Frederick Loren has invited five strangers to a party of a lifetime. He is offering each of them $10,000 if they can stay the night in a house. But the house is no ordinary house. This house has a reputation for murder. Frederick offers them each a gun for protection. They all arrived in a hearse and will either leave in it $10,000 richer or leave in it dead!

Chris on nuorten mensalaisten pääjehu, jonka luovuus ja mielikuvitus hakee vertaistaan; Chris on todellinen 80-luvun Einstein, ilkikurinen teinilegenda. Chris ja hänen toverinsa Mitch ja Lazlo kehittelevät kouluprojektinaan laseria, mutta toki teini-ikäisiä poikia kiinnostavat myös käytännön pilat ja vähintäänkin kyseenalainen huumori. Opettajat ovat lujilla nerokkaiden rasavilliensä kanssa, mutta superlahjakkuuksien kepposia katsotaan enimmäkseen sormien läpi. Silloinkin kun koulun auditorioon ilmestyy laguuni ja bikineihin verhoutuneita kaunottaria kuumien rantabileiden viettoa varten. Syykin opettajakunnan pitkään pinnaan selviää lopulta: professori Hathaway haluaa toimittaa poikien kehittämän laserin armeijan käyttöön. Nerokopla ei todellakaan aio katsella moista touhua tumput suorina: nörttien kosto on oleva totaalisen makee ja siistin viilee!

Jane is a beautiful but troubled American girl backpacking through Japan, when her raw street fighting skills draw the attention of Oshima, Japanese karate champion, who recruits and trains her to fight in the vicious, all-female, underground martial arts tournament known as "The Kumite". After months of rigorous preparation, Jane is ready to face off against the deadliest female fighters in the world, including Ling, the Chinese apprentice of Oshima's nemesis. But other nefarious forces lie in the shadows, and Jane and Ling will have to unite on a journey that will take them from the gritty underworld of Hong Kong to the glitz of Macao, before deciding who really is the best female fighter on the planet.

The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo, all the while deconstructing the conventions and archetypes of the horror genre for them.

Royal Rumble (2000) was the thirteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by MCI's 1-800-COLLECT. It took place on January 23, 2000 at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York. The main event was the Royal Rumble match, which grants the winner a title shot at Wrestlemania. Featured matches on the undercard included a street fight match between Triple H and Cactus Jack for the WWF Championship, a Triple Threat match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, and The New Age Outlaws versus The Acolytes for the WWF Tag Team Championship. This Royal Rumble was the first WWF pay-per-view event to air on terrestrial television in the United Kingdom, as Channel 4 had acquired the rights to broadcast World Wrestling Federation programming that year.

Frankie Paige ei usko Jumalaan. Mutta kaikki muuttuu, kun hän yllättäen saa stigmat, ristiinnaulitun Kristuksen haavat. Vatikaanin huippututkija isä Kiernan haluaa selvittää Frankielle tapahtunutta ihmettä. Mutta kun kardinaali Houseman saa tietää, että haavat kätkevät viestin, joka voi asettaa vaakalaudalle koko katolisen kirkon olemassaolon, hän katsoo velvollisuudekseen vaientaa Frankien. Jännittävien tapahtumien vyöryessä vääjäämättömästi eteenpäin isä Kiernan joutuu laittamaan uskonsa ja henkensä peliin pelastaakseen Frankien ja tuodakseen julki viestin, joka voi muuttaa ihmiskunnan kohtalon.

The famous Nazi-Doctor Dr. Josef Mengele - the "death angel of Auschwitz", who killed more than 300.000 people - comes back from his hide out in Argentina to Germany as a 87 year old man. He must stand up in front of a court for his crimes. The young solicitor Peter Rohm has to defend him. But Peter Rohm - himself an expert on Josef Mengele and his crimes - feels unable to do this. When he decides to take on the case he endangers not only the relationship to his wife but also their lifes. A fictional story around the non-fictional person of Josef Mengele who died in 1979.

Vankilasta vapautunut mies muuttaa edesmenneen äitinsä asuntoon vanhassa kerrostalossa New Yorkin East Villagessa valmiina aloittamaan uuden elämän. Talon seinät kätkevät kuitenkin synkän salaisuuden, joka ulottuu elämän ja kuoleman rajan tuolle puolen.

Futistähti Brandon Langin ura katkeaa loukkaantumiseen, mutta nuorella miehellä on toinenkin erikoiskyky: hän on todellinen velho ennustamaan urheilutuloksia. USA:n suurimman vedonvälitysfirman pomo Walter Abraham ottaa Brandonin siipiensä suojaan ja esittelee tälle uuden maailman, jossa panokset ovat korkeat ja voitot tähtitieteelliset. Brandon nauttii täysin rinnoin roolistaan uutena ihmelapsena, mutta onnetar on oikukas. Walter ylittää rajan kouliessaan oppipojastaan mestaria ja kultasormi alkaa menettää loistoaan. Miehet ajautuvat kiihkeään kaksintaisteluun, jossa mikään ei ole sitä miltä näyttää.

When Gonzo forgets to mail three letters to Santa, he convinces Kermit and the gang to help him deliver the notes to the North Pole. Along the way, they discover that Christmas is the time to be with those you care about most, as they dash home to make a friends Christmas wish come true.

Tony's father Sam, abducted by aliens three years earlier, returns to earth and seeks out his wife and son, but Rachel has since been living with Joe and the reunion is awkward. Joe doesn't trust Sam, and Rachel can't quite decide what her feelings are for her two men. Sam is not the same as when he left, and he begins affecting Tony in frightening ways.

Jo sata vuotta on synkkä Hill House seissyt hylättynä... tai siltä se on ainakin näyttänyt. Tarinat linnan menneisyydestä kuitenkin kiihottavat tri Marrowin uteliaisuutta ja unitutkimuksiin vedoten hän houkuttelee kolme koehenkilöä - Theon, Nellin ja Luken - osallistumaan näennäisen harmittomaan kokeeseen. Mutta jo ensi hetkestä lähtien Nell tuntee outoa vetoa linnaan... eikä tunne ole yksipuolinen. Yön pimetessä koe ryöstäytyy käsistä kun koehenkilöt törmäävät Hill Housen muurien kätkemään salaisuuteen.

Eight years have passed since Sara Wolfe and Eddie Baker escaped the House on Haunted Hill. Now the kidnapped Ariel, Sara's sister, goes inside the house with a group of treasure hunters to find the statue of Baphomet, worth millions and believed to be the cause of the House's evil.

Solange is a recently married young woman whose wedding night did not end well. After constant fights with her husband, she decides to live through her sexual frustration by sleeping with strangers she picks up on crowded buses in Rio de Janeiro.

The story follows a band of former Confederate soldiers who were part of a cavalry unit. Their commander, Graff (Rourke) had once been a heroic and staunch supporter of the southern cause, but after losing his family he became cold hearted and ruthless. His second in command is Eustis (Mulroney), whom Graff has trained on the strategies of leadership and combat command.

The strange and brutal deaths of Cory’s grandparents has haunted him for years. Determined to discover the truth, he has returned to the desolate region where they lived, along with a group of friends, to try and uncover the mystery. Ignoring warnings from the locals that the area is cursed, Cory and his friends soon realize that the legend is true, as the Demon Wind, possesses and destroys them, one by one, turning them into monsters from hell.

When a young journalist dies in violent circumstances, her brother soon learns, by way of the mysterious Stefan Crosscoe, that his sister has succumbed to the werewolf curse.

Ilsa works for an Arab sheik who enjoys importing females to use as sex slaves.

When teenage Molly Hartley moves to a new town, she's haunted by terrifying visions that may have to do with dark secrets from her past. Something evil lurks just beneath the lush surfaces of her private-school world, and it holds the rights to her very soul. On the eve of her 18th birthday, Molly is about to discover the truth of just who or what she is destined to become.

Robert (Bertie Higgins) and Allan (J.D. Rudometkin) decide to add some excitement to their lives by taking up Harley riding. But things go south when two psychopathic bikers (Robert Thorne and Jay Wisell) kidnap their wives (Debra Hopkins and Jasmine Waltz) and force the men to perform horrific tasks to retrieve their spouses. Now they must enter -- and participate in -- a world of violence they couldn't have imagined in this bloody thriller.