In czarist Russia, a neurotic soldier and his distant cousin formulate a plot to assassinate Napoleon.

A neurotic film critic obsessed with the movie Casablanca (1942) attempts to get over his wife leaving him by dating again with the help of a married couple and his illusory idol, Humphrey Bogart.

A middle-aged couple suspects foul play when their neighbor's wife suddenly drops dead.

Two men, part tramp, part pilgrim, are on their way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. On their way they meet a whole assortment of people—some truculent, some violent, and some bizarre; they experience many adventures—some mysterious, some erotic, some even supernatural.

When 16th-century Ming guard Fong Sau-ching sets out to capture vicious rapist Feng San, both men end up falling into a glacier to be frozen in time. Thawed out by scientists over 300 years later, the confused guard must learn to cope with the modern world and continue in his quest to vanquish his opponent.

Composed of 6 unconventional short stories, each one dealing with the late communist period in Romania, a narrative is told through its urban myths from the perspective of ordinary people. The title refers to the alluded "Golden Age" of the last 15 years of Ceauşescu's regime.

Unikeko (Sleeper, 1973) on Woody Allenin varhaistuotannolle ominainen railakas ja usein höpsö mutta nautittava komedia.Allen esittää neuroottista terveysruokakauppiasta Milesia, joka menee sairaalaan pikku operaation vuoksi ja herääkin vasta vuonna 2173 utopistiselta vaikuttavaan ja nautintoihin keskittyvään totalitaariseen yhteiskuntaan. Miles värvätään väkipakolla vastarintaliikkeeseen, ja hän itse puolestaan kidnappaa mukaan pakomatkalle höpsön runoilijattaren (Diane Keaton).Unikeko kiitää huulesta ja sketsistä toiseen samanlaisella nopeudella kuin Allenin tämän filmin kerronnassa esikuvakseen ottama mykkäelokuvien slapstick-komiikka. Allen irvailee yhtälailla nykyajan ilmiöille kuin tieteiselokuvan kliseille. Samalla Unikeko on mallinäyte Allenin varhaisista vauhtikomedioista, joissa hän ei vielä ollut niin "tosissaan".

When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.

CW Briggs is a veteran insurance investigator, with many successes. Betty Ann Fitzgerald is a new employee in the company he works for, with the task of reorganizing the office. They don't like each other - or at least that's what they think. During a night out with the rest of the office employees, they go to watch Voltan, a magician who secretly hypnotizes both of them.

Antonio Decoud is a conservative family man who is forced by destiny to face an unexpected situation that shakes him to the core, scrambling up his life and his priorities, pushing him to forget his beliefs and his way of understanding life and follow the most basic instinct: the animal instinct.

A nutty inventor, his frustrated wife, a philosopher cousin, his much younger fiancée, a randy doctor, and a free-thinking nurse spend a summer weekend in and around a stunning - and possibly magical - country house.

Charles Van Horn, son of rich and powerful Théo Van Horn, calls upon his former teacher Paul Régis to help him solve the mystery of his recurring bouts of amnesia.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his Jewish companion Paul Ree meet a beautiful young Russian intellectual and draw her into a ménage-à-trois.

The five daughters of a famous actor, all from different mothers and different nationalities, get together on the 10th anniversary of his death for a celebration of his career.

Although released anonymously, as was the custom with all films produced by the Italian Navy, La Nave Bianca is the first feature-length effort directed by Roberto Rossellini; it is also very much the work of its co-writer and supervisor Francesco De Robertis. The film combines a documentary look at the Italian Navy during World War II with newsreel combat footage and a scripted love story performed by non-professional actors.

In comic Woody Allen's film debut, he took the Japanese action film "International Secret Police: Key of Keys" and re-dubbed it, changing the plot to make it revolve around a secret egg salad recipe.

Henry Perkins, a mild-mannered accountant, accidentally trades briefcases with another man, to find out that there's a million dollars inside. Henry tells his unsuspecting wife of their new-found fortune, but she doesn't embrace it as well as he does. Soon they're joined by their best friends, a cop on the take, a cop on the hunt, and the dreaded Mr. Big, who has come to claim his money.

The film tells the story of an imigrant to Argentina who works for the railway company of this land. Being a witness to the history of the land of silver in this century the film is also a shortcut of the changes in Argentina during the last 100 years.

An escaped mental patient steals a station wagon and makes his way to the Bradleys' Thanksgiving celebration, where he plans to make them a little less thankful...

A small New Mexican village discovers a severed hand that is considered a miracle of God, when it actually belongs to a murdered spouse with a husband in search of it.