Manhattan drag queens Vida Boheme and Noxeema Jackson impress regional judges in competition, securing berths in the Nationals in Los Angeles. When the two meet pathetic drag novice Chi-Chi Rodriguez — one of the losers that evening — the charmed Vida and Noxeema agree to take the hopeless youngster under their joined wing. Soon the three set off on a madcap road trip across America and struggle to make it to Los Angeles in time.
Things go from bad to worse when four co-workers decide to enjoy the extended holiday at a beach house with their families.
A conflict of interest between two high-kicking assassin sisters is complicated as they're pursued by the criminals who hired them and an equally high-kicking female cop.
Lemtingą 1970 m. Naktį universitetinė amerikietiško futbolo komanda iš mažo Huntingtono miesto, esančio Vakarų Virdžinijoje, sudužo lėktuvo katastrofoje. Žuvo visi 75 žmonės - žaidėjai ir treneriai ...Tačiau išgyventi šią baisią tragediją Huntingtono miesto gyventojams ir įgyti ateities vilties, pavyksta dėka jauno trenerio Jacko Langielio, formuojančio naują komandą, jo drąsos ir atkaklumo...
When theatre actor Giuliano receives an unexpected visit from his childhood friend Tommasso, the encounter is bittersweet. This reunion is their first meeting in many years, triggered by Giuliano’s failing health and his decision to forgo treatment. Instead he is focussed on putting his affairs in order: distributing possessions, reconciling past disputes, and, most importantly, finding a home for his beloved canine, Pato. Over four days, the two men walk the streets of Rome, visiting bookshops, restaurants, veterinarians and friends, examining their lives and speculating on what the future holds.
Advice columnist Dan Burns is an expert on relationships, but somehow struggles to succeed as a brother, a son and a single parent to three precocious daughters. Things get even more complicated when Dan finds out that the woman he falls in love with is actually his brother's new girlfriend.
Marijuana is the most controversial drug of the 20th Century. Smoked by generations to little discernible ill effect, it continues to be reviled by many governments on Earth. In this Genie Award-winning documentary veteran Canadian director Ron Mann and narrator Woody Harrelson mix humour and historical footage together to recount how the United States has demonized a relatively harmless drug.
In a prison for the criminally insane, deranged anthropologist Ethan Powell is set to be examined by a bright young psychiatrist, Theo Caulder. Driven by ambition and a hunger for the truth, Caulder will eventually risk everything—even put his very life on the line—in a harrowing attempt to understand the bizarre actions of this madman.
Politinis trileris, nagrinėjantis JAV centrinės žvalgybos veiklą Vidurio Rytuose. Paremtas buvusio CŽV agento Roberto Baerio atsiminimais, filmas pasakoja apie JAV kovą su terorizmu pasibaigus šaltajam karui. Sirijana – geopolitinis centrinės žvalgybos sukurtas terminas, nusakantis karštus Vidurio Rytų taškus, kuriuose ypač aktyviai priešinamasi JAV karinėms pajėgoms. Sirijana yra ta vieta, kur politika, nafta ir terorizmas yra glaudžiausiai susiję...
When rancher and single mother of two Maggie Gilkeson sees her teenage daughter, Lily, kidnapped by Apache rebels, she reluctantly accepts the help of her estranged father, Samuel, in tracking down the kidnappers. Along the way, the two must learn to reconcile the past and work together if they are going to have any hope of getting Lily back before she is taken over the border and forced to become a prostitute.
Garsiųjų Mapetų ir “Mažosios siaubo krautuvėlės” kūrėjas Frenkas Ozas liko ištikimas savo pomėgiui ir šioje komedijoje vaidinti pakvietė savo mėgiamiausią aktorių Stivą Martiną. Jo partneriai šįkart – nepakartojamas komikas Edis Merfis (“Išprotėjęs profesorius”) ir žavioji Heter Greham, sužavėjusi garsiausią visų laikų slaptąjį agentą filme “Ostinas Pauersas: šnipas, kuris mane suviliojo”. Ketveriukė kuria neįtikėtiną istoriją. Nevykėlis režisierius Bobis Boufingeris ketina pagaliau užkariauti Holivudą. Jis turi viską: “genialų” scenarijų, “profesionalią” komandą ir superžvaigždę. Tiesa, kiek kvankštelėjęs aktorius Kitas Ramzis nė nenujaučia esąs filmuojamas…
Drew Baylor is fired after causing his shoe company to lose hundreds of millions of dollars. To make matters worse, he's also dumped by his girlfriend. On the verge of ending it all, Drew gets a new lease on life when he returns to his family's small Kentucky hometown after his father dies. Along the way, he meets a flight attendant with whom he falls in love.
Best friends since they were kids, Rabbi Jacob Schram and Father Brian Finn are dynamic and popular young men living and working on New York's Upper West Side. When Anna Reilly, once their childhood friend and now grown into a beautiful corporate executive, suddenly returns to the city, she reenters Jake and Brian's lives and hearts with a vengeance. Sparks fly and an unusual and complicated love triangle ensues.
Nuotaikinga ir įžvalgi komedija apie 50-mečio verslininko ir jo naujo 26-erių boso santykius. Denio Foremano laukia sukrėtimas. Kompaniją, kurioje jis dirba, įsigyja didelė korporacija ir jis pažeminamas pareigose. Naujasis Denio bosas Tomas Karteris, dvigubai jaunesnis verslo mokyklos favoritas, skatina darbe vadovautis šiuolaikiškesniais metodais. Denis gi įpratęs su klientais bendrauti tiesiogiai ir asmeniškai, o Tomas linkęs, kad darbai būtų atliekami greičiau, tiesiog naudojantis mobiliuoju telefonu. Tuo pat metu abu vyrai turi problemų šeimose. Danas turi dvi paaugles dukras ir patiria šoką sužinojęs, kad 16-metė Jana nėščia, jo nekilnojamas turtas įkeistas ir jau kuris laikas nesumokėti mokesčiai už dukrų mokslą. Tuo tarpu Tomą, tik ką pakilusį pareigose, paliko vos septynis mėnesius kartu pragyvenusi žmona. Ir taip sudėtingi Tomo ir Dano santykiai dar labiau komplikuojasi, kai Tomas pradeda romaną su Alekse, vyresniąja Denio dukra..
Idealistic young attorney Adam Hall takes on the death row clemency case of his racist grandfather, Sam Cayhall, a former Ku Klux Klan member he has never met.
George and Lucia are newlyweds and have also been lucky enough to find a home at a low price , very low . Maybe too low . In fact the house is haunted by two lovers who, a thousand years ago, were surprised by the girl's mother who subsequently turned them into pillars of salt . But there is a way to break the magic and free the two lovers caught in the curse and it is all in the hands of the newlyweds on their wedding night . Will they succeed ?
Dmitry Gorin is awaiting the post of branch manager of a savings bank. But one day he accidentally gives an extra amount to a person who works in the taiga on the construction of the Siberia-Ural power transmission line. To return the money, Dmitry has to go to the taiga. But he is not in a hurry to return to Moscow. The fact is that he discovers a completely different life, which he likes, and meets the girl he dreamed of
Oh, Ramona! seeks the transformation of Andrew from a teenager into an adult who lives candidly and selflessly his first love story, innocent and uninvolved, alternating with the second, intense and insane story, incapable of making a choice.
Koledžo studentai mėgsta pasakoti legendą apie profesorių, kuris nužudė šešis studentus, o vėliau nusižudė pats. Ji prisimenama kiekvienais metais, kruvinos egzekucijos dieną... Netrukus mirtys ima kartotis. Žudikas gali būti ne tik, bet kuris dėstytojas, bet ir bet kuris studentas, prisidengęs mistine istorija. Tačiau studentė Natali turi savo versiją, kuria niekas netiki. Ji mano, kad žmogžudystės tiesiogiai susijusios su siaubo istorijomis, savotiška juodojo folkloro rūšimi. Šiurpą keliančias fantazijas, keliaujančias iš lūpų į lūpas mėgsta ir vaikai, ir suaugę. Kiekviena karta turi savo istorijų rinkinį, susijusį su tam tikra vietove ir laikmečiu. Tad nieko nuostabaus, kad universitete taip pat paplitusios kai kurios siaubo legendos, perduodamos iš lūpų į lūpas. Natali neabejoja, kad kruvinos žmogžudystės – tai siaubo folkloro pasakojimų realizacija.
Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When Albert travels to Sydney to patent his invention he meets beatuiful French scientist Marie Curie, as well as several unscrupulous types who try to take advantage of the naive genius and his invention.