After tracing the origin of a disturbing supernatural affliction to a wealthy family's ancestral gravesite, a team of paranormal experts relocates the remains—and soon discovers what happens to those who dare to mess with the wrong grave.

Film, navdihnjen z resničnimi dogodki. Ko v indijskem barakerskem naselju Sektorja 36 izgine več otrok, se mora skorumpirani policist za vsako ceno spopasti s premetenim serijskim morilcem in nadaljevati srhljivo preiskavo, ki odstira temačne skrivnosti.

Beetlejuice je nazaj! Po nepričakovani družinski tragediji se tri generacije družine Deetz vrnejo domov v Winter River. Še vedno obsedena z Beetlejuiceom, se Lydijino življenje obrne na glavo, ko njena uporniška najstniška hči Astrid na podstrešju odkrije skrivnostni zemljevid mesta in nenamerno odpre portal v onstranstvo. S težavami na obeh straneh je zgolj vprašanje časa, kdaj bo nekdo trikrat izrekel ime Beetlejuice in nagajivi demon se bo vrnil, da bi sprostil svoj edinstven kaos.

Nekdanji marinec se spopade s korupcijo v majhnem mestu, ko mu lokalni policisti neupravičeno zasežejo vrečko z denarjem, ki ga potrebuje za plačilo varščine za svojega bratranca.

A terminally ill man falls in love with a woman who has a secret that threatens their time spent together.

A biologist has succeeded in growing a particularly energy-rich lettuce and now the whole world wants to get hold of the product.

The wonders of nature are viewed from the backyards of communities across the nation.

The survival instincts of a road-tripping family are put to the test when they have no other choice but to stay the night at a remote homestead.

Harriet finds art imitating life when she discovers certain songs can transport her back in time – literally. While she relives the past through romantic memories of her former boyfriend, her time travelling collides with a burgeoning new love interest in the present. As she takes her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, she wonders – even if she could change the past, should she?

After being infected in the wake of a violent pandemic and with only 48 hours to live, a father struggles to find a new home for his baby daughter.

A dethroned queen bee at a posh private high school strikes a secret deal with an unassuming new student to enact revenge on one another’s enemies.

Sang-sook is a competent politician who captivates the public with all kinds of nice words. One day, Sang-sook visits her grandmother who lives in the isolated house. But when she returns home, she finds out that she is not able to lie anymore.

Prvi teden v srednji šoli. Največja zabava leta. Štirje najstniški bruci se spopadajo s strahovi odraščanja, ko na svoji prvi srednješolski zabavi preživljajo noč, polno kaosa in razvrata.

With his wife out sick, a struggling father brings home a lifelike AI, only to have his self-aware new help want everything her new family has to offer... Like the affection of her owner and she'll kill to get it.

Najstnica Tally živi v distopični prihodnosti, kjer je lepotna kirurgija obvezna od 16. leta dalje. Medtem ko se veseli preobrazbe, skrivnostno izgine njena prijateljica Shay, kar sproži njeno iskanje, ki postavi pod vprašaj vsa njena prepričanja o lepoti in družbi.

Curtis Pike and his family are selected to test a new home device: a digital assistant called AIA. AIA observes the family's behaviors and begins to anticipate their needs. And she can – and will – make sure nothing – and no one – gets in her family's way.

When her teen daughter displays increasingly disturbing behavior after a near death experience, a mother becomes convinced the girl brought something evil back from the other side.

Pam Bales med svojim pohodom na vrh Mount Washington v snegu opazi stopinje športnih copat. Tako najde v stiski tujca, ki ga kliče John, in začne se njuna avantura reševanja v snežni nevihti. Med potjo na varno morata oba premagati kup ovir, Pam pa misli begajo tudi v preteklost, k hčerkama, o katerih izvemo več ob koncu filma, ko se z neznancem srečata v civilizaciji ob kavi in se tudi malo bolje spoznata.

Sodoba adaptacija kultnega filma iz leta 1994. Sorodni duši Eric in Shelly sta brutalno umorjeni, ko ju dohiti demon iz njene temne preteklosti. Eric dobi priložnost, da reši svojo pravo ljubezen s tem, da se žrtvuje in se neusmiljeno maščuje njunim morilcem, pri čemer prečka svetove živih in mrtvih, da bi popravil krivice.

From 9/11 to Hurricane Katrina, this documentary covers a decade of tragedies, featuring the stories of survivors and experts.