A star athlete reluctantly returns home to take over his father's duties as Ultraman, shielding Tokyo from giant monsters as he becomes a legendary hero.

The Japanese government sets up a special task force to fight the giant creatures suddenly appearing across the country. Soon, the squad unexpectedly meets a giant silver humanoid who starts appearing every time a space monster attacks!

After a drug dealer schemes against them in secret, two student gangs ignite a bitter feud that triggers a chain of violent consequences.

A woman is desperate to find the cure to her daughter's illness. She takes a job at a call center, only to be haunted by the ghost in it.

Историята започва през ерата на династия Чосон и се пренася в наши дни. Jeon Woo Chi - млад даоист, който се учи за магьосник, проваля жизненоважен план за спасение на света от гоблините, с което забърква голяма каша и като резултат от това се озовава пленник на един древна картина заедно с вярното си куче. 500 години по-късно гоблините отново се появяват и започват да всяват нов хаос в света. Това принуждава магьосниците да освободят Jeon Woo Chi от картината, защото той държи един от ключовете за прогонването на гоблините.

Бащата на Йонг Ху умира още когато той е дете. Оттогава той спира да вярва на хората и се отчуждава от света. Сега той е шампион по бойни изкуства.Един ден Йонг Ху среща преподобния Ан,който освен свещеник е и екзорсист. Двамата се забъркват в случай,в който трябва да се борят срещу зли сили.

Four brilliant university students are forced to confront themselves in terrifying ways when their Quantum Physics experiment leads to an entangled parallel existence that leaves them questioning who they are and what is real.

Тийнейджърските години на Клеър не са били никак леки - пожар, причинен от нехайството на хазяин, погубва семейството ѝ. Въпреки че успява да продължи напред, тя прави грешки по пътя си. Сега е интелигентна и красива млада жена, която е получила своя втори шанс и се опитва да създаде едно по-светло бъдеще за себе си. В разгара на гореща вълна случайно среща красивата и мистериозна Ив, която я съблазнява и двете започват връзка. Страстите се разгорещяват, а шефът и ментор на Клеър междувременно изчезва и тя е обвинена. Клеър разкрива изпепеляващата истина, че Ив не е тази, за която се представя.

When Bikini Bottom is scooped from the ocean, scientific squirrel Sandy Cheeks and her pal SpongeBob SquarePants saddle up for Texas to save their town.

Olivia and her friends go on a vacation. After Olivia nearly drowns with a slit wrist in her bathtub after her fiancé's funeral, her friends suspect that she tried to kill herself, but she believes someone attacked her.

Филмът, в който децата управляват.

After not seeing each other for a long time, 5 teenage friends living in the city of Bangkok go on a vacation together, staying at a quiet resort isolated from the city. Things take a dark turn, when it’s revealed each of them have hidden secrets and unbeknownst to the group, there is someone observing them.

A recently bereaved teenage girl goes to live with her aunt in a secluded woodland house, unaware that sinister forces lurk within.

Four siblings, Saleh, Fajar, Tyas and Azizah, have heard stories about heaven and hell since childhood. They were educated strictly by their father, a young ustad who was well respected in the village. One night, on their way to the opposite village without their parents knowing, Saleh and his younger siblings were swept away by a strong river current and disappeared. Saleh then woke up in another realm, the hell that his father always talked about. A search is carried out in the world to find the father's children, whether alive or dead. One by one the secrets are revealed, making fathers and mothers question whether they are providing enough for their children. In hell, Saleh and the others also look for each other, while facing increasing torment for the sins they have been hiding.

When a vintage Jack-in-the-box is un-earthed and opened, it's new owners soon have reason to believe the creepy clown doll within has a life of its own.

Inspired by the work of an award-winning Italian novelist, this post-modern noir fantasy is centered on the image of a young poet and his aristocratic family. Set in the 1800s the plot develops around an ancient curse and a series of mysterious and terrifying events occurring on the family country estate. Featuring authentic period sets and costumes, the film is a metaphor of maturing and becoming, where death and rebirth intertwine and perpetuate each other in a continuous flux of life.

A group of friends enjoying a weekend steal a couple of jetskis racing them out to sea, ending up in a horrific head-on collision. They struggle to find a way home with a badly injured friend while from the waters below predators lurk.

A couple struggling to fix their doomed relationship get lost in a dangerous forest that refuses to let them escape.

Shortly after comic artist Adam responds to Internet trolls, he begins experiencing sleep paralysis. As he chronicles increasingly malevolent occurrences in a series of tweets, Adam begins to believe he is being haunted by the ghost of a dead child named David.

Theater actress Lillian Cooper's son dies mysteriously. When the investigating officer rules the cause of death an accidental overdose, Lillian conducts her own investigation which leads her to an unlikely alliance with her son's former drug dealer. On her quest for answers, Lillian hallucinates some of the iconic characters she's played on stage which serve as her inner voice, urging her to avenge her son's death.