A documentary about Genie, who spent the first thirteen years of her life imprisoned in her bedroom by her father, with her arms and legs immobilized.

Featuring Interviews with Noel Cunningham, Sean S. Cunningham, Kane Hodder and Todd Farmer. Discussions include writing and pre-production, the influence of Scream's success on the film, early concepts for the film, settling on outer space, plot and setting details, shooting 3-perf film, visual effects, ditched concepts, über Jason, audience reaction, and more.

Eleven football-loving friends participate in a championship playing against a professional team, but this will lead to many problems and complications.

A collection of brass and string instruments band together to form a grand symphonic orchestra, then embark on a mission to find the evil doctor who stole some of their other instruments and musical notes so he could build the perfect instrument.

Pony Express mailman in old west discovers super-powered chiles, gets tangled up with bank robbers.

Police officers from the Warsaw Homicide Department are trying to arrest a dangerous Armenian criminal.

Brolis ir sesuo Darrylas (Justinas Longas) ir Trish (Gina Philips) važiuoja namo iš pirmakursių šventės. Tačiau jų kelionė tampa pavojinga, kai pamato vyrą su apsiaustu ir veidą uždengiančia skrybėle, kuris kažką bando sukišti į vamzdį, kyšantį iš žemės. Sugrįžę į tą vietą, kur vyras kažką paslėpė, jie atranda kažką siaubingo. Padedami pamišusios moters, patyrusios daugybę kačių (Eileen Brennan), ir aiškiaregės (Patricia Belcher), jie suvokia, kad juos persekioja senovės demonas, vadinamas Šmėkla (Jonathanas Breckas), kuris valgo žmones, kad galėtų atsiauginti savo organus. Viename iš paauglių jis mato tai, ko norėtų užkrimsti.

An occult criminologist investigates a businessman who dabbles in the black arts while trying to survive against a powerful demon and an evil cult.

Three manic idiots—a lawyer, cab driver and a handyman—team up to run a ballet company to fulfil the will of a millionaire. Stooge-like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow and her scheming big-shot lawyer, who also wants to run the ballet.

Seal Team Eight must fight their way deep into Africa's Congo, decommission a secret uranium mine, and stop our most dangerous enemy from smuggling weapon's grade yellow-cake out of the country.

Springvudo siaubas lyg buvo ir pasibaigęs, viskas kas buvo susiję su Fredu Kriugeriu ir jo egzistavimu buvo panaikinta ir visi kurie dar prisimena jį yra uždaryti už storų sienų ir jų sapnai yra malšinami su sapnų malšinimo narkotikais, kas atima jo ankstesnes jėgas ir galias. Bet čia jis sukuria rafinuota planą: Jis pasirodo masinio žudiko Džeisono Fordžerio sapne, motinos pavidalu ir įsako jam nužudyti vaikus Guobų gatvėje. Ir jis nori, kad žmonės vėl bijotu ir prisimintu apie jo kruvinus darbelius ir jis taip galėtu atgauti savo galias. Fredžio kerštas prasideda, Džeisonas eina į Guobų gatvę ir pradeda skresti Springvudo jaunimą. Bet greitai paaiškėja, kad Džeisonas nebenori sustoti ir pasidaro žudymo mašima, kuri nenori sapnų valdovui palikti nei vienos aukos, kurių jam taip reikia, kad vėl atgautu savo pilnas galias. Ir taip prasideda dviejų, serijinių žudikų kovą dėl aukų ir išlikimo...

Seeking inspiration for a new writing project, a man spends Halloween night in a notoriously haunted house. He soon realizes he is living in his own horror story.

A group of young adults visit a boarded up campsite named Crystal Lake where they soon encounter the mysterious Jason Voorhees and his deadly intentions.

Still mourning the death of her mother a few years back, Alice McKinley finds her life seriously disrupted when her father Ben buys a store and moves her and her older brother Lester to a new town.

When a young couple from the wrong side of the tracks decide to take on an inheritance fraud job, little do they know that they have accepted a fate far darker then they could ever have imagined.

Urban legend horror film based on the true story of the "Ghost Apartment Incident" that occurred in Gifu Prefecture's Tomika Town in 2000.

A woman finds a VHS tape on her doorstep that shows a series of gruesome tales that could be real. But the true danger is the pumpkin-faced killer that's using the tape to find his next victim.

In Guesta Verde University, the deranged Professor Curien is trying to bring back the dead, killing students for the experiment. There is an outbreak of zombies in the campus, and the government sends a NSA medical research team, formed by Dr. Alexandra Morgan a.k.a. Nightingale and lieutenant Ellis, with a special force leaded by lieutenant Dalton, trying to get the zero sample from the first generation zombie. The team has a very short time to accomplish their mission and leave the place before missiles are sent to destroy the area. However, the place is crowded of hyper sapiens and the group has to fight to survive.

Jason Voorhees is tracked down and blown to bits by a special FBI task force, reborn with the bone-chilling ability to assume the identity of anyone he touches.