An international gang of gun dealers in the USA has stolen the prototype of a laser rifle from a German laboratory. The FBI agent Cormoran is being sent to recover the state-of-the-art and highly effective weapon. But there are some indications that he has defected to the enemy. Since agent 007 is currently on another mission, the chief of intelligence has to fall back on his second best man, the previous number 006. And so the German secret agent John Krim is given the assignment to get the rifle back, find evidence of Cormoran’s treachery and finally eliminate the colleague. Krim’s journey takes him across the ocean, and there he experiences incredible adventures in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Two women get in his way, and Krim can’t be sure whether he can trust them or whether they too are working for the other side.

Groot investigates a spooky noise that’s been haunting the Quadrant, which leads to an intense dance off.

Um documentário de várias partes sobre a produção da trilogia Jurassic Park. Cada parte mostra a produção de parte de um dos filmes, incluindo o furacão durante as filmagens do primeiro filme, e como os avanços em CGI para Jurassic Park ajudaram a mudar o mundo dos efeitos especiais para sempre. Todas as entrevistas para esses documentários retrospectivos vêm com comentários de Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, das equipes de efeitos, dos atores infantis e de Peter Stormare. Este documentário está dividido em seis partes: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min) e A Terceira Aventura (25 min).

It's a beautiful day in Slottsskogen, Gothenburg idyllic city park, when suddenly the unthinkable happens - gunfire amidst all people. Two gangsters shooting game against each other and a large police operation starts. The conflict grows rapidly to involve several gangs from Gothenburg underworld. GSI switched to try to identify a new thread which proves to be both larger and better armed than any other. The only clue is a tattoo on one of the killed gang members.

Flotsam (Thomas) is the daughter and helper of crusty old lighthouse keeper Joe Clark (Edward Ellis, in fine form). The reason why Clark lives 'out yonder' is because he's a fugitive from justice: years ago, he killed a man under complicated circumstances. Clark's official assistant is Amos Bart, but Flotsam does much of the work of maintaining the lighthouse.

No distante desfiladeiro do Vale Encantado fica o misterioso Rochedo Saurus, e as gêmeas-dinossauro Dinah e Dana saem para descobri-lo. Agora cabe a Littlefoot, Saura, Espora, Patassaura e Petrúcio trazê-las de volta! Em Busca do Vale Encantado VI: O Segredo do Rochedo é uma fantástica aventura cheia de ótimas canções, diversão e mistérios! As lendas dizem que o Rochedo mantém o azar longe do Vale Encantado. Será verdade? Será que o misterioso Pescuçudo Doc, o famoso Dinossauro Solitário, pode derrotar o mais poderoso adversário? Para achar a resposta, Littlefoot e sua turma devem cruzar o Vale Encantado e enfrentar um terrível perigo!

Two estranged siblings go to their late scientist father's farmhouse to make sense of his incomplete work. They soon discover an evil entity, buried in time and space for millions of years, has been released and begun wreaking havoc.

Patrick McCardle é um garoto de quinze anos, filho de um ex-jogador de beisebol, que não sabe o que fazer de sua vida até que Houston Jones, um treinador de cavalos solitário e incompreendido, abre as portas do mundo das corridas de cavalo. Embora a reputação de Houston preocupe sua família, Patríck convence seus pais a darem uma chance para que ele treine com Houston e participe de uma famosa corrida. Porém, além de todas os dificuldades e desafios do treinamento, Patríck e Houston precisam enfrentar o mal-intencionado Randy Adams, o valentão da cidade e pentacampeão da corrida. Randy vai fazer de tudo para manter seu título e impedir que Patrick ganhe a corrida e o coração de Jill, a nova garota da cidade. Será que Patrick conseguirá vencer todas as adversidades e se tornar um campeão? Será que ele terá forças para seguir atrás de seu sonho? A resposta está no coração de um garoto com alma de campeão.

The stooges are working as paperhangers in the home of Professor Panzer, a mad scientist looking for a brain to use in his experiments. The professor wants to put a human brain into a gorilla but has trouble finding a brain small enough, which leads him to select Curly as the perfect donor.

Apesar de consciente do risco que é sair de casa com Alvin, Simon e Theodore (vozes de Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler e Jesse McCartney), Dave Seville (Jason Lee) decide arriscar uns dias a bordo de um luxuoso cruzeiro para se livrar do stress do dia-a-dia. Mas, com as normais dificuldades em se manter afastado da confusão, Alvin acaba por quase levar Dave (e toda a tripulação) à loucura e fazer com que o navio acabe atracado numa ilha deserta. Porém, todos acabam por perceber que não estão tão sós como poderiam julgar, encontrando o lugar perfeito para o que de melhor sabem fazer: cantar e fazer tropelias. Realizado por Mike Mitchell ("Gigolo Profissional", "Shrek Para Sempre"), a terceira aventura dos famosos esquilos que fizeram as delícias dos que foram crianças durante a década de 80.

The old Valmorin died 200 years ago. The notary tells the family about the inheritance: the one who is terminally ill will receive the money. They all try their luck with getting ill before the other so one family member pretends to be deaf, another pretends to have a terrible back ache and so on...

An American loses all his money and finds himself stranded in England. He finds hope when he meets a female smuggler who has brought jewels into the country inside a teddy bear, but unfortunately, things quickly get out of hand.

Date Whispering is the hottest new trend in dating — a personal love coach right in your ear as you date your ideal match. And of all the date whisperers in LA, Sam is the best. But when the value of her service is called into question by her dad’s life coach, Mattie, she’ll learn the real worth of true love.

George, que cresceu na selva e foi cuidado por macacos, conhece Úrsula, uma bela executiva, que o leva até a cidade para que ele viva como um homem civilizado. Mas, para George, sua vida é na selva. Ele estranha o lugar e volta à floresta para lutar contra caçadores e defender os seus amigos animais. Ao lado de Úrsula, ele descobre que o amor pode tudo e recupera o seu posto de Rei da selva.

Mike, Danny, and Rick are grown men who share a house in Chicago. They take on a fourth house mate, John, who is Mike's estranged first cousin. John's welcome to the house is crowned by his introduction to a game of perpetual pranks called "Watch it!" When not playing pranks on each other, the three men spend their time womanizing, avoiding commitment, treating women badly, and talking about women in the coarsest terms. John, somewhat of a drifter with a fear of commitment, is nonetheless a man apart from this trio of feckless cowards. He takes a shine to Anne, recently jilted by his cousin Mike. Meanwhile, Rick is doing his best to ruin a promising relationship with the fetching and sincere Ellen. How Annie, Ellen, Rick, Mike, and John sort out (or fail to sort out) their social lives becomes the focus of the movie.

Dixie is caught operating a whorehouse, and is sentenced to 90 days house arrest in a convent! Can Dixie bend to the ways of the convent nuns to avoid jail?

Maria is young and beautiful. Her life resembles a fairy tale, in which the wishes come true if by magic. She has a smart, loving husband. And all that can be bought for money. Maria wants a child but could not bear it. She lives, but does not feel life. She is very unhappy.