U bezimenom gradu, dva detektiva pokušavaju pronaći sadističkog serijskog ubojicu, koji svoje žrtve bira na temelju sedam smrtnih grijeha. David Mills je detektiv novak, pun nade ali naivan, a njegov partner je William Somerset. Zajedno, oni prolaze svaki ubojičin korak, svjedočeći hororu kojeg iza sebe ostavlja, ubijajući svoje žrtve. A sve to vodi k stravičnoj sudbini koju nitko neće moći predvidjeti.

Priča prati Paula Atreidesa iz kuće Atreides, sjajnog i nadarenog mladića rođenog za velike stvari, koji mora otputovati na najopasniji planet u svemiru kako bi osigurao budućnost svoje obitelj i svog naroda. Nađe se usred sukoba oko ekskluzivne opskrbe najcjenjenijim resursom koji postoji, najvrijednijem elementu galaksije koji se nalazi samo na Arrakisu i koji može otključati najveći potencijal čovječanstva, u kojem će preživjet samo oni koji mogu pobijediti svoj strah.

A short kid from a Canadian army base becomes the international pop culture darling of the 1980s—only to find the course of his life altered by a stunning diagnosis. What happens when an incurable optimist confronts an incurable disease?

Ji-hae's friend is having problems expressing her feelings to the boy she loves, so she asks Ji-hae to write e-mails to him in her name. As the boy falls in love with her letters, Ji-hae discovers the story of her mother's romance which is remarkably similar to her own circumstances.

Film prati priču Garyja Valentinea i Alane Kane dok odrastaju, trčkaraju okolo i zaljubljuju se u dolini San Fernando. Smještena u 1973., ova drama o odrastanju pokazuje nam koliko varljivo može biti putovanje prve ljubavi.

Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko have been apprehended by the Demon Slayer Hashira, a group of extremely skilled swordfighters. Tanjiro undergoes trial for violating the Demon Slayer code, specifically smuggling Nezuko, a Demon, onto Mt. Natagumo. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 22-26 with some new footage and special ending credits.

Dvije žene, Janis i Ana, zajedno se nalaze u bolničkoj sobi gdje svaka očekuje rođenje djeteta. Niti jedna niti druga nisu u vezi, a obje su zatrudnile igrom slučaja. Sredovječna Janis ne žali za trudnoćom i poprilično je ushićena. Adolescentica Ana s druge se strane kaje, a usto je uplašena i traumatizirana. Janis ju pokušava ohrabriti dok se obje poput mjesečarki kreću bolničkim hodnicima. Nekoliko riječi koje će izmijeniti u satima čekanja do poroda između njih dvije stvorit će neočekivanu povezanost, a koja će razvojem situacije i novonastalim komplikacijama promijeniti njihove živote zauvijek.

Over the summer of 1942 on Nantucket Island, three friends -- Hermie, Oscy and Benjie -- are more concerned with getting laid than anything else. Hermie falls in love with the married Dorothy, whose husband is an army pilot recently sent to the battlefront of World War II.

Kada mu neprijatelji iz prošlosti ubiju suprugu i šurjaka, bivši mafijaški razbijač pobjegne sa kćeri u Milano i planira osvetu.

During WWII, Germans obtain the immortal heart of Frankenstein's monster and transport it to Japan to prevent it being seized by the Allies. Kept in a Hiroshima laboratory, it is seeming lost when the United States destroys the city with the atomic bomb. Years later a wild boy is discovered wandering the streets of the city alone, born of the immortal heart.

When a plane crashes at sea, dolphins rescue a little boy and raise him as family. He lives a carefree life beneath the waves until an evil monster seizes power over the underwater world. Banished to dry land, the boy is taken in by a kind-hearted captain. With his new companion's help, the boy embarks on a journey to solve the mystery of his true identity.

What starts as a poignant medical documentary about Deborah Logan's descent into Alzheimer's disease and her daughter's struggles as caregiver degenerates into a maddening portrayal of dementia at its most frightening, as hair-raising events begin to plague the family and crew and an unspeakable malevolence threatens to tear the very fabric of sanity from them all.

Apache Junction is an outpost of lawlessness, a haven for thieves and cold-blooded killers. After big-city reporter Annabelle Angel arrives to write an article on the town, she becomes a target when notorious gunslinger Jericho Ford comes to her aid. Now Annabelle must entrust her future to a man with a deadly past, as Jericho heads toward a tense showdown.

To save the world, Super Furball has to save the bees. In order to do so, the heroic guinea pig has to redeem the biggest bully in school.

400 godina treninga pretvorit će Ameriku u borilački poligon za najspremnije, kada se s lanca otpusti osveta ninje! Nakon što mu u Japanu suparničke ninje pobiju cijelu obitelj, Cho Osaki (Shô Kosugi), sa sinom Kaneom (Kane Kosugi) stiže u Ameriku kako bi u njoj počeo nov život. Otvara trgovinu lutkama koja počinje veoma dobro poslovati, ali ubrzo saznaje kako njegov partner koristi lutke za krijumčarenje heroina. Želeći tome stati na kraj, Cho mu se suprotstavi, no tako nastaje velik sukob, u kojem bi mogli nastradati i nevini. Cho neće dopustiti da mu se takvo što ponovno dogodi.

Posljednjih 25 godina, Elvis je davao savjete onima koji su ga zvali uživo u njegov poznati noćni talk show. On je jedan od posljednjih legendarnih radijskih voditelja. Izbjegava društvene mreže koje smatra beskorisnima, radi sve po svome i ignorira znakove upozorenja svog šefa koji vidi kako gledanost njegove emisije pada. Probleme slušatelja rješava svojom legendarnim glasom i britkim odgovorima. Ima mišljenje o svemu i upušta se u bilo koju vrstu rasprave. Jedne noći prima dramatičan poziv koji bi mu mogao uništiti karijeru, obitelj i cijeli život.

Nakon traumatičnog pobačaja mladi par u samostanu posvoji dvoje neobičnih blizanaca čija opsesija religijom ubrzo postane uznemirujuća.

A search and recovery team heads into Victor Crowley’s haunted swamp to pick up the pieces, and Marybeth learns the secret to ending the voodoo curse that has left Victor Crowley terrorizing Honey Island Swamp for decades.

A pair of newlyweds must fight to survive when their wedding reception descends into chaos and carnage when their guests become infected by a virus that turns them into hungry zombies.

In 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were brutally murdered in her Los Angeles home by whom most believe to be O.J Simpson. But what role did Glen Rogers, also known as the Casanova Killer play in their death?