On the night of August 31, 1939, Dolas, from a platoon reinforcing a train station on the German border, falls asleep in a train car and unknowingly crosses into Germany. The moment he shoots a German, who he thinks is a saboteur, the German invasion of Poland begins, and Dolas is convinced it was his fault. He is taken to Stalag POW camp, the first destination in his odyssey around Europe.
On April 5th, 1941, a day before the Nazi attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, a colorful group of passengers is headed for Belgrade...
A retrospective documentary on the making of Cape Fear (1991) and Cape Fear (1962).
Andreas, a young German student comes to Hungary on an exchange programme. In the Hungarian village he falls in love with the stationmaster's daughter Piroschka and spends much of his time with her. They have an enchanting summer until Andreas gets an invitation to join another young woman at a nearby resort. Piroschka is jealous and follows him there, causing trouble. It takes a long time for Andreas and Piroschka to even talk to each other again. When Andreas has to leave Hungary at the end of his holiday, he is determined to return some day.
To save his career, an ad man wants a sex symbol to endorse a lipstick but in exchange, she wants him to pretend to be her lover.
Two rival reporters team up to help prove the innocence of a man set to be hanged for the murder of a politician.
Alex, Ivo and Pacifico three Sicilian twin brothers are reunited for their father's funeral.
A young journalist, an experienced cameraman and a discredited reporter find their bold plan to capture Bosnia's top war criminal quickly spiraling out of control when a UN representative mistakes them for a CIA hit squad.
Ak by ste vo svojom živote mali skutočne niečomu veriť, tak v prvom prípade by to mala byť láska. Jake a Brian zatiaľ veria niečomu inému. Jake je totiž rabín a Brian katolícky kňaz. Títo dvaja sympatickí mladí muži sú priateľmi od detstva a majú to šťastie, že svoje pokojné životy môžu zdieľať s bezstarostnými životmi ostatných v newyorskej Upper West Side. Lenže nielen ich najvyššia viera dostáva poriadne zabrať po tom, ako sa do mesta vráti ich stará spoločná kamarátka Anna. Ak dvaja priatelia milujú tú istú ženu, je celkom možné, že priateľstvo pôjde bokom.
An attorney is terrorized by the criminal he put away years ago when he was a cop.
Keď očarujúca Celeste konečne pošle do čerta svojho tyranského manžela Carlosa, ten ju na oplátku trikrát postrelí a unesie jej milovaného krstného syna Roba. Celeste však veľmi dobre vie, čoho je psychopatický Carlos schopný, a preto požiada o pomoc tých najpovolanejších expertov v celej Alabame - bratov Oodieovcov. Traja šialení bratia Brick, McQueen a Lincoln sa dohodnú, že Celeste pomôžu a vyrazia na misiu, ktorej cieľom je vyslobodiť uneseného chlapca z rúk nevlastného otca. Jednoduchá záchranná akcia však prerastie do veľkolepej južanskej vojny plnej divokých prestreliek. Aby bratia ochránili Celestino nevinné dieťa, ostáva im jediná možnosť - zneškodniť každého, kto im stojí ceste alebo proti nim útočí. A nepriateľov nie je málo - prenasledujú ich nielen najaté vrahyne a indiánski lovci, ale aj federálni agenti!
Uprostred vojny vojaci nesnívajú o tom, že sa stanú hrdinami. Modlia sa, aby si spomenuli, čo je to byť mužom. 1917. Západný front. Zablatená pustatina s ostnatými drôtmi a zákopmi. Krajina je nasiaknutá krvou padlých a vo vzduchu je cítiť dusný zápach smrti. Vojak Charlie Shakespeare má zimnicu. Pozerá sa na svojich vyčerpaných kamarátov a tela, ktoré ostali po bitke ležať bez života. Je sám. Zúfalo by chcel preč. S niekoľkými mužmi, ktorí prežili, sa uchýli do nemeckého zákopu. V podzemných tuneloch, stratení na nepriateľskom území, čakajú na záchranu. Ale nikto neprichádza a noc s beznádejou sa znáša na krajinu...
On an ordinary night, in an ordinary part of town, a beautiful young woman walks into a bar. Her name is Jewel, and before long she is chatting to bartender Randy. The pair leave together, but he ends up getting into a tussle with her criminal boyfriend, who she then shoots dead, later persuading Randy to take the rap for her. But this isn't the end of it, as both Randy's cousin Carl and the detective assigned to the murder case also fall for Jewel's charms and find themselves caught up in the ensuing events. It seems that any man who meets Jewel falls instantly in love with her, and she's going to use this fully to her own advantage, leaving a trail of havoc in her wake. It also seems that she is going to get away with it - that is, until Randy decides to hire a hitman...
Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but then makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime.
Hasič Jeremy Coleman sa stal spolu so svojím otcom svedkom brutálnej vraždy a sám len o vlások unikol živý. Ako dôležitého svedka proti kráľovi podsvetia Haganovi ho polícia zaradí do programu na ochranu svedkov pod dohľadom amerických maršalov. Keď však niekto vyzradí jeho novú identitu, Jeremy musí podniknúť odvážne kroky, aby zachránil seba aj životy svojich najbližších.
Parole officer Jack Mabry has only a few weeks left before retirement and wishes to finish out the cases he's been assigned. One such case is that of Gerald 'Stone' Creeson, a convicted arsonist who is up for parole. Jack is initially reluctant to indulge Stone in the coarse banter he wishes to pursue and feels little sympathy for the prisoner's pleads for an early release. Seeing little hope in convincing Jack himself, Stone arranges for his wife to seduce the officer, but motives and intentions steadily blur amidst the passions and buried secrets of the corrupted players in this deadly game of deception.
Pistolero je vodca motocyklového gangu Victors v južnej Kalifornii. Môže sa vždy spoľahnúť na svojich dvoch verných zástupcov, Genta a mladého Comanchea. V roku 1976 bol Pistolero známy pod menom Johnny a mal priateľku Cherokee Kisumovú. Brutálne ju zavraždili vodcovia konkurenčného gangu 666 a jeho úhlavní nepriatelia The Deuce a Billy Wings, aby mu odkázali, kto je víťazom. Ďalším dôvod jej vraždy bolo, že Chrokee stiahla časť výnosu z drogových obchodov, ktoré patrili Deucovi, a ukryla ho pre svojho mladého syna. Ten po jej smrti zmizne. Neskôr sa Deuce presúva do sveta veľkého biznisu. Stane sa podnikateľom a gang 666 zaniká. O niekoľko rokov neskôr sa Deuce vráti do oblasti, aby uzavrel nedokončené podnikanie, a Billy Wings reformuje gang 666 v Los Angeles. Jeho členovia infiltrujú súperiaci gang Victors v snahe prevziať jeho územie.
Teraz už šťastne ženatý Joe Špina si založil rodinu, jedného dňa ho však náhle zmetie tornádo, ktoré ho prenesie späť v čase. Musí sa tak vydať na epickú cestu, aby sa mohol vrátiť späť k svojim milovaným v prítomnosti.
A team of environmentalists, including a reporter, her camera man, and an environmentalist's famous girlfriend charter a boat and with the captain, sail to a military island. They suspect the island is hosting to illegal activities. Upon arrival, however, they find no one. They finally reach a deserted house, where they find Dr. Susan Richardson, who tells them that everyone on the island is dead, including her father. Richardson's team were working on a compound that could make edible plants grow to super size, however the military intervened with plans of their own. They wanted to test the compound's effects on animals, and proceeded to feed it to several komodo dragons and cobras.