Join Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the Mystery Inc. crew as they head to Chicago for Talent Star, a hit talent show in which Fred and Daphne are finalists with some high hopes. Unlucky for them, the competition is frightful as the show is being broadcast from an opera house with a history of horrors and a particularly vengeful phantom that has cursed the show's production.

Sometimes the true heroes in our lives are those people who inspire us not with their superhuman accomplishments but simply by their refusal to give up in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds and the dignity in which they go about their lives. Bill Porter is one of those heroes. Born with cerebral palsy, he was told for many years that he was unemployable. But with the unwavering support of a dedicated mother and an indomitable spirit that has become his trademark, Porter did support himself as a door-to-door salesman in Portland, Oregon.

Six vignettes follow the Allied invasion from July 1943 to winter 1944, from Sicily north to Venice.

Petra heads to New York in search of her older sister after a long time of being separated. They are both movie actresses and heirs of the wounds of the Brazilian dictatorship. But Petra has only a few clues: home movies, newspaper clippings, a diary...

A black and white silent movie, based on the Snow White fairy tale, that is set in a romantic version of 1920s Seville and centered on a female bullfighter.

„Zombiliškės“ – ypatingas pramogų parkas: čia gyvena tikri vilkolakiai, vampyrai, zombiai. Jie čia dirbs per amžius… Vieną dieną darbo saugos prižiūrėtojas Hektoras apsilanko „Zombiliškėse“ ir randa begalę pažeidimų. Kad Hektoras nieko neišplepėtų ir parkas nebūtų uždarytas, jam vadovaujančiam vampyrui Franciui nelieka nieko kito, kaip įkąsti vyriškiui. Taip Hektoras galėtų būti pasamdytas ir tapti „Zombiliškių“ paskutiniu šansu: lankokumas visiškai kritęs, tad jis galėtų būti naujas traukos centras ir išgelbėti visus nuo bankroto. Tačiau Hektoras ilgisi savo dukrelės Liusi, kuri liko jo laukti „tikrame“ pasaulyje…

Robis (Paul Brannigan) – jaunas Glazgo vaikinas, nuolat įsiveliantis į nemalonumus. Prasmukęs į gimdymo namus aplankyti savo merginos Leonės (Siobhan Reilly) ir pirmąkart palaikyti rankose savo pirmagimio Luko, jis lieka sukrėstas ir prisiekia, kad jo sūnus niekad negyvens taip, kaip gyvena jis. Tačiau Leonės tėvas siekia išvyti jaunuolį iš Glazgo, už praeities skolas jį persekioja vietinis nusikaltėlis Klansis, tad Robis jaučiasi kaip į kampą užspeista pelė. Vos per plauką išvengusiam kalėjimo Robiui suteikiama paskutinė galimybė pasitaisyti – viešieji darbai. Čia dirbdamas jis susipažįsta su Raino, Albertu ir Mo, kuriems, kaip ir Robiui, rimtas darbas tėra tolima svajonė. Tačiau netikėtai atrastas Robio talentas – jautrus gomurys ir nosis – nuveda jį ir jo draugus į Škotijos aukštumas, kur gaminamas geriausias pasaulyje viskis. Tuomet prasideda jų didžiausias gyvenimo nuotykis, o kuo jis baigsis – angelai težino...

A drug cartel boss is arrested in a raid and coerced into betraying his former accomplices as part of an undercover operation.

Tai is 17 years old. Naim is 20. She's Israeli. He's Palestinian. She lives in Jerusalem. He lives in Gaza. They were born in a land of scorched earth, where fathers bury their children. They must endure an explosive situation that is not of their choosing at an age where young people are falling in love and taking their place in adult life. A bottle thrown in the sea and a correspondence by email nurture the slender hope that their relationship might give them the strength to confront this harsh reality to grapple with it, and thereby ever so slightly change it. Only 60 miles separate them but how many bombings, check-points, sleepless nights and bloodstained days stand between them?

The tragic story of world-renowned cellist Jacqueline du Pré, as told from the point of view of her sister, flautist Hilary du Pré-Finzi.

Johnny is a long-serving MI5 officer. His boss dies suddenly, leaving behind an inexplicable file which threatens the stability of the organisation.

The incredibly spoiled and overprivileged students of Camden College are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a virgin and a bisexual classmate.

Kadaise buvę geri draugai, dabar atsidūrė skirtingose barikadų pusėse: policininkas ir narkotikų prekeivis. Policininkas ištikimas savo darbui ir stropiai atlieka gautą užduotį – seka savo draugą ir net paslapčia susipažįsta su jo mergina, kurią, tačiau, ir pats įsimyli. Draugystei iškilusi grėsmė tuoj peraugs į realią grėsmę buvusių draugų gyvybėms.

„Šešėlių šokėja“ buvo sukurta remiantis BBC žurnalisto Tomo Bradby knyga apie 1990 metų įvykius Šiaurės Airijoje. Filmas pasakoja istoriją apie Šiaurės Airijos konflikto 1990 metais sužalotą šeimą, apie Airijos respublikonų armijos (IRA) narę, gelbstinčią sūnų.

A sexy widow discovers her late husband had a secret apartment where he cheated on her. Now she decides to use the same apartment to explore her own sexuality.

Muzafar and Feruz are two easy going shepherds from Taboulistan, a tiny country in Asia that is unknown to the rest of the world. To alert the world to his country’s existence, the son of Taboulistan’s president decides to instigate a program of publicity terrorism. To that end, he recruits our two naive shepherds, their mission: to destroy the Eiffel Tower! But the France that Muzafar and Feruz discover is far from what they had expected...

One weekend, after years without seeing each other, several friends, over whom hangs the shadow of a murky episode of the past, meet in a house in the mountains. During the first night, a strange incident takes place that leaves them isolated.

Edgard works as a subordinate in the company of millionaire Werneck and is in love with Ritinha, a simple woman who works as a teacher to support her mother and her three sisters. One day, Peixoto, Werneck's son-in-law, makes him a proposal to marry Maria, the boss's daughter. The reason is that Maria was abused and now is being forced to marry by her family. Edgard hesitates first but accepts the offer. From then on he enters into a great doubt: should he deposit the check and marry Maria or stay with Ritinha, his great love?

Jon Porter returns to his hometown after the sudden and bizarre death of his mother. He hopes to leave as soon as the funeral is over but it's too late. The sinister forces that caused his sister's brutal murder 30 years ago are back. Jon knows the nightmare can't continue. He must stand up to his fear and exorcise the demons who have risen again to take posession of his beautiful teenage daughter - body and soul.

Stunning trophy wife Rachel Avery is stuck in a cold, loveless marriage with her millionaire husband, Holden. So when Holden goes away on a trip, Rachel hooks up with her close friend Carla, and the two hatch a plan to murder Holden and collect on his vast assets. But the girls don't want to commit the crime themselves, so at a bar they seduce a stranger, Travis Brewer, and convince him to do their bidding.