მან დაკარგა ხელები, ფეხები, მხედველობა, სმენის და ყნოსვის შეგრძნება. მხოლოდ აზროვნება შეუძლია და წარსულის გააზრებითაა დაკავებული. ხშირად ვერც იგებს ძილშია თუ ცხადში. შექმნილი სიტუაციით დათრგუნული, ერთ მომენტში იგი პოულობს ხერხს, თუ როგორ ეურთიერთობოს მის გარშემო სანიტრებს.

Jimmy Rabbitte, just a thick-ya out of school, gets a brilliant idea: to put a soul band together in Barrytown, his slum home in north Dublin. First he needs musicians and singers: things slowly start to click when he finds three fine-voiced females virtually in his back yard, a lead singer (Deco) at a wedding, and, responding to his ad, an aging trumpet player, Joey "The Lips" Fagan.

After losing both her parents, Failan emmigrates to Korea to seek her only remaining relatives. Once she reaches Korea, she finds out that her relatives have moved to Canada well over a year ago. Desperate to stay and make a living in Korea, Failan is forced to have an arranged marriage through a match-making agency.

Mirko and Manolo are best friends and live in the suburbs of Rome. They both live in poor conditions with their single parents, are still in school and struggle with occasional odd jobs to make ends meet. Together they share dreams of women, of sex and money, of a better life to come. Then, after killing a man in a hit-and-run one night, they get involved with the local mafia and their lives change dramatically.

Just north of London live Wendy, Andy, and their twenty-something twins, Natalie and Nicola. Wendy clerks in a shop, Andy is a cook who forever puts off home remodeling projects, Natalie is a plumber and Nicola is jobless. This film is about how they interact and play out family, conflict and love.

ჯაზის ერთ-ერთი გენიოსი ჩარლი პარკერი, 1920 წელს, კანზას-სითიში დაიბადა და 1955 წელს გარდაიცვალა. ალკოჰოლით, ნარკოტიკებით, საჭმლით და სექსით ზედმეტმა გატაცებამ, ლეგენდარული საქსოფონისტის უდროო სიკვდილი გამოიწვია.

1957 წელი. ვენის სასტუმროში ერთმანეთს ყოფილი ნაცისტი და საკონცენტრაციო ბანაკის ყოფილი პატიმარი ხვდებიან. ჯალათის და მსხვერპლის მოგონებები მათ შორის უცნაურ ლტოლვას იწვევს, რასაც ფსიქიატრი სადომაზიხიზმს დაარქმევდა.

Jack Manfred is an aspiring writer who to make ends meet, takes a job as a croupier. Jack remains an observer, knowing that everything in life is a gamble and that gamblers are born to lose. Inevitably, he gets sucked into the world of the casino which takes its toll on his relationships and the novel he is writing.

Three cousins travel to the village where they spent summer vacations as kids.

Summer Sunday at a small beach house at the coast of Rome. Many people and stories: women's basketball team, two sports-obsessed soldiers, two men with their girlfriends and the priest with a big secret, an elderly couple with their pregnant granddaughter, and engagemented couple wanting to have sex for the first time.

Bubba Ho-tep tells the "true" story of what really did become of Elvis Presley. We find Elvis as an elderly resident in an East Texas rest home, who switched identities with an Elvis impersonator years before his "death," then missed his chance to switch back. He must team up with JFK and fight an ancient Egyptian mummy for the souls of their fellow residents.

Struggling martial artist and dancer Bruno loves his girlfriend Carla, but when he meets fellow dancer Rai, serious sparks begin to fly, opening the couple up to new possibilities. A new generation navigates sexual fluidity, torn affections, and open relationships in this complicated love triangle.

Celeste Talbert is the star of the long-running soap opera "The Sun Also Sets." With the show's ratings down, Celeste's ruthlessly ambitious co-star, Montana Moorehead, and the show's arrogant producer, David Seton Barnes, plot to aggravate her into leaving the show by bringing back her old flame, Jeffrey Anderson, and hiring her beautiful young niece, Lori Craven.

Coming Through the Rye, set in 1969, is a touching coming of age story of sensitive, 16 year old Jamie Schwartz, who is not the most popular kid at his all boys' boarding school. Disconnected from students and teachers, he believes he is destined to play Holden Caulfield, the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, and has adapted the book as a play.

1930 წელი, პარიზი, სასიყვარულო სამკუთხედი მწერალ ჰენრი მილერს, მის მეუღლეს ჯუნს და ანანის ნინს შორის. ძლიერ გრძნობებს მონატრებული მწერალი ანაის ნინი დღეებს დღიურის წერაში ატარებს, სადაც დაწვრილებით აღწერს პირად ერიტიულ განცდებს. მის არსებობას არანაირი სიამოვნება არ მოაქვს. ცხოვრება ერთფეროვანი და მდორეა. პატიოსანი, მაგრამ მოსაწყენი ქმარი სიგიჟემდე მობეზრდა და თითქოს ვერც ვერაფერი გამოიყვანს ამ ჭაობიდან. სწორედ ამ დროს ჩნდება საოცარი წყვილი: უცნაური და ვულგარული გარეგნობის ჰენრი მილერი და მისი იდუმალი ლამაზმანი ცოლი ჯუნი.

London is a drug laden adventure that centers on a party in a New York loft where a young man is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend.

Nico is a famous actor in Argentina, but in New York, nobody takes notice. He needs to juggle bartending, babysitting and odd jobs to keep himself afloat. But when old friends from Buenos Aires come to visit, he needs to juggle the image of his old life with the reality of the struggling actor in New York City.

Three life-long friends struggle with an early middle-age crisis as they start to try to get a job for the first time. An ironic quest to avoid becoming an adult and accept responsibilities.

The financially strained and increasingly desperate, Lester Parsons concocts a brilliant get-rich-quick scheme; cruise the lonely hearts ads for rich women to fleece. Too bad then, that Lester’s also a psychotic cannibal who enjoys mutilating these lovelorn souls, via his trusty chainsaw, and using their flesh for his dinner. When a copycat killer threatens to bring him down, Lester must do all he can to prevent this new killer’s sloppy work from ruining them both.

Ezra discovers he has a unique ability to make food appear in his hands. He quickly uses his new super powers to impress his friends and to become popular around school for the first time in his life.