Follows a police officer who must retrieve an eyewitness and escort her after a cartel shooting leaves several DEA agents dead, but then he must decide who to trust when they discover that the attack was executed by American forces.

Vivi is a young writer who is forced to find a roommate to pay the mortgage on her apartment. What she does not suspect is that Roy, the supposed perfect partner she found, has a peculiar lifestyle: he never pays rent.

Главни штаб у глави тинејџерке Рајли изненада бива растурен како би се направило места за нешто потпуно неочекивано: нове емоције! Радост, Туга, Бес, Страх и Гађење, који су дуго времена водили успешну операцију по свим параметрима, нису сигурни како се осећају када се Анксиозност појави. И чини се да није сама.

Док свет пада, млада Фуриоса бива зграбљена са Зеленог места многих мајки у руке велике бајкерске хорде коју предводи војсковођа Дементус. Чистећи кроз пустош, наилазе на цитаделу којом председава Имортан Џо. Два тиранина воде рат за превласт, а Фуриоса мора да преживи многа искушења док саставља средства да пронађе пут кући.

Now fully revealed as the ultimate threat to existence, the Anti-Monitor wages an unrelenting attack on the surviving Earths that struggle for survival in a pocket universe. One by one, these worlds and all their inhabitants are vaporized! On the planets that remain, even time itself is shattered, and heroes from the past join the Justice League and their rag-tag allies against the epitome of evil. But as they make their last stand, will the sacrifice of the superheroes be enough to save us all?

During the filming of a movie, actress Sandra Navarro denounces actor Daniel Zavala for sexual abuse on the set during the recording of a scene for the movie. Daniel pleads his innocence and the production tries to prevent the situation from leaking off the set and causing a scandal.

Candela, the headmistress of an elite school, after a traumatic divorce, returns to her old high school to lead a group of rebellious students through chess. There she will learn that in chess, and in life, it doesn't matter if you are a king or a pawn, because everyone ends up in the same box.

Пилот се нађе ухваћен у ратној зони након што је приморан да спусти свој комерцијални авион током страшне олује.

Based on a provocative autobiography, this story — set in a largely Muslim neighborhood in Berlin — follows a teenage gang member who is caught between hiding his Jewish identity and saving his life.

Четрдесет година након свог незаборавног првог случаја на Беверли Хилсу, полицајац из Детроита Аксел Фоли се враћа да ради оно што најбоље ради: решава злочине и изазива хаос.

Очајнички желећи да задржи старатељство над ћерком, борац мешовитих борилачких вештина напушта велики меч и трчи се по Берлину да би присуствовао њеној рођенданској забави.

Црна Манта, још увек вођен потребом да освети очеву смрт и поседује моћ митског Црног трозуба, неће се зауставити ни пред чим да уништи Аквамена једном заувек. Да би га победио, Аквамен се мора обратити свом заточеном брату Орму, бившем краљу Атлантиде, како би склопио невероватан савез како би спасао свет од неповратног уништења.

Џеј Џеј, ветеран ЦИА-е, поново се уједињује са својом штићеницом Софи, како би спречио катастрофалну нуклеарну заверу усмерену на Ватикан.

When three childhood best friends pull a prank gone wrong, they invent the imaginary Ricky Stanicky to get them out of trouble. Twenty years later, the trio still uses the nonexistent Ricky as a handy alibi for their immature behavior. But when their spouses and partners get suspicious and demand to finally meet the fabled Mr. Stanicky, the guilty trio decide to hire a washed-up actor and raunchy celebrity impersonator to bring him to life.

In the near future, a 'Grand Lottery' has been established - the catch: kill the winner before sundown to legally claim their multi-billion dollar jackpot. When Katie Kim mistakenly finds herself with the winning ticket, she reluctantly joins forces with amateur lottery protection agent Noel Cassidy who must get her to sundown in exchange for a piece of her prize.

Still recovering from a heart transplant, a retired FBI profiler returns to service when his own blood analysis offers clues to the identity of a serial killer.

Frank Penny is a disgraced cop looking for a shot at redemption. When the police chief's 11-year-old daughter is abducted, Frank goes rogue to try and save her. But to find the girl, Frank will need the help of Ava Brooks, whose live-streaming news channel is broadcasting Frank's every move.

After Police Chief Carter discovers the remains of eleven women, FBI Special Agent Petrovick is recruited to profile the serial killer responsible for the infamous "boneyard" killings. As the police force, narcotics agency, and FBI lock horns, a tangled web of intrigue turns everyone into a suspect.

Tiffany "Rex" Simpson has always dreamed of going to space, and her "doctored" application lands her in NASA's ultra-competitive astronaut training program. In over her head, can this Florida girl rely on her quick wits, moxie and determination to get through training and into the cosmos before she blows her cover?

When their rich uncle passes, his mansion of intricate puzzles becomes the backdrop for his estranged family's quest to secure a portion of his wealth.