Through archival interviews and footage, George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley relive the arc of their Wham! career, from 70s best buds to 80s pop icons.

Devynmetei Babseijai senelis padovanoja paršelį vardu Kriu. Tėvai jai leidžia Kriu laikyti namuose su viena sąlyga: jis privalo praeiti šuniukų dresavimo kursus. Tačiau Babsės tėvai nėra didžiausias Kriu rūpestis, kadangi senelis paslapčia planuoja dalyvauti dešrų konkurse, kurį organizuoja „Šviežių kiaulienos produktų bendruomenė“.

Kevin, an intelligent guy helps out Maxwell to improve his reading skills. In return, Kevin wants Maxwell to take him out places since he is not authorized to go out. Being the social outcasts of the town, Kevin and Maxwell come to realize that they are similar to each other and accept that they are "freaks" and nothing will stop them.

Bill Meceita, a boy whose family was murdered in front of him by a gang, sets out 15 years later to exact revenge. On his journey, he finds himself continually sparring and occasionally cooperating with Ryan, a gunfighter on his own quest for vengeance, who knows more than he says about Bill's tragedy.

Flora, a genie trapped for more than 2,000 years inside an antique jewelry box, is accidentally called to service by Bernard, whose life is unraveling around him.

Mike Veeck, son of MLB franchise owner Bill Veeck, blows up his father's career. Exiled from the game he loves, the younger Veeck spends the next few decades clawing his way up from rock bottom, determined to redeem himself.

Two newlyweds on their honeymoon discover that they are different in almost every way — but can these opposites attract?

A highly experimental film presenting a story out of chronological order taking place 15 years after a near-apocalyptic catastrophe, about four traumatized 14 year olds who are tasked with piloting massive humanoid decisive weapons called Evangelion, the psychologically maladjusted adults who handle and command them, and the events and forces that affect them or which they take part in as they engage massive hostile invaders known as "Angels."

See what Suzane von Richthofen, Daniel Cravinhos and Cristian Cravinhos did in the days following the brutal crime that led to the Richthofen couple's death. This film reveals crucial moments of the police investigation, testimonies and the confession of the crime.

Goofy goes fishing with his best friend, Wilbur, a grasshopper.

A chance meeting at the airport leads two married people to an unforgettable night full of excitement, desire, and temptation in New York City.

A universal theme: a story of people trapped in an inhuman network of power. The brutal circle of the Eurogroup meetings, who impose on Greece the dictatorship of austerity, where humanity and compassion are utterly disregarded. A claustrophobic trap with no way out, exerting pressures on the protagonists which finally divide them.

While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight strikes?

Whitney Alder owns interior design firm Marietta Designs, which she runs with her friend Andi in the small town of Marietta, Montana. Whitney is designing Santa’s float for the annual Marietta Christmas Parade when a potential job opportunity comes her way: the full redesign of a landmark home by Christmas Eve.

To his family, François Voisin is nothing more than a humdrum civil servant. In truth, for the past twenty years he has been working as a secret agent. All goes well until circumstances put his secret in danger.

TV pilot based on an original manga by Tetsuya Chiba, about a 10-year old girl named Yuki. An orphan who's being adopted by a family.

Kiekvienais metais be išimties Džekė atsiunčia laišką, kupiną pagyrų, dėl ko jos sena koledžo draugė pasijaučia tarsi nevykėlė. Likimo posūkis Šarlotę ir jos vyrą nuveda prie apsnigtų Džekės ir jos vyro Vakentino durų. Likus kelioms dienoms iki Šv. Kalėdų Šarlotė pasinaudoja proga įrodyti, kad jos senos draugės gyvenimas negali būti toks „tobulas“. Pernelyg stengdamasi tai įrodyti, Šarlotė vos nesugriauna švenčių abiejom šeimom. Šarlotei tenka susivienyti su Džeke, kad viską ištaisytų.

A team of former robbers arrived at Paradise: Phuket, southern Thailand. Now traders, they are happy days. Until the day when the devil arrives: Mehdi, sentenced to 15 years in prison during the robbery, comes to recover his share of the cake.

Mitch Robbins' 40th birthday begins quite well until he returns home and finds his brother Glen, the black sheep of the family, in his sofa. Nevertheless he is about to have a wonderful birthday-night with his wife when he discovers a treasure map of Curly by chance. Together with Phil and unfortunately Glen he tries to find the hidden gold of Curly's father in the desert of Arizona.

Winter 1862. In the midst of the Civil War, the US Army sends a company of volunteer soldiers to the western territories, with the task of patrolling the unchartered borderlands. As their mission ultimately changes course, the meaning behind their engagement begins to elude them.