Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Disney-Pixari värviküllane, humoorikas ja seiklusrikas lugu peretraditsioonidest, mille peategelaseks on muusikukarjäärist unistav Miguel, kes võtab ette uskumatu rännakuoma esivanemate maagilisse maailma. Seal sõbruneb ta sarmika vigurivända Hectoriga, kes aitab poisil avastada tolle esivanemate lugude taga peituva müsteeriumi.

Ühiskonnast kõrvale heidetud Arthur Fleck luusib mööda Gothami tänavaid, et tunda inimeste lähedust. Päeval klounina raha teenides, lootes nii olla osake ühiskonnast, võõrdub mees ühiskonnast veelgi. Hüljatu ja kiusatuna, hakkab Arthuri sees kasvama viha. Algab aeglane muutus, mille käigus saab heidikust geniaalne kurikael, keda inimesed saavad tundma Jokkerina.

Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Hit songs become instant classics. When Mercury's increasingly wild lifestyle starts to spiral out of control, Queen soon faces its greatest challenge yet – finding a way to keep the band together amid the success and excess.

In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Facing cruelty as well as unexpected kindnesses Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon’s chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will forever alter his life.

A father living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest with his six young kids tries to assimilate back into society.

When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!

Peter, Michael ja Samir töötavad tarkvarafirmas ja kannatavad tavalise kõrvalmõjude all: halvad töötingimused, idiootidest ülemused, nigel palk ja pidevad ületunnid. Kui ülemuste poolt kutsutakse kohale ratsionaliseerija, kes peaks töökohti vähendama, otsustavad need kolm, et midagi peab muutuma. Peter käib psühholoogi juures ja muutub pärast edukat hüpnoosi nii enesekindlaks, et jääb oma käitumisega ülemustele silma ja saab palgakõrgendust. Kuid teiste olukord ei ole sama roosiline ja lõpuks mõeldakse välja petuskeem, mille abiga firma raha oma kontole kantida.

When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong.

Four teenagers in detention discover an old video game console with a game they’ve never heard of. When they decide to play, they are immediately sucked into the jungle world of Jumanji in the bodies of their avatars. They’ll have to complete the adventure of their lives filled with fun, thrills and danger or be stuck in the game forever!

Guy is a young film executive who's willing to do whatever it takes to make it in Hollywood. He begins working for famed producer Buddy Ackerman, a domineering, manipulative, coldhearted boss. When Guy also finds out that his cynical girlfriend, Dawn, has been using sex as a career move, he reaches his limit. Guy decides to exact revenge on Buddy by kidnapping him and subjecting him to cruel and unusual punishment.

Brennan Huff and Dale Doback might be grown men. But that doesn't stop them from living at home and turning into jealous, competitive stepbrothers when their single parents marry. Brennan's constant competition with Dale strains his mom's marriage to Dale's dad, leaving everyone to wonder whether they'll ever see eye to eye.

Ted Morgan has been treading water for most of his life. After his wife leaves him, Ted realizes he has nothing left to live for. Summoning the courage for one last act, Ted decides to go home and face the people he feels are responsible for creating the shell of a person he has become. But life is tricky. The more determined Ted is to confront his demons, to get closure, and to withdraw from his family, the more Ted is yanked into the chaos of their lives. So, when Ted Morgan decides to kill himself, he finds a reason to live.

A chief mechanic at a factory, haunted by apocalyptic nightmares, becomes a hero when Earth is invaded by a mysterious army bent on destruction.

Hired assassin John Lee is asked by Chinatown crime boss Terence Wei to murder the young son of policeman Stan Zedkov. Lee has the boy in his sights, but his conscience gets the better of him, and he spares the child's life. Afraid that Wei will take revenge on his family in China, Lee seeks out expert forger Meg Coburn to obtain the passport he needs to get out of the country, but a band of replacement killers is soon on his trail.

Lähitulevikus on Major esimene omataoline: inimene, kes päästeti kohutavast lennuõnnetusest, seejärel täiustati kübertehnoloogia abil täiuslikuks sõduriks, kes on pühendunud maailma kõige ohtlikumate kurjategijate peatamisele.

The owner of a factory that produces flavor extracts, Joel Reynold seems to have it all, but really doesn't. What's missing is sexual attention from his wife, Suzie. Joel hatches a convoluted plan to get Suzie to cheat on him, thereby clearing the way for Joel to have an affair with Cindy, an employee. But what Joel doesn't know is that Cindy is a sociopathic con artist, and a freak workplace accident clears the way for her to ruin Joel forever.

An assassin forges an unlikely partnership with one of his targets: a woman seeking revenge for the murder of her family.

When he hears that the new female employee digs ambitious men who are the store employee of the month, a slacker gets his act together but finds himself in competition with his rival, an ambitious co-worker.

Three friends, whose lives have been drifting apart, reunite for the funeral of a fourth childhood friend. When looking through their childhood belongings, they discover a trunk which contained details on a quest their friend was attempting. It revealed that he was hot on the trail of the $200,000 that went missing with airplane hijacker D.B. Cooper in 1971. They decide to continue his journey, but do not understand the dangers they will soon encounter.