně hledají?
Anne (Daphné Baiwir) reads her younger sister, Marie-Catherine (Lola Créton), the story of Bluebeard. In 17th-century France, another set of sisters — also named Anne and Marie-Catherine — are left impoverished by their father's death. Marie-Catherine dreams of marrying into money, and soon falls for wealthy divorcé Bluebeard (Dominique Thomas). Grateful for the chance at a life of comfort, Marie-Catherine marries Bluebeard — in spite of rumors that he has made a hobby of murdering his wives.
Dva reportéři se vydají do podivného hradu v Transylvanii, aby zjistili co je pravdy na tom, že se znovu objevil na hradě Frankenstein. Zde se seznámí s podivnými zjeveními, jako se sensitivním Wolfmanem, sexu chtivouVampiress Odette a s mnohými dalšími podivíny.
A young boy checks out a book titled Evil in the Woods from his local library. He immediately takes the book home and begins to read it and is soon sucked into a strange world set in Mildew Georgia. The book describes the plight of a group of low budget film makers who start to make their newest schlock piece in a woods that is occupied by not only an evil witch but also her cannibalistic and mentally disabled family. As the boy reads the book he starts to get sucked into the story just a little too much, the plot draws him in but will his will be enough to finish the fractured fable or will he forever get sucked into its pages.