A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.


Promotional video celebrating 20 years of the Naruto animation project.

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

电子竞技成为全国第78个体育赛事,“荣耀”将首次举办职业联赛。18岁的叶秋(本名叶修)与好友苏沐秋,在网吧老板陶轩的协助下,开始组建草根电竞战队“嘉世 ”。同时,来自全国各地不同背景的队友们也因为梦想齐聚一堂,为着电竞舞台的最高荣耀而刻苦训练。嘉世一路过关斩将,即将冲进决赛之际,团队却遭遇危机。面对劲敌皇风战队来势汹汹,作为队长的叶秋要如何解决眼前的困境?这样一群怀揣梦想的少年,是否能够登上荣耀的巅峰? 讲述了18岁的叶修,如何与一群志同道合的“战友”,共同组建“嘉世战队”,并一路过关斩将、迎战大Boss,最终走向巅峰的故事。 一个人为了理想可以拼到什么地步?为了追求电竞游戏“荣耀”的冠军,我们的男主叶修,他离家出走,他一往无前,他……当然是个好男孩,在遇到了同样热爱“荣耀”的苏沐橙等人后,不出意外的被“捡”回了家,与高冷御姐“苍天”,倔强又孤独的“暗无天日”,独孤求败的“气冲云海”等人组建起了嘉世战队,在夺冠的道路上,面对来势汹汹的皇风战队,这群一腔热血的年轻人又该如何面对…… 少年时期的叶修怀揣着电竞冠军的梦想,克服了重重困难,带领嘉世战队最终走上荣耀巅峰!



《阿凡达》的导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆以及众多演职人员亲身解说了潘多拉世界的创建过程,从环境地貌取景、动植物、纳威语、演员训练、表情和动作捕捉、虚拟摄像机、3D 建模到音效配乐等等,详尽展示了电影幕后的故事!

  15座格莱美大奖得主、「音乐教父」大卫佛斯特,继2008年《The Music of David Foster and Friends》得到空前成功后,现再度重金打造推出《Hit Man Returns》专辑,收录David Foster与众多巨星于2010年在拉斯维加斯音乐会超过一百五十三分钟之精彩现场演出。这次演出歌手包括: Michael Bolton, Kenny G, All-4-One, Charice, Earth, Wind & Fire, Chaka Khan, Seal, Ne-Yo, Martina McBride, Donna Summer, Natalie Cole, Kenny Loggins, Ruben Studdard & Surprise Guests。首首经典,尽显音乐才能,这是一场精采绝伦的演唱会,也是一场场面浩大、同时也是一场David Foster与众好友们温馨感恩的盛大晚会。

  剧情紧接着《复仇者联盟》,讲述纽约大战结束后,两个不知名科学家捡到赤瑞塔军团的遗留下的武器,他们尝试着使用它,然后发现这简直是犯罪利器,打算抢劫银行、买船、去加勒比海……   于是科尔森特工生前的搭档西尔维尔特工受命而出,不仅要阻止这疯狂的两人,更要夺回这件致命武器!

香港女化学家湘秀丽(川崎あかね 饰)遭到绑架,其身为警察的兄长德辉(千葉治郎 饰)经过调查得知,此举系盘踞在日本横滨的犯罪集团头目王龙明(山本麟一 饰)所谓。碍于警察身份,德辉拜托秀丽的童年好友李红龙(志穂美悦子 饰)出手相救。当两人会面时,一伙恶徒突然杀出,德辉被杀,红龙带着秀丽6岁的女儿梨花前往横滨。 得知红龙前来,王龙明召集手下格斗高手,选出四个精英前去截杀,却一一落败。红龙偷偷潜入王之府邸,得知秀丽被绑架的原因。肩负着梨花的信任,她一次次冲入罪恶魔窟……

Two Hobbits struggle to destroy the Ring in Mount Doom while their friends desperately fight evil Lord Sauron's forces in a final battle.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

When the Jade Empress steals the world's largest diamonds, super heroes Bikini Avenger and Thong Girl must stop her before she uses the gems to build a dangerous sci-fi weapon.

在一张被盗的计算机磁盘中包含一个隐藏宝库的位置。 LETHAL(确保完全和谐与法律军团)的性感女士们要在坏人之前找到宝藏。美女们大展身手。

Fifteen years ago, Joanna Kennedy’s life was turned upside down when her three-year-old daughter, Chloe, went missing for six months before being returned. Joanna finds herself searching again for answers and determined to find out if her daughter left of her own volition or has she been kidnapped yet again, and if so, is it at the hands of the woman who abducted her all those years before or someone else…and why?

Set in the Cold War era of the 1950's, Relations between the United States and Russia are tense. Senator Joseph McCarthy has many Americans convinced that the Communists have infiltrated society. Paranoia runs rampant, as decent Americans lose their jobs on suspicion alone. Floyd Woods served as one of the FBl's top Special Agents until he was accused of having Communist sympathies. Floyd lost his job despite lack of evidence to support these claims. He now works as a small time insurance investigator, who's flown into the small town of Sherrill, NY to investigate a life insurance claim, only to find himself distracted by the locals' odd behavior.

A girl called Hannah goes back to her hometown (Gatlin) to find her mother but on the way she picks up a strange man who fore-shadows her life with a passage from the bible. When she gets there she wakes up Isaac from a coma he has been in for 19 years. Isaac is awake and wants to fulfil the final prophecy.