The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

Když je jeden z jejích studentů podezřelý z krádeže, rozhodne se učitelka Carla Nowaková přijít věci na kloub. Ocitne se mezi svými ideály a školním systémem a následky jejího jednání ji hrozí zlomit.

Young art student Hideo paints an unnerving portrait of Tomie, who whispers that she loves him. Inexplicably, he reacts by stabbing her to death with a painting trowel. Two friends, Takumi and Shunichi, arrive on the scene and help him dispose of the body. To cheer him up, the boys take the unwitting murderer to the nearest bar for a party... but a mysterious girl named Tomie shows up, bearing a few odd physical resemblances to the dead girl in the ground.

Flora, džin uvězněný více než dva tisíce let ve starožitné šperkovnici, je náhodou povolána do služby Bernardem, kterému se hroutí život.

A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

The soldier king Qin Yang's fiancée Ye Qin met with an unknown beast and died tragically. Gu Ping invites him to participate in Ye Qin's scientific research before her death. But Gu Ping is using Ye Qin's research results to combine the genes of unknown beasts to create the "Zero" dragon creature. The intelligent dragon creature, coupled with the extra-terrestrial beast evolved by devouring, an imminent city war is coming...

The Cromwell clan lives in the real world, except for their grandmother who lives in Halloweentown, a place where monsters go to escape reality. But now the son of the Cromwells' old enemy Kalabar has a plan to use the grandmother's book to turn Halloweentown into a grey dreary version of the real world while transforming the denizens of the real world into monsters.

After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he once thought.

Patricia je obléhána boháčem Antoinem, jehož nedokáže odradit ani její jasné a opakované odmítnutí. Patricia chce jeho naléhání jednou provždy udělat rázný konec, proto dá Simonovi Guilbaud návrh nabízí mu deset jeho platů, stravu, nocleh, oblečení a když to vyjde, i nové auto podmínkou je, aby Antoine konečně pochopil, že se za něj nikdy nevydá. Jakmile se s tím Antoine smíří, dá mu Patricia volnost, ale do té doby si musí všichni myslet, že jsou manželé. Ona ho totiž nemiluje, hnusí se jí a nic na tom nezmění ani miliony, které zdědil po strýci. Simon se tedy nastěhuje do Patriciiných pokoje co se však absolutně nelíbí zejména otci Leonardovi, jehož naopak Antoinove peníze nadmíru zajímají, protože kvůli nevýhodným obchodům jim hrozí krach. Podaří se vyhrát vzdorovité Patricii nebo jejímu otci, který Simonovi změnil roli?

Elon Musk a inženýři ze SpaceX mají za úkol dostat astronauty NASA zpátky na Mezinárodní vesmírnou stanici. Revoluce v cestování do vesmíru je tady!

Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent are back! What begins as a routine bandit-stomping turns into the adventure of a lifetime involving magical golems, an ancient Elven weapon and even someone bent on destroying the world. It's a predicament only Lina and Naga could get themselves in to.

Před sedmi lety se Zaid vydal do války proti kodaňskému podsvětí, aby pomstil svého mrtvého bratra. Jeho identita uznávaného lékaře kardiologie a život muže od rodiny jsou jen blednoucím snem a ve vězení Zaid trpí ztrátou svého syna Noaha, kterého sotva zná. Když Zaida osloví policejní agent a nabídne mu dohodu o propuštění výměnou za infiltraci do kodaňského podsvětí, vidí svou šanci získat zpět zbytky rodinného života, který opustil. Všechno má však svou cenu a Zaid si uvědomuje, že nyní vážně ohrozil život svého syna. Koneckonců, když se jednou stanete součástí podsvětí, existuje vůbec nějaká cesta ven?

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

The Imjin War reaches its seventh year in December of 1598. Admiral Yi Sun-shin learns that the Wa invaders in Joseon are preparing for a swift withdrawal following the deathbed orders of their leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Determined to destroy the enemy once and for all, Admiral Yi leads an allied fleet of Joseon and Ming ships to mount a blockade and annihilate the Wa army. However, once Ming commander Chen Lin is bribed into lifting the blockade, Wa lord Shimazu Yoshihiro and his Satsuma army sail to the Wa army’s rescue at Noryang Strait.

Při svém prvním úkolu na palubě Air Force One čelí začínající agentka tajné služby těžké zkoušce, když letadlo unesou teroristé s úmyslem zmařit klíčovou dohodu o dodávkách energie. V sázce je prezidentův život a celosvětová krize, její odvaha a schopnosti jsou dovedeny až na hranici možností v nelítostném boji, který může změnit běh dějin.

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.

Příběh o přátelství mezi mladým trestancem, který je nucen pracovat v domově důchodců, a skupinou bláznivých starých lidí. Společně zorganizují útěk.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

After moving into a cottage together, two young lovers confront horrors of a forgotten childhood.

Eight contestants compete in eight deadly, classic children's games. They seek fame beyond their wildest dreams, competing for the chance to take over the YouTube channel of the famous yet elusive masked content creator known only as "JaxPro".