Mračni gospodar Sauron traži Jedinstveni Prsten kojim će pokoriti Međuzemlje. Prsten se našao u rukama mladog hobita Froda Bagginsa, koji ga mora uništiti kako bi porazio Saurona i njegove snage. Sudbina Međuzemlja ovisi o Frodu i osam njegovih prijatelja iz Prstenove družine.

The elderly Shukishi and his wife, Tomi, take the long journey from their small seaside village to visit their adult children in Tokyo. Their elder son, Koichi, a doctor, and their daughter, Shige, a hairdresser, don't have much time to spend with their aged parents, and so it falls to Noriko, the widow of their younger son who was killed in the war, to keep her in-laws company.

Crotchety retired doctor Isak Borg travels from Stockholm to Lund, Sweden, with his pregnant and unhappy daughter-in-law, Marianne, in order to receive an honorary degree from his alma mater. Along the way, they encounter a series of hitchhikers, each of whom causes the elderly doctor to muse upon the pleasures and failures of his own life. These include the vivacious young Sara, a dead ringer for the doctor's own first love.

Nine years later, Jesse travels across Europe giving readings from a book he wrote about the night he spent in Vienna with Celine. After his reading in Paris, Celine finds him, and they spend part of the day together before Jesse has to again leave for a flight. They are both in relationships now, and Jesse has a son, but as their strong feelings for each other start to return, both confess a longing for more.

Tijekom misije na Mars, astronauta Marka Watneyja (Matt Damon) njegova posada smatra mrtvim nakon žestoke oluje te ga ostave za sobom. Ali, Watney je preživio i zatekne se nasukan i sam na negostoljubivom planetu. Astronaut Watney raspolaže tek oskudnim zalihama te se mora osloniti na svoju inventivnost, domišljatost i duh kako bi preživio i pronašao način kako na Zemlju poslati signal da je još uvijek živ. Milijunima kilometara dalje, NASA i tim međunarodnih znanstvenika neumorno rade kako bi "Marsovca" vratili kući, dok njegovi kolege iz posade istovremeno kuju plan za odvažnu, a možda i nemoguću misiju spašavanja. Dok se priča o nevjerojatnoj hrabrosti razvija, svijet se ujedini u želji da se Watney sigurno vrati na Zemlju.

After the events of the first movie, Yagami Light faces two new adversaries as he is trying to create a perfect world without crime or criminals. This movie continues the first TV special and is a summary of the last 12 episodes of the TV anime.

Kapetan Jack Sparrow zarobljen je u sanduku Davyja Jonesa. Njegova piratska braća započinju očajničku potragu da ga spase. Pratite njihove pomorske pustolovine od egzotičnog Singapura do kraja svijeta i dalje.

Još od vremena kad je Mike Wazowski bio malo čudovište, sanjao je o tome da postane veliki zastrašivač - i upravo je on taj koji zna da najbolji Zastrašivači dolaze iz Sveučilišta za čudovišta Međutim, tijekom svog prvog semestra na Sveučilištu, Mikeovi planovi padaju u vodu nakon što upozna Jamesa P. Sullivana. „Sullye“ je rođeni Zastrašivač. Zbog njihovog pretjerano natjecateljskog duha koji izmakne svakoj kontroli obojica budu izbačeni iz elitnog programa za prave Zastrašivače. Da stvari budu gore, obojica shvate da će morati raditi zajedno, skupa s ogromnom grupom ostalih „običnih“ čudovišta, kako bi pokušali ispraviti ono što su skoro uništili.

Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.

Spektakularna akcija prepuna specijalnih efekata. Bića iz druge dimenzije prijete uništenjem Zemlje, a oduprijeti im se možemo jedino divovskim robotima kojima upravljaju najbolji piloti. Izvanzemljska prijetnja svijetu došla je iz dubina Pacifika, iz rasjekline iz­među dviju tektonskih ploča, iz portala između dimenzija. Da bi se obranili od čudovišta, čelnici velikih sila su se ujedinili i stvorili vlastita čudovišta—rođen je program Jäger (jeger, njemački: lovac)… koji će nakon prvotnih uspjeha doći na rub propasti, zajedno sa cijelim svijetom.

On 07 January 1972, the South Korean base in Nah-Trang, Vietnam, receives a radio transmission from a missing platoon presumed dead.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Eren Yeager leaves to restore a break in the wall destroyed by a Titan. He comes under attack by the Titans and is cornered. Shikishima comes to his aid. The titans never stops attacking. Eren is now injured and tries to protect Armin, but is swallowed by a titan. A Titan with black hair appears and begins to expel the other titans.

U gradiću Amityju nestaju ljudi i događaju se neobične nesreće. Šef policije Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) boji se da se opet pojavio morski pas, no nitko se u gradu ne osvrće na njegova upozorenja. Na žalost, Brody je u pravu. U moru je opet morski pas. I želi osvetu. Stanovništvo maloga grada je u panici.

Jason Voorhees vraća se kako bi se osvetio svima koji uđu u njegove šume. Bezbrižno ljetovanje postaje smrtonosna noćna mora naivnim savjetnicima u kampu na Crystal Lakeu dok ih manijakalni ubojica progoni jednog po jednog.

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy, and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of six masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

A comedy of errors wherein four men help each other to fool their prospective father-in-laws creating a cascade of confusion and mayhem.

Tommy Jarvis, dječak koji je ubio Jasona Voorheesa, poslan je na selo u dom za mentalno bolesnu djecu, no kad se počnu događati jeziva ubojstva, on shvati da ga njegova nasilna prošlost progoni na više od jednog načina.

In this second episode Dalmazio and Egisto come, respectively, from the prison and the insane asylum. They risk a second arrest for their awkwardness so they return from their "uncle" who is willing to help them.