Biographical documentary of the war photographer Don McCullin, with sections on his upbringing, early work for the Observer and extensive war reporting for the Sunday Times until the purchase of the newspaper by Rupert Murdoch in the 1980s.

A girl's discreet attempt to assess her one night stand and his friends takes a deadly turn when she and her roommates host a dinner party where they unknowingly unleash a malevolent force.

Told from the viewpoint of the father Morio, "A Boy Called H" follows a young boy named Hajime Senoh, nicknamed "H". His father, Morio runs a tailor shop. With the onset of World War II, their family must endure difficult times. Nevertheless, H is filled with curiosity and a sense of justice. Based on the autobiographical novel "Shonen H" by Kappa Senoh (published by Kodansha, July 9, 1999).

Eugenio offers his childhood friend Martin a work for the summer. With a game of power and desire a relationship starts to grow that goes beyond their friendship.

מיקי, דונלד וגופי מנקים שעון גדול. בין הסיבוכים: מיקי נלחם בחסידה ישנה שלא רוצה לעזוב, דונלד מסתבך בקפיץ המרכזי, וגופי נמצא בתוך הפעמון כשהשעון מצלצל בשעה ארבע.

A story of soul searching, science, nature and creativity, InnSæi takes us on a global journey to uncover the art of connecting within today's world of distraction and stress.

Rubber Duckie is the story of Jesse and Daniel, who on a blazing summer afternoon, are consumed with boredom and push their own limits and boundaries. This leaves us begging the question; is it simple boredom or insatiable innate appetite for more?

כששליח של האו"ם נעדר באפגניסטן, אחיו הצעיר ממנו דואג למשפחה השרויה במשבר. בינו לבין האישה מתפתחת מערכת יחסים סבוכה שמסתבכת עוד יותר עם שובו של הנעדר במצב ירוד ודכאוני. דרמת יחסים של הבמאית סוזן ביר (אהבות פתוחות) שזכתה בפרס הקהל בסאנדאנס, וזיכתה את השחקנים אולריך טומסן (Max) וקוני נילסן (גלדיאטור) בפרסים בפסטיבל סאן סבסטיאן.

מבוסס על סיפורו האמיתי של טוקו ואליו לקסונן, אמן פיני יליד 1920 שהתפרסם בעולם בזכות יצירותיו ההומוארוטיות

תומס (סקוט ספידמן), ודן (ג'יימס מרשדין) נפשגים בבר, הם מעברים לילה של בירות ושתייה, תומס מזמין את דן לדירתו, דן מקבל לפתע דה ז'וו, הוא חושב שהוא מכיר את הדירה הזאת, היא נראת לו מוכרת. אז תומס מתחיל לספר לו על העבר, ועל אישתו שנהרגה לפני חמש שנים, דן לא מבין מאיפה זה בא לו, ומה הקשר לבית. אז תומס מתחיל לספר לו על נהג שהיה שתוי לפני חמש שנים, ואותו נהג הרג את אישתו שהייתה באותו זמן בהריון, הוא עוד מגלה שהנהג הזה היה הוא. דן אומר לו שהוא לא זוכר כלום מאותה תקופה, תומס מזכיר לו שהוא היה שיכור, מאותו רגע תומס כולא את דן בביתו למשך 24 יום, והסיוט של דן מתחיל...

Organizing a Christmas wedding is a true treat for bridal boutique owner Madeline Krug. She loves the challenge of finding the perfect dress for the bride and orchestrating an exquisite event. What Madeline didn’t expect was to be swept off her feet by the bride’s gorgeous brother, movie star, Jonny Blaze. Jonny came to the quirky town of Fool’s Gold to support his sister -- not to fall in love. Yet Madeline is the most extraordinary woman he’s ever met, and she finds the real Jonny even more captivating than her celebrity crush. Will the action star be brave enough to take on the role of a lifetime?

Cosimo is Italian, Nicole French. They meet in Genoa during the G8 protests and immediately fall in love. Swept off their feet by an overwhelming and uncontrollable passion, they decide never to part. After much wandering they decide to return to Genoa, where they start working for a friend of theirs who organises concerts. Things seem to be going well until a tragic accident almost sours their relationship, as a result of which they’re faced with two options that can change their future. Forever.

בזמן שאמה עסוקה בעבודה וברומן שהיא מנהלת, בתה של גרייס שוקלת החלטה שתשנה את חייה.

A modern Cinderella in Paris: While the plain Kelly Carter works as a dresser for the famous fashion designer Francesco, she dreams of designing shoes for him. However she can't win his attention... until she helps a good fairy on the street who, unbeknownst to Kelly, enchants a pair of Kelly's shoes so that she turns into a supermodel whenever she wears them. She attends Francesco's Ball and immediately wins his heart. Now, how can she make him love her real self?

In an arid and poor region of Brazil, bikers search for a miracle to make it rain and save the land, risking their lives.

Marshall is an over-worked ad exec who is suffering from a serious case of the seven year itch with his loving boyfriend. As Marshall’s 30th birthday nears he sets hell-bent on changing his life and comes across a mysterious dating app called eCupid which quickly turns his world upside down, overwhelming him sexy guys at every turn!

A penniless Argentine male escort meets a solitary, lonely Belgian baker who wants to help him leave the world of prostitution, explores intimate gay relationship.

When hot shot, Wall Street dealmaker Jai thinks of putting some pleasure into his 48 hour business trip to Mumbai, Sahil, his young, music-producer friend, drops everything, including his reckless boyfriend Alex, to help him execute the perfect getaway. Hiking the hills and canyons of Maharashtra, amidst half-attempted conversations and sudden silences, business calls and old jokes, the friends discover there is more than just time-zones keeping them apart. Things take another turn when Alex shows up with a new male-companion at his side, throwing up old conflicts and bringing unanswered questions to the fore.

A film in four episodes, each one describing a special love story in today’s Italy.

Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.